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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

To the Spiritual. To Me.

BTW, it's been a while. I know... :D

Once upon a time, you were considered a Man of God if you told people you were religious. Over time, and through much hypocrisy, people now tell others that they are spiritual instead, because that is what their faith is about. And now, I am starting to see the disgust in non-believers faces when we throw out such religious jargon such as this. I'm sure they don't even enjoy the label, non-believers.

What I want to say to you today is this: We are not to judge anyone. If you must judge, judge yourself only. You can't even judge your own spouse, sibling, cousin, mother, or father. You have no idea what their spiritual life is like.

Let us not become content in what we do. For example, when you finally find the perfect skin care line, after much hard work and a lot of searching, you become content with your beauty secret. And it becomes just that. Your little secret. Another example: The church has searched and searched for music to relate to people, and Contemporary Christian Music has come about. It took a lot of effort to get there. And it is reaching so so so many people. But now what? Do we become content in our search, and make it our little secret? Or do we begin a new search, and a new search, and a new one? Why do we become so sure of ourselves in the way we relate to the public?

I ask you this not to judge our Sunday morning worship sets. I absolutely love worshipping with my fellow believers on Sunday mornings, and I always enjoy it. I am a music fan. You give me just about any song, and as long as it has a good beat, and is not offensive, chances are, I am gonna relax and enjoy it.

If you are a fan of that country music song that talks about how special life is, and how you think your wife is just the sweetest, but you are afraid to let your pastor in on your secret favorite song, please. Come on. Our so-called spiritual life, and our regular, everyday life, are the same. How you treat people that know you're a Christian and those who don't... It's all the same. Jesus did not die on the cross just for us to rejoice only in the fact that He died on the cross. Get me? He died so that we might have life! Life!!! Not just enjoyment in that one event. He wants us to enjoy our spouse, and tell everyone just how much they mean to us. Hey, why not even sing a song about it? He wants us to enjoy our children, our jobs, our friendships. And if we so feel led to rejoice in those things, then rejoice in those things! If you are rejoicing in these things because they are personal accomplishments, then no. If you are rejoicing in these things because God has given them to you to enjoy? Then, by all means, yes! Tell the world about your loving family. Tell the world that Jesus lives. If you make them two separate parts of your life, you're not going to impact many. So many people miss out on church because they despise the hypocrisy in it all, and how none of it relates to real life.

Judge your own spiritual intentions constantly. Stay on the ball. Your ball. Not on anyone else's. How dangerous a place to be, judging others' spiritual lives.

IMPORTANT NOTE: I almost did not write this blog because by doing so, I criticize those criticizing. So what does that make me? So I say these things to you in conviction of my own judgement. May I live what I teach.

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