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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Like, I Like, Love Your, Like, Um... Shirt!

pic by Wilderflowerafternoons

"L" is for the way you look at me... "O" is for the only...

Oh, hi! Yeah, just singin a great little ditty;) How many of you out there are lovers of chocolate? Oh yeah. That's what I'm talkin' about. Alright then, how bout Mexican food? How many of you out there love that? How about basketball, or gymnastics, or playing the piano, karaoke? Well I have to say there are a lot of things out there that I love. I also love the sunshine, and even the rain on a cozy Sunday afternoon. A lot of people love tv, bike riding, dancing, painting, cooking... Whatever it is that you love, I'm pretty sure that it's not the same kind of love that we have for our significant others, or our best friends, or our children, and even our pets. We use the word, "love" in a broad way. (Yes, even IN broadway...) We use this one little word for so many different things.

We are also in a society in which so many of us don't expand our vocabulary... ever. One of the most common words I ever hear used is, "like." As annoying as it may be, I even find myself using it. And you know exactly what I mean. The word has become an "um;" a basic distraction from our incompetence to think for ourselves. God set intelligent heads on our shoulders, and we only use about 10% of them most of the time (if I recall correctly, from a recent study). That's crazy! Now, I'm not saying that we give up who you are. We all have our own forms of communication that make us who we are. But how many times a day do we stumble over our words and try to make up for it by being cute, or changing the subject?

Today's message from me is not a spiritual one... obviously. And if you are a regular reader of 29:11's blog, you are very well aware that I have no room to speak. Today's challenge is just that, a challenge for the both of us. A challenge that I think God would very much appreciate if your efforts were to thank him by using what the Good Lord gave ya! Let's take today just to be aware of ways we can improve our communication with others, which is a big part of our ministry. People watch our actions, first and foremost, but they also want to hear what we have to say. And if what we have to say sounds idiotic, chaotic, or just plain right silly, I'm not so sure of what kind of an impact we're actually having. And remember, we don't have to make a huge leap to perfectionism in order to be who God has intended us to be. It's in those little steps we take each day that make the biggest change in our lives, making us more of a hero everyday for Him!

I couldn't choose just one verse for you today, and since they're so short... why not? Enjoy!

Do you see people who speak too quickly? There is more hope for a foolish person than for them.
Proverbs 29:20

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, oh LORD, my Rock
and my Redeemer.
Psalm 19:14

-Tara K

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