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Monday, December 8, 2008

Pure and Defiled

Isn't this so cute?  My husband made this for me for my birthday, and put it in my bathroom for me to see first thing in the morning.  So sweet.

So how are your holidays going?  For our big tadoo at church this year, we had Travis Cottrell, Shaun Groves and Cindy Morgan come in for a concert.  It was fantastic.  They all blessed us so much in so many ways: through worship, laughter, holiday cheer, kid songs, beautiful duets, and more.  One thing Shaun told us about was Compassion International.  They sponsor kids in different countries who are not so fortunate.  It is such a great way to bless someone and spread the gospel to them at the same time.

At one time in his life, Shaun  got to a point where he could have the home of his dreams; hard wood floors, a hugs bathtub, etc.  Then he met Compassion.  His family has made major adjustments in their lives and spending since then.  They sold their house, and got a much smaller one with linoleum floors, no huge bathtub, etc.  As a family, they don't buy new clothes as the trends change, but when theirs wear out instead.  He was such a great testimony to me, and I hope this is to you too.  Consider helping out other people who are not as fortunate to even be able to see a doctor, have proper clothing or those who may not even have heard the gospel of Jesus.  This is one chance you could have to give this holiday season.  Just go to for more info.

Now the rest of this blog is not to support Compassion and other companies like it, but to just challenge you in your every day life.  Are you spending on unnecessary things when you could be giving to those in need?  Do you really need to go out to eat that often?  Believe me, I've been there too.  I was once at a place in my life when I was just too busy to make my own food, so I ate almost every single meal "out."  Even for breakfast I was going to a very famous coffee shop constantly, sometimes a couple of times a day.  Now that I look back on that, I see how ridiculous that was.  I could've made more time to pour a bowl of cereal and make my own coffee.  I could've planned out my meals a little better, and as a result, not spending so much money on food.  I could've given so much money to those in need, or to a project that would help God's Kingdom grow in some way, shape or form.  So I challenge you today to see if there are adjustments you could make in your life.  I didn't think that I could really make that much of a sacrifice recently, but then I went through a point where I had to deal with a lot less.  And you know what?  I made it.  I got through it.  Not only did I get through it, I was perfectly good.  I had a great time in those few months, and you really start to get creative with how you spend your time.

So what choices can you make today to alter your life in even a small way, even a dollar or two a day, that could help someone out that isn't as fortunate?  Not just with organizations, but perhaps people in your church or school.  There's always something.  And who's our number one role model?  Jesus.  What adjustments would Jesus make?  Or would He even have any to make in the first place?...

"Pure and defiled religion before our God and Father is this:  to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world."  James 1:27

-Tara K

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