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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sunday Night Services

Empty Church Pictures, Images and Photos
(Is this really what the seats should look like in a church?  Empty?)

I recently heard the quote that goes a little something like this:

"I don't come to church on Sunday nights because I'm uncomfortable praying out loud.  We should change the service..."

I don't even know who said it, but as a Sunday Night Attendee, I can tell you about 85% of the church must have to feel the same way because we only run about 25-50 on a Sunday night at our personal church.  And it's not just my church.  I've talked to several churches about their Sunday night services.  It seems there is a trend.

So let's problem solve and get to the bottom of this for everyone's best interests.  (And I'm not talking about our comfortableness either.)

Okay.  Well let's start at the beginning.  Our Sunday night service (at the church I particularly attend) is titled, "Prayer and Praise."  And we do just that.  There is no "set" line-up to the night either.  The pastor lets the spirit lead.  He often comes with an agenda, a Word, but we don't always go with it.  Actually, most of the time, we don't.  We usually end up saying out loud the great things God has done for us this past week.  NOBODY CRITICIZES THE CHURCH OR ONE ANOTHER.  NO ONE "SPEAKS THEIR MIND" ABOUT "ISSUES" THEY MAY BE HAVING WITH OTHER PEOPLE OR WITH THE CHURCH.  THIS IS NOT A MEETING OF THE ELITES.  We often have folks that don't even attend our church that come on Sunday nights because they just need prayer and/or want to pray for others, just as God asks of us.  We will also end up praying for something urgent, or something that's been on someone's heart for a long time.  SOME FOLKS DON'T SAY A WORD, SOME FOLKS PRAY ALOUD.  So if you are concerned about feeling out of place, then don't.  If you just wanna sit back, relax in what God is doing, then do that.  I cannot stress enough how no one judges you... especially on a Sunday night.

Listen, on Sunday mornings, church can be a lot of fluff and who's doing what.  I'm just being honest.  It can be that way, not saying that it always is.  But we are all human, and we fall.  I've actually noticed a beautiful thing in our church lately:

We've had to come together and just help.  Our former Worship Leader has moved on to new things the Lord had in store for him, and we are so thankful He is following what God wants of Him.  And this church stepped up.  At first, it may've even seemed like it may just be a rocky road.  That happens when there's change a lot.  But, man.  No one cares who is doing what.  Every one just wants to chip in where they can.  We've had numerous new choir members.  We have people always ready for the next "new change" or new thing... because everyone is just trying to make it work.  It's a beautiful thing.

Now.  Of all people, I should be supporting what some people might consider the "extras," as my hubby is the Worship Technology Director.  And don't get me wrong.  I love a heightened worship experience that enhances what I want to say to God, and to receive what He wants to say to me and do for me!  But I adore Sunday nights.  Sunday nights are my favorite service because we take away all the special lights, videos, people on "stage..."  And we simply rest in God's Presence.  Together.  We share.  We pray for each other.  We love on each other.  We listen.  We learn we're all just alike, but so very different, and we revel in that.  So if you're afraid to attend on Sunday nights, don't be.  It is just what it says:  Praise.  Prayer.  All about Him.

Doesn't He deserve that?  Or are we at home, watching the tv instead?  Or going out to dinner because you deserve a night off after your busy week?  Or spending time with your kids and family that you haven't gotten to be around because life gets tight in time.

Well, I tell you what.  There is nothing better for a marriage, a family, a Believer... than coming together in the Lord and with His people, growing and learning more about who gave you those relationships and blessings in the first place.  We are building one another up in the Lord, preparing each other to be the witnesses and people God has called us to be outside of the church walls.  You're tired?  Come and rest.  You're blessed?  Come and tell of His Excellent Greatness!  You need prayer?

You get the point.

"I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders."  Psalm 9:1

God doesn't want us to just pray for what we personally need.  He also commands that we pray for others.  How are you to do that?  Come together, and pray with and for one another.  I Timothy 2:1-6,

"I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time."

 We are to stand in the gap for one another.

"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."  Matthew 18:20

"Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."

"Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy."

I am telling you this out of encouragement.  How long has it been since you've made the effort?  Do you consider that the enemy wants to distract you away from such a wonderful time of sharing and praise, which ultimately destroys his evil plans to "steal, kill and destroy" you?

Those are some powerful words:  steal.  kill.  destroy.

Do we not believe in prayer?  Then don't let the enemy destroy.  Unite!

All in love, and excited to see ya next week, Tara K  ;)



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