I also just had a great lunch with my hubby... fish sticks and macaroni. Gotta love it.
And you know something I found extra beautiful today? President Bush's speech. I don't know if you got to see it or not, but I was so proud of him. I am so proud to have had a president that, I believe, was constantly on his knees in prayer for his country. I am so proud of how safe we have become in our country since the tragedy of 9/11, no matter how much advantage we seem to have taken from the safety we have been given. I was so proud of Mr. President in how he spoke the truth behind his motives for his time in office, for the determination he has, and for the obvious background of faith that he has shown by fighting for us in so many ways, and relentlessly at that. He never gave up. Way to go, Mr. President.
I am also excited to welcome yet another person into the oval office. He will have a tough road ahead of him, as did President Bush, so we must be in prayer for him as well.
Please pray for your country and its leaders today as they are transitioning into a new stage, which is always scary, but also thrilling. Pray for their family life too. Transition is always hard on a family, no matter if you're moving up or stepping down.
God bless you, and our protected America.
-Tara K
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