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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Passionate Love Story

Love stories.  We can get really caught up in 'em, can't we?  Why is that?  I love to read the story about Bella and Edward.  Classic.  Well, it WILL be someday.  If you don't know what I'm talking about, you will.  Oh yes you will.

But isn't it crazy how we love a good love story?  And I'm not talking about the sad, sappy ones.  I'm talking about the ones like this:  A guy and a girl think about each other constantly throughout the day, almost aching when they're not with the other.  They feed off each other's presence.  They feel whole only when they're together.  The chemistry is so intense that they don't notice anyone else around them in a public place.  Once they've met, their lives will never be the same, and they don't want to let the other person leave... ever.  They realize that the other person is the most beautiful person God ever created, and that there is no cooler person in the world than that person sitting right in front of them.  Whew.  Good stuff, isn't it?

I pray that you find someone like that in your life, a significant other.  But you know what?  You already have that, just so you know.  Jesus is that person.  He wants to romance you in ways that you can't even imagine.  Read the above paragraph again, and imagine Jesus, not your "other" favorite person in the world.

He loves you like that.  More than that, actually.  He's in love with you more than I could ever put into words, and more than you could ever imagine in your wildest, most passionate dreams.  Really, no joke.  I promise.  It's unbelievable.

But you better believe it.

Love you (but not as much as He, as hard as I may try),
Tara K

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