We've discussed "Christianese" or the "Christian Lingo" here on 29:11's blogs before. If you missed out on that blog, my basic definition of Christianese is this: people using lingo either common in the church or the bible, and perhaps sometimes just saying the words rather than truly meaning them or using them in the correct situation and/or time. And I just wanted to bring it up again today because I still find myself getting annoyed by it. Let me start off with my story:
Today I was going through some stuff and found some "Christianese" that felt so out of place to me. I don't want to tell you what it said, etc., but basically someone was using a lot of words they learned from years of being in church, knowing just what to say to either make people feel sorry for them or by choosing just the right words to prove how righteous they are trying to be... And I almost emailed it to my husband just to prove to him how aggravating it was, and to ask him what I should do about it. Another situation I constantly go through is when people use their Christianese just a little louder than necessary just to make sure everyone heard what they said, how righteous they were proving to be.
I gotta tell ya, stuff like that can really eat at me. Above all else, being "fake" always seems so easy to see through, and it's one of those things I'd love to just get a knife, cut around it, and get to the real person so that I can know who they really are. But you know what? I don't need to email that to anyone to ask for their opinion on the subject. I need to ask my God for guidance. His guidance is the advice above all advice. And you know what else? I found a cool little verse today that helped me out. I don't need to get disgusted over it, and I don't need to think another thought on it. Yes, I need to make sure I don't make those choices, but at the same time... well. Just listen to these verses:
"...It is certainly not good to... beat a noble [person] for his honesty. The intelligent person restrains his words, and one who keeps a cool head is a man of understanding. Even a fool is considered wise when he keeps silent, discerning, when he seals his lips." Proverbs 17:26-28
Pretty great, eh? Honesty. But remember, there's a big difference between honesty and unkind words and jealousy. You are considered wise if you just keep silent! Hallelujah! And to answer my dilemma, to be a person of understanding, I just need to keep a cool head. Is that not what God wants so much of us- to just be? To relax and not worry, not get all tied up in silly stuff? So what if other people annoy you or even give you those not-so-nice backhanded comments, even if it happens constantly. Forget it. Be cool. I think it is so stinkin' awesome that the bible says to be cool. Love it. Rock it!
Peace my people!
-Tara K
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