We are all the same, and sometimes claws come out... even if they are puppy-sized.
I mess up. You mess up.
You may see your faults as less or more sinful than mine.
I make the mistake of thinking that one sin is worse than the other sometimes too.
They're not.
-Talking negatively behind someone's back is gossip (no matter how you justify it), and slanders someone's name. SIN.
-Checkin' out other people (other than your ONLY significant other) is adultery with your eyes. SIN.
-Doing what you feel like on the Sabbath, instead of keeping it completely holy, is what? SIN.
-Wanting to be like someone on earth more than you wanna be like Jesus? SIN.
-Wanting what someone else has? SIN.
We all know these things. The list goes on forever, and we'll never be able to keep up.
But that's no reason not to try.
We'll get better at it every day that we do. And slowly, we'll find ourselves rarely in that addictive habitual or familiar sin. It makes it a lot easier when those are out of the way.
And as hard as it is sometimes, don't judge others when they fall. Most of the time, people are trying just like you are to be pure... we all fall in our own certain areas though, right?
And one is not worse than the other.
Loving you, Tara K
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