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Friday, October 31, 2008

How Do You See Halloween?

demonica frightmares 2004
(This is me in 2004, playing a silly character in Frightmares at Old Tucson Studios.  One of my favorite shows.  We did a parody of new pop songs, and turn them into silly songs about ghouls and spiders.  My husband played the hip-hop dancer, Michael Jackson-singing, Funkenstein.  Get it?  I played Demonica (yup), who was a "red hott mama" who sang Pink's "Most Girls" but in an altered version called, "Most Ghouls."  Oh and I also sang, "What a Ghoul Wants."  Yeah.  Christina.  Anyway, it was a long time ago.  I can't say that, in this point of my ministry, that I would go back to doing shows like that, but I had more fun in that show than any other show to date.  Mainly because we would pass around this dead bloody arm.  Kind of like, pass the penny?  But with a much larger, bloody arm...  Yeah.)

How do you feel about Halloween?  When you're little (at least, when I was little), Halloween was a time I got to dress up (even more so than usual) as a fun character.  I loved dressing up as Gem.  Remember her?  She was the rock star of a girl band with the hot pink hair.  Anyhoo, I just loved playing dress-up, and the candy wasn't so bad either.  Plus, back then, you never had to wonder whether or not someone was gonna put a needle in your candy or a razor, or whatever it is that happens sometimes.  And now, on top of all that, we start to learn that Halloween is a day of celebration for supposedly honoring our ancestors as well as the day of the dead.

Now here is your (and my) predicament.  Why all of a sudden not have fun on a day that you never celebrated the dead in the first place;  why should we suddenly have to turn around and look at it how someone else does?  Some people are saying that we shouldn't celebrate the day at all because we are acknowledging the day.  Some people say that it doesn't matter if you don't look at it that way.  I mean, look at the folks who take the Easter weekend off from work for a vaca with their family, and none of them believe in the resurrection of Jesus.  So here I am in a predicament.  One of my favorite all time movies are, "The Nightmare Before Christmas" and "Harry Potter."  Now for me, this has nothing to do with the celebration of, or satanic, rituals.  I absolutely love the work of composer, Danny Elfman, as well as the good vs. evil in "Harry Potter."

So for now, I do not have an answer for you.  I cannot find in the bible where it says whether or not to have fun on this day or not.  But I do know that we should live each day to it's fullest, as if it was our last.  I also know that Jesus will come back for us like a thief in the night.  So don't be conjuring up demons or calling on the dead on Halloween night, or any night for that matter.  But by writing this blog, I am acknowledging the day of Halloween, and so is everyone else who has a problem with their kids having candy on this particular night, by bringing it up.  So either way, we're still acknowledging it in some way or another...

Don't criticize one another, brothers.  He who criticizes a brother or judges his brother criticizes the law and judges the law.  But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge.  There is one lawgiver and judge who is able to save and to destroy.  But who are you to judge your neighbor?  James 4:11

I'm not gonna sit here and lie to you, and tell you that I haven't realized what today is.  I'm not gonna tell you that I haven't been having conversations with people whether or not to celebrate the day.  Truth is, I'm not gonna celebrate the day as the "world" would.  I'm not gonna celebrate ghosts on earth because for one, they're not real.  I do know that the experiences that people have, it's demonic.  It's not a ghost telling you that they want you to do this or that for them.  That is all a distraction from the enemy.  Just like God has angels here on this earth, satan has his demons.  That's who speaks to people when they think they are hearing from the dead.  So why don't we do just that today?  Why don't we have fun on this day, in an innocent form, and share with those around us about the deception of the evil spirits in this world?  Sounds like a perfect ice-breaking opportunity to me.

So as far as Halloween goes, I have no right or wrong answer for you today, folks.  You let it be your choice whether or not you let you and your kids have a fun night at home dressing up and playing.  As long as you're not doing things that the bible asks you not to do, then it's no problem.  I just ask that you be led by the Spirit.  The Holy Ghost.  (How's that for a Halloween ending?)

In sugary candy apple love (and by the way, I've SO gotta get one of those today!),
Tara K

Thursday, October 30, 2008

What's Your Language of Love?

Hey guys and gals!  Have you ever read or heard of the book, The Five Love Languages?  It is such a great tool for your relationships with other people: your spouse, your best friend, your mom, your brother, even your co-workers!  I read it while I was working at a Christian Theatre company in Pennsylvania, and a few others in the cast had already read it.  This book became a big topic for us because we were already so close... and by close, I mean, we were up in each other's sweaty, stinky, theatre-makeup'ed faces since our dressing room stations were so close and we'd all been dancing all day, so you know we smelled so good... Yum.  Mmm hmmm.  Anyhoo... We started paying much closer attention to each other, learning about the other's love languages (in other words, what we appreciate most whether it be physical touch, giving gifts, words of affirmation, acts of service or quality time).  We found ourselves getting even closer than before, but in a much less stinky sense;)  I found that the one girl in my cast, the girl that I was sure we wouldn't get along the most out of everyone, ended up being a dear kindred spirit.  We talk all the time, still, and it just goes to show you- what you see in a person whether it be their style, the way they talk, their age, your outward impression of them- you never really know what special people God places in your life until you spend your time getting to know them, speaking their language, if I may.  You know what else I've found?  Those people who I think that, nope.  Not them.  Too bad.  We just don't have anything in common.  Huh-uh.  Those end up being the ones I love the most, once I see their heart.

That's one thing I pray that people see of me- my heart.  And not anything else.  Because wen you look at me, you think, yeah.  She's' a scatter-brained, classic starving artist.  And hey, I'm here to tell ya- I am.  I'm artist to the core.  I'm Wind  (from the book, The Four Secrets of Success.)  I am so crazy easy going, which makes me a bit scattered.  I have great ideas, but it's sometimes hard to finish them because I find so many other things to do... getting TOO many ideas at once...  Yeah...  So what was I saying?... Just kidding;)

But really.  That is my prayer for us today- that we see each other's hearts, and not look at all on the outside.  And I don't mean just appearances, but the way they talk, what they talk about, why they chose that broke-up outfit in the first place...  I pray that we look to serve others and find out what they need.  Perhaps it's a card to say you care.  Or maybe spending time with them, just listening.  How about telling them how much you appreciate what they do for you and others?  Try washing someone's car for 'em (since it is so stinkin' frigid out...)  Some people just need a big squeeze-  that's my love language.  I actually collect hugs... It's true.

God bless you guys, and let 29:11 know what we can do for you today.  ( And if it's a hug you need, maybe I can find a picture of one, via the internet... cause really.  Some of you don't even live in this state...

At one time the whole earth had the same language... Genesis 11:1  Let's try to get back to that concept.

-Tara K

The Five Love Languages is a Northfield Publishing book, written by Gary Chapman

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Whoa.  Have you guys ever been in a situation that was very important to your integrity and your well-being, and you're actually nervous about the outcome even though you haven't done anything wrong?  But then you find yourself not even caring what happens because you just want it to be over with, no matter what the outcome because you know that no matter what, God will take care of you?  Such a weird place to be, right?  I wanna scream, I wanna cry, I wanna laugh, I wanna dance all over my house, I wanna get a bath because I'm kinda smelly...  So many emotions all at once.  You know why you're so conflicted in these times?  It's because there's always someone involved whom you trust or trust-ed.  Isn't that how all problems seem to start?  Trusting others?  If we all threw caution to the wind constantly and trusted everyone, well for one, we'd be unsafe.  But the truly sad thing about it is, if you do trust everyone, you're gonna be let down.  Doesn't it suck?  That's how the world goes 'round.

On one hand, " God I trust; I will not fear.  What can man do to me?" Psalm 56:4  On the other hand, "The wounds of a friend are trustworthy, but the kisses of an enemy are excessive."  Proverbs 27:6

So it's one thing to guard yourselves of people who just simply don't like you, or even those you are convinced are just your frenemy... but the heart of this is to trust in God that no matter what people do to you, He wants your trust.  So give it to Him.  If you trust Him, and I mean really trust Him, you will have no fear.

Remember those old t-shirts we used to wear in 7th grade, the No Fear shirts?  Let's get back into that concept.

Tyra Banks always says, give me fierce!  I can't believe I'm saying this, Tyra's right.  Be fierce.  At least in your trust in God.

-Tara K

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Snowflakes & a Slice of Song of Songs

This blog rated: Married Only ;)

It's snowing!!!  Well, it was...  for a little while... But nevertheless, there was snow falling!

My dear dear friend, my 'seester,' what we call each other, is so precious.  She loves the snow with all her little precious heart.  When her husband (although he wasn't at the time...) proposed to her, he waited until snow was actually falling before he asked!  So romantic, right?  So, of course, every time it snows, I call her.  By the time we're 95, she's gonna get pretty sick of it, I'm sure;)  But for now, they're newlyweds, so it's just so exciting for them both.  Such a beautiful union, isn't it?  So powerful and sacred and fun and adventurous and unpredictable... Well, we could all go on and on about the life and times of the married.

"...a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two will become one flesh... What God has joined together, man must not separate... whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery."  Matthew 19:5-9

I want to put an emphasis on the last line.  He is saying that even if we go through all the mumbo jumbo and massive divorce papers, and even if you marry someone again, you will still be committing adultery with that person, and that person will also have committed adultery.  You know why?  Because of what he says in verse 6.  Man cannot separate promise.  Once you have promised something, you are giving an oath.  God sees a promise as a very serious thing.  You are bound to your word.  You cannot get out of it.

So how come we tell God so often about how we are gonna change, how we promise that we will never do it again (whatever your "it" may be)?  You see it in a child's face how they are let down when you tell 'em you're gonna do something and ya just don't because you're too busy, tired, etc.  Can you imagine what God feels like ALL DAY LONG?  His existence is full of people making Him promises that they don't keep, and sometimes really don't even intend to.  That right there makes me wanna be better for Him.  Don't assume anyone else is doing it for you.  We all know what that makes you...

Later on in the passage someone asks Jesus what He means when He says, "if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments." (vs. 17)  And you know what Jesus tells him?  Yeah, you know.  The 2nd one He lists "do not commit adultery."  So many people see this as a sacrifice that you have to give up, being committed to one person only.  But God is saying that if you do this, you will experience what real life is, what He created it to be like.  There are far too many distractions away from experiencing real true life.  But God shows you how simple it is.  And in your passionate love life, the secret is being true to your spouse?  That's it?  You know why?  Because if we're true to just them, we begin to see them the way God sees them.  You begin to see the attractiveness God gave to them.

Check out this hot little scripture:  "W: Oh, that he would kiss me with the kisses of his mouth!  For your love is more delightful than wine.  The fragrance of your perfume is intoxicating; your name is perfume poured out... Take me with you- let us hurry.  Oh that the king would bring me to his chambers."  She's ready for him, isn't she?  "M: You are absolutely beautiful, my darling, with no imperfection in you... You have captured my heart with one glance of your eyes... your lips drip [sweetness like] honeycomb, my bride..."  Song of Songs Chapter 1 & 4

Who needs a romance novel when you have a Holy Bible!  ;0  But seriously.  This is a selection from your Holy Bible.  God did intend for you to adore each other physically, conversationally, spiritually even.  It is how he designed us.  Some of you may show your spouse crazy love all the time, but maybe not enough respect.  Some of you may always lend a listening ear, but perhaps not enough lovin'.  But I think just one of the reasons a lot of marriages fail, is because we don't have enough balance.  We get distracted by other things, so we can't give our all into our relationship, which causes us to fall away from each other, and sometimes into another's arms.  That's way too dangerous.  We should wanna get to know each other like the bride and groom of this passage.  When you really sit down to love on and learn about your spouse, it's amazing the kind of passion you find for one another.  And it still will grow every day!

Have fun tonight, my married friends!
-Tara K

Monday, October 27, 2008

God is so Good, Diverse, Unique

Have you ever heard the song, "God is so Good?"  Well, one night on an airplane, I wrote verses to the song that is basically just a chorus over and over. It's about creation and how it all seems so impossible: the earth, the people, life on and in the earth... it's just so amazing.  And to think that there are people who believe that it all came together by some random big bang.  Well, sure it was a big bang!  But it wasn't random.  God planned it all out.  He planned it all out as He is the Alpha and Omega, beginning and end.  When you begin to think on these things that seem so impossible, you have nothing, nada, zippo, besides faith.  Am I right?  We trust that the chair we are sitting in is gonna hold us up.  We trust that the food that has been presented to us at a restaurant will not indeed give us a tummy ache.  We trust that our friends are trustworthy.  We trust in such little things when compared to the universe.  But somehow people find themselves saying, really?  Are we sure?  Nah.  No way could everything around us be under one man, one thing, one God.  No way!  There is too much too handle, too much to be in control of.  It would be chaotic if someone could do this all on their own.  But you know what?  There is!  He does!  He always will!  And if that one person/God can keep this intricate planet into place, I'm pretty sure He's got your life in order.  His intentions for you are so beautiful.  He is so extravagant.  One example is just the changing seasons.  How perfect does it look outside right now with all the fall glory around us?  And to think:  This season is a preparation for the winter, a cold "dead" time.  But that winter is to prepare for the refreshing renewing spring and the warmth of summer.  Everything takes time, everything has a purpose, and everything is beautiful in a unique way.  Don't try to fit a mold.  You weren't meant to!  Just look at all the diversity he put around you in just creation alone!

God is so good
God is so good
God is so good
He's so good to me

-Tara K

P.S. We have a semi-audio/video sample of Victory in Jesus.  Go to youtube, myspace or facebook to view it!  Key Words:  Victory in Jesus (Worship with 29:11)

Friday, October 24, 2008

My Friend, The Oogie Boogie Man

So here I am enjoyin' some darn good coffee with my peeps, The Oogie Boogie Man, Jack the Pumpkin King, Sally and Zero, and even though it's cloudy outside, it sure is beautiful in here.  My poor husband is sickers, I'm trying to take as much immunity building supplies that my body demands, I have some people down my neck trying to get stuff outta me that I don't deserve, I'm confused about some choices I need to be making soon, my neck is killin' me, and I feel like much of what I did this week was a waste because it really seems like I got nothing done, but you know what?  I am so happy!  God is so good!  I am so joyful and at peace, all at the same time for one and only reason, and that is because I have Jesus!  Wahoo!  I have to say, kids, rock wit Jesus, and you may just stay partyin' all night long!

Why can I be so excited?  Because I know God is Lord over all.  He is in control.  Maybe I didn't get enough done this week because it just wasn't the right time for it all to happen.  Maybe the reason why I have people literally lying about me right now is because God is gonna show his love and mercy and power through this situation;  so that He will get great glory!  I know He has His reasons!

HOLD UP!  Right now, as I was typing you this, I got a MORE than encouraging phone call from my husband.  God is doing a mighty undeserving work in our lives right now as we speak... type... Whatever.  Anyhoo.  Let me testify to you right now that our God is good, is faithful;  He gives to us which we could never ever ever deserve!

A Word:

I say then, walk by the Spirit and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.  For the flesh desires what is against the Spirit, and the Spirit desires what is against the flesh;  these are opposed to each other," (Opposed?!  Yes that means, complete opposite!  Complete!  That should make our paths clear, shouldn't it?) that you don't do what you want.  But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.  Now the works of the flesh are obvious:  sexual immorality, moral impurity, promiscuity, idolatry (wanting to be like others that aren't like Jesus), sorcery, hatreds, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambitions (so let your ambitions be of God's), dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, carousing, and anything similar, about which I tell you in advance-as I told you before-that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.  Galations 5:16-21

Now that we know what not to do, let's look at all the things that make us attractive, beautiful, engaging and righteous:

"But the fruit of the Spirit (and fruit takes a long time to grow, doesn't it?  It's not overnight.  It takes time.) is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, self-control... We must not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another."  Galations 5:22-26

Gossip (along with lust) is one of the most accepted sins nowadays with all the so-called "girl talk," and internets and ads... Don't get me started.  Anyhoo, the worst is when the church folks do it.  You know what I'm talkin' about.  When you find someone who you think, "yeah, maybe we could be friends," ends up giving you a back-handed compliment in a way that no one else notices except for you, while they are trying to make everyone seem they are holier than thou?  Oh, yeah.  You know exactly what I mean.  That happened to me about 3 times just last night!  But don't get discouraged or dislike them right back.  Pray for them.  Pray for them not out of spite, but out of the love that Jesus has for them to get passed their envy of you, or whatever motive that have behind their comments.  Girls can really hurt ya, can't they?  But guys can do it too, so just be on your knees for them all in prayer.  There is no law against these things!

Love you so much.  Be encouraged to follow the Lord today, to persevere in your temptations!  Those temptations leave you only wanting more than before anyway, right?

-Tara K

Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Red Velvet Cake Life

Hey peeps!  Speaking of, don't you hate those little marshmallow peeps at Easter?  Yuck.


I have to tell you about my night... last night...  Actually, let's start off with yesterday.  I wrote a blog yesterday saying how my heart really wants a change within, as well as a change in the community, the church.  Or perhaps just a greater awareness of ourselves, if you may.  Most of us have the right intentions, but we don't take a close enough look.  Just read the last blog...

So then I get to choir rehearsal last night, which was absolutely awesome.  Plus, I joined the Alto Section.  Holla!  So nice to switch back over.  Of course I was called a "traitor" by some... ;0  But anyway, God just really provides of what you ask when you truly believe that He will.  He showed me so much during our worship set last night that I was overwhelmed with the awareness of what needs to be done in our community, the church, and my own heart.  He is so good, and He hit me so hard with goodness and excitement!  It was such a beautiful, peaceful and somehow an informative insight to what God wants to do if we just allow Him too.

After rehearsal, 4 other ladies and myself had a heartfelt sharing and prayer time.  Thank you, God, for ordained communication, especially with those of the same sex.  I love my ladies!

Then later on that night, my husband and I had a great conversation with a friend of ours that God was in the midst of.  I love it when He does that, don't you?  When you just allow yourself to sit back and really listen, not to just have something to agree about, but to do all you can do help the other; when you let yourself just listen, it's amazing what God will show you.  He will show you ways to help that person, even if it's just a listening ear, or to be a part of their lives.  And He also tends to show us things about ourselves that we had been asking Him to show us, and by loving others, He will love us right back.

It sounds so easy, doesn't it?  Then why do we always have to make it so difficult?  Why do we always drag the crap in and smell up everything?  Why can't we all just smell like cake?! ;)

Be full of cake today.  Fill 'er up!  May your spiritual body be full of an enormous amount of velvet cake, and your physical body shake with what the Good Lord gave ya because of all the excitement (and sugar) inside!

I have a scripture for you today full of caressing love!  If then there is any encouragement in Christ, if any consolation of love, if ay fellowship with the Spirit, if any affection and mercy, fulfill my joy thinking the same way, having the same love, sharing the same feelings, focusing on one goal.  Do nothing out of rivalry or conceit, but in humility consider others as more important than yourselves.  Everyone should look out not [only] for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.  Philippians 2:1-4

Let us know how we can pray for you at  Love you guys, Tara K

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I am in a place right now where I am heavily concentrated on pleasing God.  Sure, I've always tried to do that, but I'm really examining all of my choices that I carelessly make everyday;  I want to know that every fiber of my being is glorifying God.  He deserves nothing less.  We are way too spoiled, especially those of us that are able to blog and be on the internet.  This is definitely not a need, but somehow we find that it is, in a way.  Everyday we check our email, speaking to people that we otherwise might not, we are able to check the news, see the entire world, see our house from a satellite in space, even!  But we really don't need things like the internet.  We would get by without, I'm pretty sure we all used to, didn't we? ;)

So I have a word for all of us overly undeserved, blessed people.

Let brotherly love continue.  (Even those you don't like.)  Don't neglect to show hospitality (even when you think you have nothing to give), for by doing this some have welcomed angels as guests without knowing it.  (Hey, who doesn't want an angel chillin' in your house?!)  Remember the prisoners (never thought to think about them, did we?), as though you were in prison with them, and the mistreated, as though you yourselves were suffering bodily.  Marriage must be respected by all (ALL is the key word here.  Even those who aren't married still need to respect the relationships of those who are.), and the marriage bed kept undefiled, because God will judge immoral people and adulterers.  Your life should be free from the love of money.  (He doesn't even want you to worry about it!  He will provide!)  Be satisfied with what you have (and not just for what you might get later...), for He Himself has said, I will never leave you or forsake you.  Therefore, we may boldly say:  The Lord is my helper;  I will not be afraid.  What can man do to me?...

...Remember your leaders who have spoken God's word to you.  As you carefully observe the outcome of their lives, imitate their faith.  -Hebrews 13:1-7  (Whoa.  Hear that?  Those of you who have been born again, who have salvation, you are to be imitated!  You are the example!  Yikes!  Are we living like Jesus?  I fail everyday, and that is expected because only Jesus was perfect.  But that is not an excuse for not carefully taking look at our catch phrases, our actions, our internet pictures, our choice in music, our clothes (or lack thereof;), our twisted "other intentions" friendships, our food (which grows this temple that is supposed to glorify Him!), our relationships (and I mean, real relationships.  Not the "hi, how are you, oh, yeah, that's too bad, can I just get some more gossip, but really, I don't care, I just wanna go watch this trashy show...), etc.  Yeah, I said it.  It's time to live boldly for God!  Don't blend in.  But don't stick out in a way that doesn't honor either!  It's tough, kids!  I know.  Believe me.  You forget I worked in musical theater my entire career!  ;)  But anyway, back to imitations:

My preacher said to me Saturday that he tells his grandchildren that anything he does, they are allowed to do also.  They can imitate his actions.  You know why?  Because he strives to live like Jesus.  He is an example of righteousness.  That really makes me want to examine my details!

I pray this encourages and most importantly, challenges you today to not be a people-pleaser, but a Jesus-Pleaser!

I say this 'cause I love you, Tara K

Monday, October 20, 2008

Keep On Truckin!

I am so pooped!  Are you?  And yet, I still find myself awake way too late into the night, not even attempting sleep.  Why do we do these things?  It's always somethin', isn't it?

Well, just thought I'd give ya a little update on Aaron Daniel and me for a sec.  My hubby and I went to the studio to have a listen, check on progress, etc.  Everything is rockin' and on its way.   Then Aaron Daniel came over and we recorded one final song, an acoustic of "Quiet Time."  Then we spent some time designing lights for a video shoot and concerts.  Hard work, but fun work.  It's like theater lighting rehearsals.  Tedious.  Necessary.  Brain-warping;)  And I have to tell you-  I used to be a serious perfectionist, but I guess it was in 2004, I read this book (that I totally recommend) called "The Heart of the Artist."  My worship leader recommended we read it, especially if we were joining Praise Team/Choir, etc.  This book really showed me the downsides to my perfectionism, and ever since then, I've tried to stay away from this particular part of myself.  I still try to be the healthy hard-worker, but if I don't get it perfect, that's okay with me now.  Of course, I may not always be satisfied with my work, but that just means I'll try harder and figure it out next time.  And you know what?  Now I find myself finding beauty in everything!  Because I'm able to relax and step out of the picture, looking at things openly, I see so many more possibilities than I did before.  I see a much better world, whether it be in a song, in nature, in a person;  I love what God is doing in my life!  Every day I always see how much more I have to learn, but He keeps on giving me days to learn just those things and to pass on what I know to others, as so many do for me everyday.  I'm thinking the word, "circle."

No matter how much you have to learn, just remember that you're teaching others while you do... even those whom you may be learning from yourself!  You never know who's paying closer attention than you'd think.  You'd be surprised.

Have a good night, and keep on truckin'!  We've got a fun journey ahead with 29:11, and we know you have a fun journey ahead too!  Let us know how we can pray for you.

Shalom, Tara K

Friday, October 17, 2008

You Matter

You are an influence.  No matter how you look at it, no matter how far away from them you think you are, you are an influence. Especially to your family, as they are to you.  Aren't they so special to you?  Don't they mean so much to you?  Then why not give them your best?  Why not give them more than you yourself deserve?

Do you live in a world of "me?"  Do you think about yourself all day long?  In my line of work, it's all about writing out my feelings, my thoughts, my time, my ideas (which truly come from God, but it is still what comes out on my paper.)  Get it?  So I like to try to take some time every day to do something for my husband and doggie like his laundry or rubbin' her cute little belly for a little while.  You see what I mean, but it's never enough to just stop there.  Seems like everything I do for them, I still need to do more.  Same goes for everyone else I know.  You find yourself giving and giving, and it's still never enough.  You want to just keep on giving.  Sure it can be exhausting if you rarely get nothing in return, but God will truly bless you in those moments because you're living like Jesus.  Even if you find yourself weary and not wanting to give, just do it anyway.  Wouldn't you want someone to treat you really well?  Aren't there so many times when you need someone to do something nice for you, to show you that you matter?

Be that person for someone everyday, even if you don't know them.  Maybe a waitress or the sales clerk, or the telemarketer.  They all need someone to show them they matter, just like you do.

-Tara K

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Not So Sweet Dreams

Yay!  We got another day today!  And the coffee is good!

How was last night?  Did you sleep well?  How about your dreams?  Were they filled with cotton candy and rainbows?  Did you even have any at all, that you remember?  Or were they like mine:  kinda scary?  I don't know what the deal is.  Every night, we leave the television on a Christian satellite radio station to get good vibes goin in the room.  Now this may sound a little too much to ya, but we do this because we find that, spiritually, when there is no sound, the enemy is able to speak to us easier, or rather, we can hear him easier because there is nothing blocking him out.  Hence the reason we leave it on Christian radio.  I'm tellin' ya, this really helps us.  Everyone sleeps differently, I'm sure, but this is what we find works for us.

When we are awake, my husband and I make a conscious effort to listen to God's still voice and to have peace, but when we are asleep, it's a different story.  Lately, the tv keeps shutting off for a small window of time, leaving our unconscious minds open to whatever may come.  And that's when the enemy puts terrible worries and doubts and just anything that will not let us have that peace that we desire, into our heads.  But what the enemy doesn't expect is for me to wake up, tell my husband, and then we end up cuddling the rest of the night through.  That's a pretty great twist, if you ask me.

No matter what thoughts the enemy puts through your heads, just know that God is a God of peace.  Most people end up hurting others because they are protecting themselves from getting hurt first.  If we had no fear of anything, there would be no desire to protect.  So when you eventually wake up from the nightmare, realize that it's all gonna be alright.  God will reveal the hidden evil.  And it will be in the last days, says God, that I will pour out My Spirit on all humanity;  then your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.  I will even pour out My Spirit on My male and female slaves in those days, and they will prophesy.  I will display wonders in the heaven above and signs on the earth below;  blood and fire and a cloud of smoke.  The sun will be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and remarkable day of the Lord comes;  then whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.  Acts 2:17-21

Pray for God to reveal good things to you in your dreams tonight.  He has spoken to a lot of people through their dreams;  He gave them miraculous and beautiful visions!  I'd much rather have dreams of God than of anything else, wouldn't you?

Sweet dreams, Tara K

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

More Than Just Judgement

It's a busy day here, but I just wanted to say...

God didn't create you to have somebody to judge.  He created you because He wanted somebody to love and bless
.  Rod Parsley, Breakthrough Moments

God is not about judgement.  Yes, He uses it to shape us and to mold us and to make us better.  But that is not why we were created; we are not a toy.  God wants to do really special things for us.  So don't think that God is punishing you for anything.  He wants to grow you and help you to find your own way through Him.  He is the Way, the Truth and the Life!

Have a blessed day.  He really wants you to.

-Tara K

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hot or Cold?

Are you a bright flame, or are you too cool for your own good?

Ah, Narnia.  Such an awesome place, right?  So many possibilities.  Heck, the animals even talk back to ya!  Of course, my doggie speaks to me everyday, but in her own little way.  Intellectually, our conversations are as shallow as a kiddie pool.

But if you go to Narnia, you're sure to be different.  Everyone I've ever known that has gone to Narnia has done spectacular things for the Lord, triumphing over evil!  Makes me wanna go.  But you know what?  This earth IS our own Narnia.  We all have our own "Speh Ooms" if we just look for them.  We have so many possibilities in which we can spend our time.  For instance, how many possible television shows could we have recorded on a daily basis on our DVR's or Tivo's, am I right?  Or how about how much time we devote to our community, helping those around us?  Do we even do that at all?  How about how much time do you devote to your church?  Are you helping out, even in a small way, somehow?  And most importantly, how much time a day do you spend alone with God?  How much time do you set aside to pray for others, for their healing, for God's Truth, for your loved ones, and even for yourself?

On The View yesterday, the women talked about how a lot of people will ignore God their entire lives, but then, on their death beds, call out to Him, ask Him to forget everything, forgive them for ignoring Him all along.  Those people have most likely ignored God because of influence they've seen in believers.  They see how we're no different.  How we watch the same shows, wear the same clothes, say the same negative comments, fending for themselves first and foremost and not putting others first.  How is your life different than an unbeliever, other than attending church on Sundays and saying that you are a believer.  You may even can quote the bible, talk the talk.  Perhaps you even have the church folks fooled into thinking you're better than you really are.  But you're not fooling God, and you're not fooling the unbelievers.  Nope.  They may say it to your face.  But when they're alone, they wonder how our life could possibly be better because when they look at us, they see how we have limitations to our life.  We can do this, but we can't do that.  You can say this, but you can't say that.  If that's all people see from the outside of Christianity, they're not gonna jump on board, they're gonna jump ship and head for the hills where they can live their own life the way they want to.  And all along, not knowing what a true, real, exhilarating relationship with God that they could have.  And it's all because of us.  We've gotta get real, folks.  Let's quit puttin' on those fake smiles and perfect clothes and be ourselves, be who God created you to be.  There is no mold to fit in to.  He WANTS us to be different.  He WANTS us to stand out in our own way.  And from there, live out who Christ is in us.

Who is Christ to you?  Do you love like Jesus loves?  Do you do what Jesus does?  I'm pretty sure He's not an in-your-face kind of guy.  I bet He's the One in the back of the room, listening to people's stories, to their hearts.  And from there, I bet He's the One who is a witness by the way He lives, the choices He makes, what He spends His time and money on.  He was a carpenter.  He knew things take time and effort.  Carpentry is even said to be a high position of honor by Jesus. (Holmon Illustrated Bible Dictionary)  The same goes for our personal testimony.  Every day, it is process.

I'm excited to try harder every single day to be like my Jesus!  Let's get excited together, as a community of followers!  Let's shine the right kind of light for our Lord!

Love you guys, Tara K

Monday, October 13, 2008

God of the Nation

This is the text of the letter that Jeremiah the prophet sent...This is what the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel , says to all the exiles I deported from Jerusalem to Babylon:  "Build houses and live in them.  Plan gardens and eat their produce.  Take wives and have sons and daughters.  Take wives for your sons and give your daughters to men in marriage so that they may bear sons and daughters.  Multiply there; do no decrease.  Seek the welfare of the city I have deported you to.  Pray to the Lord on its behalf, for when it has prosperity, you will prosper."

Jeremiah 29:1-7

We sang this song at church (during our Global Missions Expo on Sunday night) called, God of this City.  The song is much like this verse.  The verse says that we need to do as God asks, and praying to the Lord on its behalf, it will prosper and so will we.  The song we sang talked about how God is in control of the city, he is The King of the people, he's the God of our nation.  It also says, there is no one like our God.  Such a beautiful message in our comfort we can take that God is in control of our city, our nation.

In this next election, know that God is in control no matter how many evil forces come against Him.  He will also not give us anything we can't handle.

For this is what the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel, says:  "Don't let your diviners deceive you, and don't listen to the dreams you elicit from them, for they are prophesying falsely to you in My name.  I have not sent them.  This is the Lord's declaration.

Jeremiah 29:8-9

It seems as though, especially in these times in which we live, that there will be a lot of deception.  I also believe that this will even be in the church.  It will be everywhere.  But He is the God of our city, our nation, so look on to Him for the Truth.

"For I know the plans I have for you" -- this is the Lord's declaration-- "plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.  You will call to Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.  I will be found by you"--the Lord's declaration--"and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and places where I banished you"--the Lord's declaration.  "I will restore you to the pace I deported you from."

Jeremiah 29:11-14

The key words here are, search for me WITH ALL YOUR HEART.  This is what God is telling us here;  He will scoop us up, and take us right back where we belong.  He will restore us, our nation, to how it should be, how he intended it to be, if we search with every ounce of our being;  spiritually searching and longing for His Truth and His Word.

I hope this is an encouragement to you today and during this time of election and change.  God bless you, and thank you so much for supporting us this weekend at the Race for the Cure!  We had such a great time!  Thank you for putting your time, effort, and well-deserved weekend to help and support this important cause!  I couldn't believe how many showed up!  So cool!  I actually got dizzy at times because there were just seas and seas of people!  Hee hee!  I pray your weekend was blessed!  We'll be posting pics and video soon from the weekend!

Thanks again, Tara K

P.s.  By the way, did you notice we were in front of a federal building in the pic?  That never happens anymore:  a christian band getting to spread the word on the steps of a federal building!  God is so good, and He always makes a way for His Word to be spread!  Hallelujah!

Scripture taken from Holmon Christian Standard, Apologetics Study Bible

Friday, October 10, 2008


Hey everybody! I haven't a lot to say, but just wanted to give a small word of encouragement. I was talking to my AMAZING fiance' on the phone today, and we got to talking about how there are always going to be struggles that come along. And how, even though this is the case, we can't dwell on the negative, or the obstacles. God loves us sooo much. He cares about us. He wants to take care of us. This doesn't mean that we need to ignore problems. We can be smart, use our intelligence, and look for solutions. However, we can also have faith that God doesn't provide an ends without a means. He has a vehicle to get us from here to there. Hard times will come and go. His love is eternal.

So there is the encouragement part. Now comes the sappy part where I tell you how excited I am about having Jenny as my best friend and my love for life. I am so excited that God has given me such an amazing woman to walk beside me while we grow in faith and learn to trust God more and more together for the means to the destinations He has for us.

That is all :-)

In peace and faith!

Aaron Daniel
Hebrews 11:1


...Your loyalty is like the morning mist and like the early dew that vanishes.  This is why I have used the prophets to cut them down, I have killed them with the words of My mouth.  My judgement strikes like lightning.  For I desire loyalty and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.
 Hosea 6:4-6

Have you ever had anyone take away their loyalty to you for their own gain?  Well, if you're human, I'd say it's possible.  It happens to me, no doubt.  And I actually find that in the situations where I give someone all of me, all of my efforts, that's when I'm let down the most.  I'm talking your jobs, your friends, and even your loved ones.  You expect those whom you don't trust just yet to let you down, but not the ones whom you really want to succeed, to prosper, because you want the best for them.  But come to find out, they use all they can of you and hit you in the behind with the door on your way out.  Not only that, once you're out of their life, they are still sucking at every ounce of you that may've been left behind.  I know.  I'm very sorry if I'm resurfacing old memories for you right now.  My intent is for you not to relive hurtful times.  But from the time in your life in which you can understand relationships (or think you do in any case...), such as a child whose father abandoned them, leaving the mother to work 2 full-time jobs, and you to raise yourself, to the teenager who just got their heart broken, to the person who gives above and beyond the call of duty in the workplace, only to be backstabbed because your ideas were stolen and you were kicked out, high and dry.  We all have this in common: Someone has shown us disloyalty.  On the surface, it doesn't seem like such a life-altering thing.  But the digger you deep within your social choices, your relational choices, your wall that you have to put up in the workplace, the more you see they're a result of protecting yourself from those who will deceive you and get all they can from you.  It's hardest when you do think you have a friend, and it turns out when the goin' gets tough, protecting themselves first is their priority, even if it is not what you deserve.

I just wanna tell you today that it's ok to cry it out.  Jesus wept, didn't He?  It's a natural thing.  But most importantly, I wanna tell you this:  Don't continue to put up a wall in the future.  Jesus always just turned the other cheek.  I know it sounds really eally eally hard;)  But your God is looking out for you.  Pray for your enemies.

But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father in heaven.  For He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.  For if you love those who love you, what reward will you have?  Don't even the tax collectors do the same?  And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing out of the ordinary?... Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.  Matthew 5:44-48

I know it is hard.  But that's where God will honor us.  Really.  He'll honor you!  The Almighty King of this Universe, Creator of heaven and earth, will honor you!  Sounds like a deal to me;)  But seriously, do it for your Lord because of what He did for you.  Amazing love.

-Tara K

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Get Off It!

Sorry for the picture I had on before.  I didn't realize who that was in the picture!  He looked so young!  My apologizes!

Tonight's blog is Rated R.  Please be advised.

Woo-hoo.  I feel like Jesus when He flipped the tables over in the temple.  Today I have to say, "Get off your high horse."  I just heard a story from Perry Stone Jr. about a prisoner who was molested as a small child by either his dad or uncle.  Then his mother remarried, and later left him behind, leaving him living with a step father and a step mother.  When he was a young teenager, his stepfather was urinate on him while he stood in the tub, laughing at him.  He would also smack him with the belt in his groin, laughing at him.  He would kick him, beat him, etc. while his stepmother would laugh.  This young man whom all these horrible things happened to is now in jail for 105 years, no bail, charged of murder.  No justification on his sin, but can you see now why he was so full of this rage?  He is saved now, and has forgiven those who hurt him.  But you can't even forgive someone who looked at you cross-eyed at church?!

The above paragraph is a paraphrase taken from my monthly Message of the Month I get from Perry Stone Jr.

I have been working with some kids at church.  They are pretty hard to keep in line, just because they're kids.  But they really are absolutely amazing.  They forget things really quick, like remembering to sing loud enough or do a certain motion.  But they can sing a song completely in African!  It's amazing!  They learned the song faster than I did!  They're incredible!  And as hard as it is for me to try to get them to act civilized and decently, the adults in the past few days make these children look like heavenly playful little fluffs of cotton candy!  And I know I need to check myself sometimes, but what I've seen lately is ridiculous!  Grow up!  So what if something didn't go your way?  So what if so-and-so didn't think put you on a platform for all the world to see?  With that negative attitude that you've got, maybe you didn't need to be spotlighted in the first place?

If this guy in prison can forgive someone who made his first 20 years on this earth a living hell, why can't you accept and forgive the wrong in the others around you?  You might find out that they're not so wrong after all.  Maybe you just needed to check your attitude at the door, Miss High and Mighty.  You know, some people really do want the Kingdom of God to grow, to prosper.  And those who don't even want any credit are those people that we should wanna be most like.  Not the ones on the platform shining bright light the Christmas Star on top of the tree!

The Lord's curse is on the household of the wicked, but He blesses the home of the righteous;  He mocks those who mock, but gives grace to the humble.  Proverbs 3:33-34

Please just take a moment to think about those arrows that you are shooting at people's back in all your hautiness.  

-Tara K

End Breast Cancer Forever

End breast cancer forever

Go to to find out how you can help end breast cancer forever.  Please use a piece of your time today in prayer for a cure.  God can, and will, perform miracles.  Even today. 

29:11 will be performing to end breast cancer at the Komen Race for the Cure in Knoxville, Tennessee Saturday, October 11.

To give online, head to:

God bless you all!  ...For you who fear My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings, and you will go out and playfully jump like calves from the stall.  You will trample the wicked, for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day I am preparing...  Malachi 4:2-3

-Tara K

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Hey y'all!  What's up?!

Welp, We just had a rehearsal for our gig on Saturday (for the Komen Race for the Cure).  Thank you, Greg, for getting our tracks so beautifully done for this weekend!

Now I've got an important question for you... and don't make your next click until you've completely read through this.  It really is important.  Now for the question:

Do you tithe?

Do you tithe regularly to your church?  And by this, I mean, do you give at least 10% of your income to the Lord?  Did you know that the bible actually says that it is required of us to give that 10%?  No joke.  God says in Deuteronomy 14, those who give God His 10%, they fear the Lord your God.  You know that fearing the Lord is a big part of this.  Everything we own belongs to God.  He has given us all things.  He has given us free will to do as we wish.  But everything is His.  And he requires this 10% from us.

My preacher from our church back home would challenge the church.  He would ask the church to commit to giving 10% of their income for 3 total months to the church.  And he said that if they hadn't noticed a financial blessing within those three months, then the church would give all that person's money back.  And I can testify, from story after story, that not a single person had asked him for their money back.  This was the largest church in the city.  So I'm sure a lot of people tried this.  People would get random blessings from people in the forms of checks, money, etc.  Just what they needed to pay their bills that they may not have been able to pay for before.

Even if you say, you know what?  I don't have the funds to give back.  I have to tell you that this is what Satan wants you to believe.  If you have read my bible, you know for a fact that our God is the Almighty Provider.  Giving Him what he asks of you, He will take care of you.  Perhaps even above and beyond.  But the point is to trust Him.  He wants us to trust Him.  You trusted Him when He came into your heart, saving you from a firey hell of an eternity, didn't you?  Trusting him with something earthly since much easier.

I can testify to you that God provides above and beyond.  And even in just this one example, his speaker system you see in the picture above was given to us.  That's right.  Given.  Those are BOSE speakers, dude.  Nobody just gives that stuff away.  For me, that seems pretty hard to let go of.  But someone did.  Maybe they were hearing from God, maybe they felt God tugging at their spirit, and maybe because we are faithful in tithing.  I'm positive in one thing, and that is that our God is a God that wants to bless you.  But we have to have that fear of the Lord, and that confidence in giving back to Him.

I pray that God blesses all of you, and I pray that you find it in your heart to give, and receive in return.  Love you!

-Tara K

Monday, October 6, 2008

Take a Closer Look

Do you carefully choose your words?  How close of a look are you taking at the things you say... especially words about other people?

So many things we say on a daily basis, in comfortable social settings, in your home to your spouse, can really affect things people are saying about us.  Yup.  No joke.  Those arrows, those curses you put on someone else, even if you justify what you're saying is constructive in some way, you are still sending them right back at you.  Let me explain:

Things you choose to say are either a blessing to God, or they fall into the Will of Satan.    To "bless" means to praise or to benefit, or used when greeting or in departing.  When you want a blessing for someone, you want happiness for them, for them to be fortunate.  You are also speaking well of them.  To curse is just the opposite.   When you speak a curse upon someone, it can be as simple as seeing them as insignificant in someway.  You can also go as far as to want misfortune of them.  And check this out:  Galatians 3:10-11 says, For all who rely on the works of the law are under a curse, because it is written:  Cursed is everyone who does not continue doing everything written in the book of the law.  Now it is clear that no one is justified before God by the law, because the righteous will live by faith.

Anytime you say something negative about someone else, guess what?  You are shooting out an arrow, and from there, it is a boomerang effect, which can soon become a domino effect, if others continue to go along with you.  It spreads like a horrible airborne disease.  That arrow will come back to you in the same way of curse that you send it out.  By slandering someone else's actions or name, someone else will be slandering you in return.  You bring it among yourself.  If it is not of a blessing, it is not of God.  In other words, if it is negative, don't say it.  You are falling into the Will of Satan when you do.  God even says in Luke 6:27-28 Love your enemies... in other words, don't say one negative comment... do good to those who hate you... mmm hmmm... bless those who curse you... See?  Blessing is the opposite of cursing!  It's one or the other... pray for those who mistreat you.

Proverbs 26:1-2 says, Like snow in summer and rain at harvest, honor is inappropriate for a fool.  Like a flitting sparrow or a fluttering swallow, an undeserved curse goes nowhere.  You're not fooling anyone.  Maybe at the time of your comment, but our God is a God of justice.

So take a good look at the words you choose when talking about your brothers and sisters in Christ, your family that you will have for eternity in His Kingdom.  My pastor said this Sunday that God puts certain people in your lives to grow you and make you a better human being.  So those people that are annoying your britches off, consider that God put them in your life for a reason.  Now you just have to decide what to do with His Tasks.

To grow or not to grow?  That's not really a tough question.

-Tara K

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Well, i'm sitting in the chair having some coffee and wanted to say hi. So tomorrow night, we are going to do our first "rehearsal" with our band's sound equipment. Up to this point, it's all been studio time, and sitting around the piano, working out harmonies and arrangements. It sure is a great thing that we have TK's husband Justin mixing our sound. I think that one of the things that will be complicated at first is that TK and I have such completely different sounds. However, I think that is also something that really makes our sound unique. I feel like God has blessed us with different sounds, but similar instincts.

ANYWAYS...I'm really excited! So if you think about it, shoot up a prayer for us as we begin this part of our musical journey. Pray that things gel technically, and that God cotinues to bless our sound and our teamwork. is LESS than a month til I see Jenny (my amazing fiance')....but here's what's cool about that. The next time I see her, it won't just be to go visit her in Texas but it will be to marry that means, I won't have to say goodbye to her this time! It has definitely been a new experience this year, living so far away from her....and planning a wedding. But I feel everything is coming togethere to an amazing end of the year and an AWESOME and EXCITING beginning to our new life together.

I can't wait for you to meet her!

Well, my cup is getting it is time for me to go refill my coffee and finish waking up. God bless your day and this new week!

Peace and Faith
Aaron Daniel
Hebrews 11:1

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Questions & Deciet

Greater is He that is in me, Greater is He that is in me, Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. Lanny Wolf, Hymn

Thank goodness others are not in control of our destiny, right? Thank our Father for this simple fact. Even for the fact that we ourselves are not in control. I know if I was, I would make my life such a silly mess. I usually don't blog on Saturdays, but I felt it in my heart to tell you today to remember that your life is in His hands, and no one else's. Sometimes we think, well if I just would've done this, or if they would've just done that... but the truth is, we don't have to do anything. We just need to follow His voice. Relax in the times that seem questionable or even wrong, in your own eyes. What seems like an odd or tragic thing to us, is actually just a brand new plan for us. We just may not be able to see it at the time. Actually, MOST of the time, it's hard to see that light that He's got for us. And wouldn't you know it? His Plans are so divine, so perfect, so... just so much better than it seems.

You may be hurting, someone may have hurt you, cut you off or let you down, and you may even know that what they believe in their heart is good and you can see right through the deceit in it all... God still has a plan, believe it or not! But you just worry about you; no need to shoot arrows back at yourself by boomeranging them at others;)

...Like a shepherd, Jesus will guard His children; In His arms He carries them all day long. Praise Him! Praise Him! Tell of His excellent greatness! Praise Him! Praise Him ever in joyful song! Fanny Crosby, Chester Allen, Hymn

-Tara K

Friday, October 3, 2008

Playin' It Cool

Welp.  I gotta say that now, I've just gotta play it cool.  Play it like everything is ok.  Remember me telling you how my computer crashed and there might not be a way to retrieve anything from it?  Well, it is now a fact, in fact;)  Yup.  It is no more.  Yay!

But seriously, like I told you earlier, maybe it's a chance for new beginnings.  New beginnings on my work (which all of my work was on there... e v e r y t h i n g...), new beginnings on family photos (and fortunately I still have printed copies of weddings pics so we're all good), and new beginnings on what I choose to spend my time on while I'm "browsing" and not working.  I like to look at clothes on the internet.  I love fashion. And from time to time, I feel like I need a new outfit, so I go and browse.  But now, with a new hard drive, maybe I can still, better yet, make better choices on my wonderful mac.  Perhaps choosing to read something that might help someone else out, besides myself. This is a chance for new creative beginnings, when it comes to my work.  This is a chance for new memories, when it comes to new pictures.

When I think about Job... Wow.  I should not even mention that I was a little sad thinking about my computer when I compare my losses to Job's.  Remember this verse?:  Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither:  the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taketh away; blessed be the name of the Lord.  Job 1:21  We are blessed in everything we are given.  I deserve to have everything taken from me, and yet He still blesses me far far far beyond what I deserve.

Choose to obey, even when you can't comprehend why the sucky things happen;)  God will not give us anything we can't handle!  We are made strong in Him, especially in our weaknesses.  This makes me look forward to what He will do next for and with me!  Because on my own, I'm not as strong as I am WITH His divine timing, guidance and aid.

Praise God, our Father, Protector, Healer and Friend!

-Tara K

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Like, I Like, Love Your, Like, Um... Shirt!

pic by Wilderflowerafternoons

"L" is for the way you look at me... "O" is for the only...

Oh, hi! Yeah, just singin a great little ditty;) How many of you out there are lovers of chocolate? Oh yeah. That's what I'm talkin' about. Alright then, how bout Mexican food? How many of you out there love that? How about basketball, or gymnastics, or playing the piano, karaoke? Well I have to say there are a lot of things out there that I love. I also love the sunshine, and even the rain on a cozy Sunday afternoon. A lot of people love tv, bike riding, dancing, painting, cooking... Whatever it is that you love, I'm pretty sure that it's not the same kind of love that we have for our significant others, or our best friends, or our children, and even our pets. We use the word, "love" in a broad way. (Yes, even IN broadway...) We use this one little word for so many different things.

We are also in a society in which so many of us don't expand our vocabulary... ever. One of the most common words I ever hear used is, "like." As annoying as it may be, I even find myself using it. And you know exactly what I mean. The word has become an "um;" a basic distraction from our incompetence to think for ourselves. God set intelligent heads on our shoulders, and we only use about 10% of them most of the time (if I recall correctly, from a recent study). That's crazy! Now, I'm not saying that we give up who you are. We all have our own forms of communication that make us who we are. But how many times a day do we stumble over our words and try to make up for it by being cute, or changing the subject?

Today's message from me is not a spiritual one... obviously. And if you are a regular reader of 29:11's blog, you are very well aware that I have no room to speak. Today's challenge is just that, a challenge for the both of us. A challenge that I think God would very much appreciate if your efforts were to thank him by using what the Good Lord gave ya! Let's take today just to be aware of ways we can improve our communication with others, which is a big part of our ministry. People watch our actions, first and foremost, but they also want to hear what we have to say. And if what we have to say sounds idiotic, chaotic, or just plain right silly, I'm not so sure of what kind of an impact we're actually having. And remember, we don't have to make a huge leap to perfectionism in order to be who God has intended us to be. It's in those little steps we take each day that make the biggest change in our lives, making us more of a hero everyday for Him!

I couldn't choose just one verse for you today, and since they're so short... why not? Enjoy!

Do you see people who speak too quickly? There is more hope for a foolish person than for them.
Proverbs 29:20

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, oh LORD, my Rock
and my Redeemer.
Psalm 19:14

-Tara K

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Hey everybody! Sup? I haven't much to say, however, I am pretty crazy excited about the fall. Not only is it the season when you can open the windows and kinda "air life out", but, of course, it's also the season I get married! :-)
I'm sure you know that TK and I are playin' our first actual 29:11 "gig" at the run for cancer in downtown Knoxville, one week from Sat, Oct. 11. Really, we are just kind-of playin' along the run for those that want to stop and listen. Although, whether we just see one of you, or a thousand, I am so excited to be getting started with the "live" part of 29:11's mission. The CD has been fun....but my passion is the live part. ...Meeting you!

Soooo, now i am deciding whether to go jogging and enjoy the fall weather...or make dinner open the windows and enjoy the fall weather. (I won't let you know what I I would rather you just assume that I went jogging ;-)

Have a great night!

in peace and faith,
Aaron Daniel
Hebrews 11:1