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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Hearts of Christ Children's Ministry, Belize

Over a week ago, I was in Belize.  And on one of the first days there, I was approached by this little boy's face:

 Sweet, tiny little man of probably 5-6 years old, teeth that looked of wood, asked me if I had a sponsor for him.  Being my first trip with HOC, I did not know what to say as I didn't know the protocol for those who did not have sponsors.  My job was to make the snacks and take the pictures.

Children in Belize have to pay to go to school.  In a recent speech, I heard that about 49% of children can actually afford and go to school.  Out of that 49%, about 60% of them graduate.  Children are faced with the responsibility of making the money for their families, therefore school is not an option or not encouraged.  But through sponsorship, the family is loved on by families like yours, and school is an opportunity and encouragement.  Sponsorship covers their school tuition for a year as well as their uniform.  You can send the child Christmas gifts and letters too, if you desire.  Which you will.  More importantly, the gospel is shared, lives are changed and Jesus is a part of their lives.

Hearts of Christ gets sponsorships from everyday people like you and me.  But if they are out of sponsors, then these kids are simply and sadly left unhelped.  I know HOC would love to sponsor every single kid that comes to the Gate.  But if there is no money to give to the schools for the sponsorship, then it is monetarily impossible.

Throughout the next few weeks, I will be sharing stories through photographs about our life-changing trip to Belize.  Even though my bunk looked like this...

...we didn't wanna come back.  We weren't ready for America again.  It will never be the same.

"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you."
Matthew 28:19-20 HCSB

In the meantime, contact me at  if you are interested in sponsoring with Hearts of Christ.  We'll get ya on board.  It's a one-time commitment, or you can make last through the years as the child you sponsor goes through school. / twitter @tarabkirk

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