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Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Real Life=Good Lessons.

Good Lessons+Activating To Real Life=A Difference in People Around You

When life gets hectic, we can either take a close look at the why's, or we can look at them as an obstacle and try to just get over it as fast as possible.

So if real life is giving us obstacles, do we use those obstacles to make you stronger?  If so, we're gonna be making a huge difference, not only in our own life, but especially in those around us.

Just one more way we can love [our] neighbor[s] as ourself.

It, what?  FEELS GOOD.  That's right.  Seems to be the theme lately.

That, and, It all comes back to Jesus.  Boomerang Express, VBS 2009

Love ya much, Tara K

P.S.  Guys.  Will you unite with me in prayer, praying for restoration and an everlasting peace that passes all understanding, for my buddy who is in the hospital today?  Thank you incredibly much!  You know prayer makes a difference!



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