(This is me in 2004, playing a silly character in Frightmares at Old Tucson Studios. One of my favorite shows. We did a parody of new pop songs, and turn them into silly songs about ghouls and spiders. My husband played the hip-hop dancer, Michael Jackson-singing, Funkenstein. Get it? I played Demonica (yup), who was a "red hott mama" who sang Pink's "Most Girls" but in an altered version called, "Most Ghouls." Oh and I also sang, "What a Ghoul Wants." Yeah. Christina. Anyway, it was a long time ago. I can't say that, in this point of my ministry, that I would go back to doing shows like that, but I had more fun in that show than any other show to date. Mainly because we would pass around this dead bloody arm. Kind of like, pass the penny? But with a much larger, bloody arm... Yeah.)
How do you feel about Halloween? When you're little (at least, when I was little), Halloween was a time I got to dress up (even more so than usual) as a fun character. I loved dressing up as Gem. Remember her? She was the rock star of a girl band with the hot pink hair. Anyhoo, I just loved playing dress-up, and the candy wasn't so bad either. Plus, back then, you never had to wonder whether or not someone was gonna put a needle in your candy or a razor, or whatever it is that happens sometimes. And now, on top of all that, we start to learn that Halloween is a day of celebration for supposedly honoring our ancestors as well as the day of the dead.
Now here is your (and my) predicament. Why all of a sudden not have fun on a day that you never celebrated the dead in the first place; why should we suddenly have to turn around and look at it how someone else does? Some people are saying that we shouldn't celebrate the day at all because we are acknowledging the day. Some people say that it doesn't matter if you don't look at it that way. I mean, look at the folks who take the Easter weekend off from work for a vaca with their family, and none of them believe in the resurrection of Jesus. So here I am in a predicament. One of my favorite all time movies are, "The Nightmare Before Christmas" and "Harry Potter." Now for me, this has nothing to do with the celebration of, or satanic, rituals. I absolutely love the work of composer, Danny Elfman, as well as the good vs. evil in "Harry Potter."
So for now, I do not have an answer for you. I cannot find in the bible where it says whether or not to have fun on this day or not. But I do know that we should live each day to it's fullest, as if it was our last. I also know that Jesus will come back for us like a thief in the night. So don't be conjuring up demons or calling on the dead on Halloween night, or any night for that matter. But by writing this blog, I am acknowledging the day of Halloween, and so is everyone else who has a problem with their kids having candy on this particular night, by bringing it up. So either way, we're still acknowledging it in some way or another...
Don't criticize one another, brothers. He who criticizes a brother or judges his brother criticizes the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. There is one lawgiver and judge who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor? James 4:11
I'm not gonna sit here and lie to you, and tell you that I haven't realized what today is. I'm not gonna tell you that I haven't been having conversations with people whether or not to celebrate the day. Truth is, I'm not gonna celebrate the day as the "world" would. I'm not gonna celebrate ghosts on earth because for one, they're not real. I do know that the experiences that people have, it's demonic. It's not a ghost telling you that they want you to do this or that for them. That is all a distraction from the enemy. Just like God has angels here on this earth, satan has his demons. That's who speaks to people when they think they are hearing from the dead. So why don't we do just that today? Why don't we have fun on this day, in an innocent form, and share with those around us about the deception of the evil spirits in this world? Sounds like a perfect ice-breaking opportunity to me.
So as far as Halloween goes, I have no right or wrong answer for you today, folks. You let it be your choice whether or not you let you and your kids have a fun night at home dressing up and playing. As long as you're not doing things that the bible asks you not to do, then it's no problem. I just ask that you be led by the Spirit. The Holy Ghost. (How's that for a Halloween ending?)
In sugary candy apple love (and by the way, I've SO gotta get one of those today!),
Tara K
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