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Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Are you in a hurry?  How much do you have to do today?  Why do you have so much to do, and yet, you still find yourself reading my blog?  Hmmm... I wonder....

I wonder because I feel the same way.  There's so much to get done, but guess what?  It's all wrapped up in a word I'd like to call Foreverprocrastination.  It's a real word, promise.  Well, maybe it's not in the dictionary, but it's in my mind, so that should count... right?

Who cares?  Either way, it is a condition.  I have it all the time.  Some people like to get everything done early so that they have no worries, so that they can relax and not have to think.  Yeah, yeah.  Sounds fabulous.  But you know what I like to do?  I like to put things off for when I'M ready for them, not for when they're ready for ME.  That way, it's up to me, I can do it on my own, by myself, just in the nick of time.  Even when I was in shows, I would wait until the last second to come out of my dressing room, running my way onstage.  That's how I like it.  Otherwise, I find myself sitting around thinking about what I'm about to do, and then I try to second-guess myself, etc.  It's easier if I just distract myself from what's going on, so that I just do it.  You know what I mean?  If you just do it, and not think about it, things go much smoother.

However, by putting things off, you can stress other people out.  They can wonder what you're doing, where in the world you are, and if you're even gonna show.  But here you come, just on time, to do your thing, just as planned.  But for those people who aren't like that, we can super stress them out, you know?

As you can tell, lately I've been doing personality evaluations.  By doing this, I'm better understanding others, and much more important, myself.  The reason I say "much more important" is because the way you relate to people is your testimony to the world.  It tells people of your tongue restraints, your constant or lack-of peace and confidence in your relationship with the Creator, and what kind of person you want to be.  All of this is in the tongue, in your actions; it's in the way you treat other people.

We're all created differently.  There are those of us who do things this way, and those of us who do things that way.  And then there are those in between.  Either way.  Don't worry about anyone else and what they're doing, and why they're doing it that way.  You just do you.  I'll just do me.  What's the worst that could happen?  We might let each other down, but it's not the end of the world.  Just be at peace.  Be at peace with each other, be at peace with who you are, and most of all, be at peace with who your God made you to be.  You're you for a reason.  You're really special.  I promise.  We just have to build from our solid foundations, not hack away at them.

So let's treat each other with the respect they deserve, for we have been given instruction:  For what can be known about God is plain to them.  For His invisible attributes, namely His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world in the things that have been made.  Romans 1:19-20

We know the wrath of God, we just sometimes forget about it, as crazy as that sounds.  Then we think about laminin (which was discussed in my last blog.)  We think about the creator of the universe, in which we aren't even as small as a speck in comparison.  But still He loves us, He made us, and He wants us to prosper as a person, but to do it in a way that would honor what is deserved of Him on High.

Choose words wisely today, as I will do my best as well.  Love you, Tara K

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