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Friday, December 19, 2008


What's up guys?  I'm chillin' with my hubby's vocal ensemble from church at a cabin not too far from town, but I just wanted to stop by and chat with ya.  It is a weekday after all, even if it is Friday. ;)

I absolutely love the feel of a cabin.  Even though I would never decorate my house the way a cabin is fixed up (because it's just not my style, and there's not a thing wrong with that), I can't help but feel so cozy and excited to be in such an outdoorsy environment.  The quilts, the wood walls, ceilings AND floors, and even the random deer pictures all over the walls... I find myself really enjoying it.  Maybe because it's kind of cool to let yourself feel like someone else for a while.  I love who I am, and I love everything about my life, but it is kinda cool to go off somewhere and enjoy things that I normally don't get to enjoy.

You know how everyone just needs a vacation once or so a year?  Perhaps that's for more than just the reason of leaving your normal everyday stresses.  Perhaps it is because we desire to enjoy this earth in ways that we don't always get to, and to also discover new things about who we are, who we want to become.  I love love learning new things about myself when I go on trips, even if they're small ones.

When I've gone to NYC by myself, I've learned that I can do it.  I can make it.  All by myself.  Of course I know that God is with me, but actually getting up the courage to venture off into all parts of New York by myself, even at night into non-touristy parts of the city, knowing that I can actually do it makes me so proud of myself.  It makes me feel so strong.  And with this trip to the cabin with quite a few people, I learn different things of my personality that I perhaps knew were there, but didn't know how dominant they were until this trip actually happened.  I'm such a dude sometimes.  Not big on girl-talk; I can just sit and watch the game, read a book, or be off by myself blogging my 29:11 reading buddies;)  That's what I like, and that's ok.  Like I've said before, if we were all alike, how boring would this world be?

Anyhoo, all this to say, I know the economy is getting "bad reviews."  But even if you get take just take a little day off when you feel that vaca itch, do it.  Just do something new, even if you take a day to be by yourself.  Just experience something new, talk to God while you're there, and enjoy this cool earth He gave to us.  Learn something new about yourself, you'll become even more confident in who you are and who God created you to really be.

Much love, Tara K

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