It's snowing!!! Well, it was... for a little while... But nevertheless, there was snow falling!
My dear dear friend, my 'seester,' what we call each other, is so precious. She loves the snow with all her little precious heart. When her husband (although he wasn't at the time...) proposed to her, he waited until snow was actually falling before he asked! So romantic, right? So, of course, every time it snows, I call her. By the time we're 95, she's gonna get pretty sick of it, I'm sure;) But for now, they're newlyweds, so it's just so exciting for them both. Such a beautiful union, isn't it? So powerful and sacred and fun and adventurous and unpredictable... Well, we could all go on and on about the life and times of the married.
"...a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two will become one flesh... What God has joined together, man must not separate... whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery." Matthew 19:5-9
I want to put an emphasis on the last line. He is saying that even if we go through all the mumbo jumbo and massive divorce papers, and even if you marry someone again, you will still be committing adultery with that person, and that person will also have committed adultery. You know why? Because of what he says in verse 6. Man cannot separate promise. Once you have promised something, you are giving an oath. God sees a promise as a very serious thing. You are bound to your word. You cannot get out of it.
So how come we tell God so often about how we are gonna change, how we promise that we will never do it again (whatever your "it" may be)? You see it in a child's face how they are let down when you tell 'em you're gonna do something and ya just don't because you're too busy, tired, etc. Can you imagine what God feels like ALL DAY LONG? His existence is full of people making Him promises that they don't keep, and sometimes really don't even intend to. That right there makes me wanna be better for Him. Don't assume anyone else is doing it for you. We all know what that makes you...
Later on in the passage someone asks Jesus what He means when He says, "if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments." (vs. 17) And you know what Jesus tells him? Yeah, you know. The 2nd one He lists "do not commit adultery." So many people see this as a sacrifice that you have to give up, being committed to one person only. But God is saying that if you do this, you will experience what real life is, what He created it to be like. There are far too many distractions away from experiencing real true life. But God shows you how simple it is. And in your passionate love life, the secret is being true to your spouse? That's it? You know why? Because if we're true to just them, we begin to see them the way God sees them. You begin to see the attractiveness God gave to them.
Check out this hot little scripture: "W: Oh, that he would kiss me with the kisses of his mouth! For your love is more delightful than wine. The fragrance of your perfume is intoxicating; your name is perfume poured out... Take me with you- let us hurry. Oh that the king would bring me to his chambers." She's ready for him, isn't she? "M: You are absolutely beautiful, my darling, with no imperfection in you... You have captured my heart with one glance of your eyes... your lips drip [sweetness like] honeycomb, my bride..." Song of Songs Chapter 1 & 4
Who needs a romance novel when you have a Holy Bible! ;0 But seriously. This is a selection from your Holy Bible. God did intend for you to adore each other physically, conversationally, spiritually even. It is how he designed us. Some of you may show your spouse crazy love all the time, but maybe not enough respect. Some of you may always lend a listening ear, but perhaps not enough lovin'. But I think just one of the reasons a lot of marriages fail, is because we don't have enough balance. We get distracted by other things, so we can't give our all into our relationship, which causes us to fall away from each other, and sometimes into another's arms. That's way too dangerous. We should wanna get to know each other like the bride and groom of this passage. When you really sit down to love on and learn about your spouse, it's amazing the kind of passion you find for one another. And it still will grow every day!
Have fun tonight, my married friends!
-Tara K
Thank you for showing me a sexy part of the Bible.
Okay, so I didn't know you had a blog! I'm dying to read through it ALL but have to go to bed and figure out some Hebrews to keep my priorities straight. Tomorrow...
Loved seeing you today!
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