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Friday, October 3, 2008

Playin' It Cool

Welp.  I gotta say that now, I've just gotta play it cool.  Play it like everything is ok.  Remember me telling you how my computer crashed and there might not be a way to retrieve anything from it?  Well, it is now a fact, in fact;)  Yup.  It is no more.  Yay!

But seriously, like I told you earlier, maybe it's a chance for new beginnings.  New beginnings on my work (which all of my work was on there... e v e r y t h i n g...), new beginnings on family photos (and fortunately I still have printed copies of weddings pics so we're all good), and new beginnings on what I choose to spend my time on while I'm "browsing" and not working.  I like to look at clothes on the internet.  I love fashion. And from time to time, I feel like I need a new outfit, so I go and browse.  But now, with a new hard drive, maybe I can still, better yet, make better choices on my wonderful mac.  Perhaps choosing to read something that might help someone else out, besides myself. This is a chance for new creative beginnings, when it comes to my work.  This is a chance for new memories, when it comes to new pictures.

When I think about Job... Wow.  I should not even mention that I was a little sad thinking about my computer when I compare my losses to Job's.  Remember this verse?:  Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither:  the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taketh away; blessed be the name of the Lord.  Job 1:21  We are blessed in everything we are given.  I deserve to have everything taken from me, and yet He still blesses me far far far beyond what I deserve.

Choose to obey, even when you can't comprehend why the sucky things happen;)  God will not give us anything we can't handle!  We are made strong in Him, especially in our weaknesses.  This makes me look forward to what He will do next for and with me!  Because on my own, I'm not as strong as I am WITH His divine timing, guidance and aid.

Praise God, our Father, Protector, Healer and Friend!

-Tara K

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