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Thursday, January 22, 2009

David and Goliath (Thanks, Jim)

I was up early, can you tell?  ;)  Hat, fleece shirt, pony tail, just mascara...  Oh yeah.  Before 9 is a little early for me.  But I had a wonderfully full breakfast.  I got full of food and lots of coffee (and amount of coffee was definitely as a result from the 7:45 wake-up).  And I also got full of spirit, peace, energy, and what I really need, assurance.  God is so cool.

Yesterday, I saw the attached video below, which reminds me of the story of David and Goliath.  Fighting the giants in the name of the Lord no matter your age, your size or your position.  I was really excited and inspired, but to tell you the honest truth, I didn't think that much more about it the rest of the day.

Then that night at choir practice, one of my friends led us in a devotion.  His story didn't start out with David and Goliath, but you bet it ended with it.  ;)  Um... I'm guessing that God was really wanting me to hear that message, don't you think?

So I understand it on an inspirational level, and I am seeing what He wants me to do as a result of hearing, but I still need to learn the depths of what He is trying to say to me (and everyone) through the story.  Sure, we can get it on that sudden-high level, but I want to live it every day!  I want to feel that strength all the time!  Don't you?

Well, the good news is, we will never get to full spiritual and biblical-knowledge maturity.  Never.  Not until the day we finally see His beautiful face in heaven!  So we can keep seeking, keep going deeper into those familiar stories.  We can keep finding unspeakable joy daily.  It's there.  YOU ARE BLESSED!  Rejoice in it today!  Don't take it for granted!  He loves you!

...And so do I;)

Later, Tara K
For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
*When you watch this video, yes.  This little boy is so cute.  But please really listen to what he's saying.  He really is anointed by God!

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