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Monday, October 6, 2008

Take a Closer Look

Do you carefully choose your words?  How close of a look are you taking at the things you say... especially words about other people?

So many things we say on a daily basis, in comfortable social settings, in your home to your spouse, can really affect things people are saying about us.  Yup.  No joke.  Those arrows, those curses you put on someone else, even if you justify what you're saying is constructive in some way, you are still sending them right back at you.  Let me explain:

Things you choose to say are either a blessing to God, or they fall into the Will of Satan.    To "bless" means to praise or to benefit, or used when greeting or in departing.  When you want a blessing for someone, you want happiness for them, for them to be fortunate.  You are also speaking well of them.  To curse is just the opposite.   When you speak a curse upon someone, it can be as simple as seeing them as insignificant in someway.  You can also go as far as to want misfortune of them.  And check this out:  Galatians 3:10-11 says, For all who rely on the works of the law are under a curse, because it is written:  Cursed is everyone who does not continue doing everything written in the book of the law.  Now it is clear that no one is justified before God by the law, because the righteous will live by faith.

Anytime you say something negative about someone else, guess what?  You are shooting out an arrow, and from there, it is a boomerang effect, which can soon become a domino effect, if others continue to go along with you.  It spreads like a horrible airborne disease.  That arrow will come back to you in the same way of curse that you send it out.  By slandering someone else's actions or name, someone else will be slandering you in return.  You bring it among yourself.  If it is not of a blessing, it is not of God.  In other words, if it is negative, don't say it.  You are falling into the Will of Satan when you do.  God even says in Luke 6:27-28 Love your enemies... in other words, don't say one negative comment... do good to those who hate you... mmm hmmm... bless those who curse you... See?  Blessing is the opposite of cursing!  It's one or the other... pray for those who mistreat you.

Proverbs 26:1-2 says, Like snow in summer and rain at harvest, honor is inappropriate for a fool.  Like a flitting sparrow or a fluttering swallow, an undeserved curse goes nowhere.  You're not fooling anyone.  Maybe at the time of your comment, but our God is a God of justice.

So take a good look at the words you choose when talking about your brothers and sisters in Christ, your family that you will have for eternity in His Kingdom.  My pastor said this Sunday that God puts certain people in your lives to grow you and make you a better human being.  So those people that are annoying your britches off, consider that God put them in your life for a reason.  Now you just have to decide what to do with His Tasks.

To grow or not to grow?  That's not really a tough question.

-Tara K

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