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Friday, June 26, 2009

It All Comes Back

Okay, so my week of VBS is coming to a close.  We've had numerous salvations.  (More than 40 by Wednesday!)  We've learned our ABC's... not the alphabet, but The Accept, Believe, Confess kind of ABC's.  We've hung out with real kangaroos... which was suhweet!  We learned how to (and how not to) play with others.  We made new friendships.  We've learned how to spread God's Good News a little more affectively.

It's a little early in the morning for me (8:50am), so I'm perhaps not comprehending everything just yet.  But I'm sure the power of its entirety will hit me within the next couple of weeks.

As an adult, most of us think that vacation bible school is for the kids.  And yes.  That's who its about and for.  But if we allow ourselves, we can grow just as much as they can in this week.  (And if you're not involved in it at a church, I suggest you go ahead and find a place to get ready for next year!)

These are some phrases we repeated often in bible school through Lifeway's Boomerang Express worship songs:

Yes to the blessing of studying God's Word.
A tiny kids phrase that will bless even the most mature adult.  We say, yes, to be blessed!  How do we do this?  By studying the bible.  Yeah, yeah.  Okay.  You've heard that before; you know that by heart.  But how powerful is that phrase?  And the more we study, the more blessed we will be!

Because He gave His life, because He bled and died, because He rose again, I come.
He did a lot for us that no one would do.  Giving his life, dying, and most importantly, coming back to life... for us!  THAT is why we come.  Not because we love to sing.  Not because we love to dance.  Not because we love to teach.  Not because we wanna join our friends.  Not because that's what Christians do- Go to church. ONLY BECAUSE of what HE did.

No matter where you go, or what you do, the most important thing in life is that you choose to live for Jesus.
It doesn't matter what your position.  It doesn't matter what kind of house you live in.  It doesn't matter where you choose to be.  Nothing matters more than living for Jesus.  Nothing.  That should mean our every day choices, and the words we choose, should be chosen to glorify Jesus.  It's not about fitting in.  It's not about blending.  It's not about just making others happy, or making peace for peace's sake.  It's about the choices Jesus would make, and hopefully, we're striving to make the same decisions.

It all comes back to Jesus, Tara K



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