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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Just That Easy: Your New Year's Resolution

"I'm sorry.  You're saying God can do what?!"

So it's New Year's Eve, and I know there are a lot of resolutions being made right now.  Do one of your resolutions include not letting people keep you down, to push through to do whatever it is that you wanna do no matter what people say?  Well, you're in luck!  ;)  Listen to this great story:

"Back in the boat, Jesus and the disciples recrossed the sea to Jesus' hometown.  They were hardly out of the boat when some men carried a paraplegic  on a stretcher and set him down in front of them.  Jesus, impressed by their bold belief, said to the paraplegic, 'Cheer up, son.  I forgive your sins.' Some religion scholars whispered, 'Why, that's blasphemy!'

"Jesus knew what they were thinking, and said, 'Why this gossipy whispering?  Which do you think is simpler: to say, 'I forgive your sins,' or 'Get up and walk'?  Well, just so it's clear that I'm the Son of Man and authorized to do either, or both....'  At this He turned to the paraplegic and said, 'Get up.  Take your bed and go home.'  And the man did it.  The crowd was awestruck, amazed and pleased that God had authorized Jesus to work among them this way."  Matthew 9:1-8

There are quite a few things I like about this passage.  For one, it's so cool how simple He makes it: "'Get up...' And the man did it."  Um, the end.  All it takes is His  simple words, no magic way of saying it.  Also, I like the word, "authorized," used here.  "God authorized Jesus."  So strong, so bold.  So sure.  Another thing I like here is how Jesus calls out those who think they're being righteous.  Without them, there would be no story.  Sure, Jesus would've healed, but the story goes much deeper than that, don't you think?  You follow Jesus.  Don't follow anyone else.  Not even those who have a title like, "religious scholar."  With a title like that, I'm sure they know everything there is to know about all-things God, right?  Wrong.  We are all people.  Just people.  No matter what we do, or the training we have, we are all human people who fail to meet perfection.  So we're not always gonna be right... even if we think we are.

You just listen to God.  You seek out Jesus' face, no other.  He's the only one who is authorized in power to make word come to life, no matter how far out of reach.

Bless you, and I'll talk with ya next year!  (And yes, I agree I'm a dork for saying that.)

-Tara K

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Flippidy Flopping Gums #2

I'm pretty sure we've all been in a place where we're pleased with ourselves spiritually.  Maybe not in the complete satisfaction of the sense, but with, at least, the effort we're putting forth to reach new levels in our relationship with God.  And that's usually when we stumble, am I right?

Yesterday's message was out of Matthew 6:5-13.  Today we are looking at Matthew 6:14-18.

"In prayer there is a connection between what God does and what you do.  You can't get forgiveness from God, for instance, without also forgiving others.  If you refuse to do your part, you cut yourself off from God's part."  So in other words, we have no business even going to God if we aren't doing what He's asked of us- truly forgiving those who've wronged us, hurt us, even.  So we must first give everything up to Him and forgive before we can even get forgiveness for our own wrongdoings, otherwise we will be cut off, not heard.

"When you practice some appetite-denying discipline to better concentrate on God, don't make a production out of it.  It might turn you into a small-time celebrity, but it won't make you a saint.  If you go into training inwardly, act normal outwardly.  Shampoo and comb your hair, brush your teeth, wash your face.  God doesn't need attention-getting devices.  He won't overlook what you're doing; He'll reward you well."

So there's a lot here in this little passage.  I'd like to believe, mainly because I see some of the rewards that people get, that those who are training inwardly reap huge rewards.  You may ask, "well how the heck do you know who's training inwardly if they aren't letting you know they are?"  Well.  Good question, my friend.  Let me tell ya something.  You know.  That's it.  You just know.  Look at those folks who aren't attention-getters.  Those folks who, out of nowhere, do something to make you say, "wow.  I want to have that attitude."  They may even be those people who make you feel kinda guilty for worrying about the stupid things that cross your mind because they seem to just quietly trust; they let be.

I worked with this guy recently who is one of the greatest singers I've ever met.  He is crazy, ridiculously talented.  And you wouldn't ever even know that he's in the entertainment business until he is actually onstage, singing His praises to our Lord.  So incredibly modest, so incredibly humble, so incredibly patient, kind, happy...  I could go on and on.  And on top of all that, he's extremely successful, and you would never even know it.  Literally.  I never even know what he's up to until I read about it on the internet, inviting me to his next performance.

I wanna be like him.  You know why?  Because when I look at him, I see Jesus.  I see Jesus more than I see an actual sinful human being.  And I want people to see that when they look at me.  Don't you?

So I write to you today, not to make you feel guilty, even though I feel I am doing that to myself;)  I just want to encourage you to know that God abundantly gives to those people, like what's-his-name I've been talking about.  I won't tell ya who he is because I can almost guarantee he would be extremely embarrassed or feel unworthy of the words.  That's just how he is.

He's a reflection of who I wanna be.  And to those of you who are like him, thank you, and know that God sees your heart.


-Tara K

Monday, December 29, 2008

Flippidy Flopping Gums

This is my new dog, who came home with us from the pound a couple of days ago.  His name is Peanut, and he has flippidy floppin' gums, which fits right in with this story today...

Wow.  Ok.  So do you ever hear people praying aloud and wonder, "where the heck did that come from?" Or, "who talks like that?"  Now I believe that some people were given a gift to pray beautifully, to lay things out into poetic form.  But it shouldn't sound repetitious, should it?

Today I just want to lay out a little chunk of The Message Remix for ya.  So cool.  It's about praying with simplicity:

"And when you come before God, don't turn that into a theatrical production... All these people making a regular show out of their prayers, hoping for stardom!  Do you think God sits in a box seat?
"Here's what I want you to do:  Find a quiet, secluded place so you won't be tempted to role-play before God.  Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage.  The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense his grace.
"The world is full of so-called prayer warriors who are prayer-ignorant.  They're full of formulas an programs and advice, peddling techniques for getting what you want from God.  Don't fall for that nonsense  This is your Father you are dealing with, and he knows better than you what you need.  With a God like this loving you, you can pray very simply.  Like this:

Our Father in heaven,
Reveal who you are.
Set the world right;
Do what's best-
as above, so below.
Keep us alive with three square meals.
Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others.
Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil.
You're in charge!
You can do anything you want!
You ablaze in beauty!
Yes.  Yes.  Yes."

Isn't that perfect?  I love this, and the way The Message lays this out.  So cool.  So for those of you who feel inadequate in prayer, don't.  You can see how simple it is.  And for those of you who feel you have to put on a show in front of others, to perhaps, prove how tight with God you may be, don't.  God doesn't need to be impressed.  What's the saying?  Oh yeah:  God sees the heart.  Not the mumbo-jumbo, flapping of the gums.  (Well, maybe I made that last part up...)

Shalom, Tara K

P.S. I'll be doing a small series on this subject this week, so stay tuned for the rest.  It's such a great subject, isn't it?

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Download Our Music!

Change of Plans

You guys all know the story of how Jesus was born.  Mary became pregnant through the power of the Holy Spirit, yada yada yada.  You've all heard it more than a zillion times.  But there is one part of the story we don't hear that often.  After the wise men had departed from Joseph and his new family, the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream telling him to quickly leave for Egypt with Jesus and Mary.  He told him to stay there until God tells him to return because Herod is setting out a search-and-so-called-rescue for the child to kill him.  And the bible says that once Joseph did as he was told, this fulfilled what the Lord had spoken through the prophet, "I called my son out of Egypt."

All of this angered Herod, being fooled by the wise men, etc.  So he sent out for all the boys around and in Bethlehem, 2 years old and under, to be put to death.  And THIS fulfilled what God has spoken through Jeremiah:  "A cry was heard in Ramah- weeping and great mourning.  Rachel weeps for her children, refusing to be comforted, for they are dead."

It seems as though there are a lot of things that need to occur in order for prophecies to be fulfilled.  And they will.  It makes me wonder if my daily choices, seeming to have nothing to do with anything of human-kind changing importance, might actually matter in the end.  It's scary to think of such thoughts.  What if I actually am hindering my life, others lives?  What if I am the cause of a horrible effect?  This prophecy, of course, was for the good of mankind, and God had everyone's best intentions, even for Jesus, and even though it ended badly for Him, it was to save us all, just as He intended.  But on the flip-side of things, I wonder if things that I do during my everyday life, could actually be hindering my own personal plans that God has for me.  He knows what we will do in the end, so He knows what adjustments will eventually be made in our lives, but I just wonder.  I wonder if what I'm doing now is what He originally planned out for me, or if I messed things up, and am finally back on the right track.  Of course I know He knew the path I would take, so "adjustments" may not be the best word, but it somehow seems to fit.

I begin to think about these people with absolutely mind-blowing talents and abilities, especially in the arts.  These people that are not using their talents for God, and sometimes are using those talents to pervert our society.  Surely that is not the plan He had for them.  But perhaps because of their change of course, He will still be providing them opportunities in the future to use what they've been given for Him, and not against Him.   I'd like to believe that.  I'd like to believe that there are still as many chances as their lives will give them, that they will be offered it.  They just have to stumble upon Him somehow, I don't know.

What do you guys think?

-Tara K

Friday, December 19, 2008


What's up guys?  I'm chillin' with my hubby's vocal ensemble from church at a cabin not too far from town, but I just wanted to stop by and chat with ya.  It is a weekday after all, even if it is Friday. ;)

I absolutely love the feel of a cabin.  Even though I would never decorate my house the way a cabin is fixed up (because it's just not my style, and there's not a thing wrong with that), I can't help but feel so cozy and excited to be in such an outdoorsy environment.  The quilts, the wood walls, ceilings AND floors, and even the random deer pictures all over the walls... I find myself really enjoying it.  Maybe because it's kind of cool to let yourself feel like someone else for a while.  I love who I am, and I love everything about my life, but it is kinda cool to go off somewhere and enjoy things that I normally don't get to enjoy.

You know how everyone just needs a vacation once or so a year?  Perhaps that's for more than just the reason of leaving your normal everyday stresses.  Perhaps it is because we desire to enjoy this earth in ways that we don't always get to, and to also discover new things about who we are, who we want to become.  I love love learning new things about myself when I go on trips, even if they're small ones.

When I've gone to NYC by myself, I've learned that I can do it.  I can make it.  All by myself.  Of course I know that God is with me, but actually getting up the courage to venture off into all parts of New York by myself, even at night into non-touristy parts of the city, knowing that I can actually do it makes me so proud of myself.  It makes me feel so strong.  And with this trip to the cabin with quite a few people, I learn different things of my personality that I perhaps knew were there, but didn't know how dominant they were until this trip actually happened.  I'm such a dude sometimes.  Not big on girl-talk; I can just sit and watch the game, read a book, or be off by myself blogging my 29:11 reading buddies;)  That's what I like, and that's ok.  Like I've said before, if we were all alike, how boring would this world be?

Anyhoo, all this to say, I know the economy is getting "bad reviews."  But even if you get take just take a little day off when you feel that vaca itch, do it.  Just do something new, even if you take a day to be by yourself.  Just experience something new, talk to God while you're there, and enjoy this cool earth He gave to us.  Learn something new about yourself, you'll become even more confident in who you are and who God created you to really be.

Much love, Tara K

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Baby, It's Rainin' Outside

It's rainy out.  Don't ya hate to love it?  I mean, we can't enjoy going outside, but that also means we have to stay in the cozy indoors.  The rain is uncomfortable and chilly, but it brings life to the dying plant life.

Isn't that the story of your life?  You wouldn't be the person you are today had you not gone through the tough times.  And during those tough times, you may have even thought your life was over.  But aren't you glad you persevered?  And it's in those times, as you age, you begin to be calm during the storms, you let life be, because you know that God is doing something in your life for you, for your good.  To give you a future and a hope.  Oh!  How incredibly amazing life is!  Our poor little minds cannot grasp this, even those who know this to be true!  We still cannot understand what God is doing even in our contentment during distress.  To me, that's what makes it so exciting!  Not knowing what exactly God has in store, but knowing that He's in control and not me!

So enjoy the rain.  It's about time we did.  No more complaining about it.  And really- your hair looks cute when it's all curled up from the humidity anyway;)

Love you, and let me know how to pray for you and your storms today!

-Tara K

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Are you in a hurry?  How much do you have to do today?  Why do you have so much to do, and yet, you still find yourself reading my blog?  Hmmm... I wonder....

I wonder because I feel the same way.  There's so much to get done, but guess what?  It's all wrapped up in a word I'd like to call Foreverprocrastination.  It's a real word, promise.  Well, maybe it's not in the dictionary, but it's in my mind, so that should count... right?

Who cares?  Either way, it is a condition.  I have it all the time.  Some people like to get everything done early so that they have no worries, so that they can relax and not have to think.  Yeah, yeah.  Sounds fabulous.  But you know what I like to do?  I like to put things off for when I'M ready for them, not for when they're ready for ME.  That way, it's up to me, I can do it on my own, by myself, just in the nick of time.  Even when I was in shows, I would wait until the last second to come out of my dressing room, running my way onstage.  That's how I like it.  Otherwise, I find myself sitting around thinking about what I'm about to do, and then I try to second-guess myself, etc.  It's easier if I just distract myself from what's going on, so that I just do it.  You know what I mean?  If you just do it, and not think about it, things go much smoother.

However, by putting things off, you can stress other people out.  They can wonder what you're doing, where in the world you are, and if you're even gonna show.  But here you come, just on time, to do your thing, just as planned.  But for those people who aren't like that, we can super stress them out, you know?

As you can tell, lately I've been doing personality evaluations.  By doing this, I'm better understanding others, and much more important, myself.  The reason I say "much more important" is because the way you relate to people is your testimony to the world.  It tells people of your tongue restraints, your constant or lack-of peace and confidence in your relationship with the Creator, and what kind of person you want to be.  All of this is in the tongue, in your actions; it's in the way you treat other people.

We're all created differently.  There are those of us who do things this way, and those of us who do things that way.  And then there are those in between.  Either way.  Don't worry about anyone else and what they're doing, and why they're doing it that way.  You just do you.  I'll just do me.  What's the worst that could happen?  We might let each other down, but it's not the end of the world.  Just be at peace.  Be at peace with each other, be at peace with who you are, and most of all, be at peace with who your God made you to be.  You're you for a reason.  You're really special.  I promise.  We just have to build from our solid foundations, not hack away at them.

So let's treat each other with the respect they deserve, for we have been given instruction:  For what can be known about God is plain to them.  For His invisible attributes, namely His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world in the things that have been made.  Romans 1:19-20

We know the wrath of God, we just sometimes forget about it, as crazy as that sounds.  Then we think about laminin (which was discussed in my last blog.)  We think about the creator of the universe, in which we aren't even as small as a speck in comparison.  But still He loves us, He made us, and He wants us to prosper as a person, but to do it in a way that would honor what is deserved of Him on High.

Choose words wisely today, as I will do my best as well.  Love you, Tara K

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Hey guys.  This is a 7-minute video that you HAVE to watch.  Someone recommended it to me months ago, and I'm just getting around to watching it.  Why did I wait?

Please pray that God speaks to you through this video before and as you watch it.  Love you, Tara K

Monday, December 15, 2008

Boast: Do or Don't

"It's the most wonderful time of the year!"

Good morning, Sunshine!  What a great day it is!  It's a great day, and I am here to tell you I'm guilty.  I am guil-te-hee.  Mmm, hmmm.  Are there days that go by where you don't read your bible?  Oopsie.  Yup.  I admit it.  I feel like a total jerk, irresponsible, and I let myself and the Creator of the cosmic galaxy down too.  Which brings me to my next little something:

-Tara K

Friday, December 12, 2008

Audio Sampler
Hey guys. This is a 6-minute preview of a few songs from the new album that will be shipped to you December 19th if you've pre-ordered on If you haven't, no worries. You can still do that. Just go to the Store Page. Enjoy!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Passionate Love Story

Love stories.  We can get really caught up in 'em, can't we?  Why is that?  I love to read the story about Bella and Edward.  Classic.  Well, it WILL be someday.  If you don't know what I'm talking about, you will.  Oh yes you will.

But isn't it crazy how we love a good love story?  And I'm not talking about the sad, sappy ones.  I'm talking about the ones like this:  A guy and a girl think about each other constantly throughout the day, almost aching when they're not with the other.  They feed off each other's presence.  They feel whole only when they're together.  The chemistry is so intense that they don't notice anyone else around them in a public place.  Once they've met, their lives will never be the same, and they don't want to let the other person leave... ever.  They realize that the other person is the most beautiful person God ever created, and that there is no cooler person in the world than that person sitting right in front of them.  Whew.  Good stuff, isn't it?

I pray that you find someone like that in your life, a significant other.  But you know what?  You already have that, just so you know.  Jesus is that person.  He wants to romance you in ways that you can't even imagine.  Read the above paragraph again, and imagine Jesus, not your "other" favorite person in the world.

He loves you like that.  More than that, actually.  He's in love with you more than I could ever put into words, and more than you could ever imagine in your wildest, most passionate dreams.  Really, no joke.  I promise.  It's unbelievable.

But you better believe it.

Love you (but not as much as He, as hard as I may try),
Tara K

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Great idea, friends!  Do you have any clothes that you keep around because you think, "yeah... I wear this a couple of times a year, plus it's always great to keep because..."  Well.  There's always a reason, isn't there?  But you know what?  I can guess that there are probably some people at your church, or people that drop by your church to see if there are any clothes that could be spared.  I'm not a high price shopper myself, as I love to find vintage goodies at Goodwill, etc.  But there are some things that I can spare.

So why not take about 10 minutes to go through your drawers, perhaps looking waaaay deep into them, waaaay back into the corners... yeah.  You're gonna find some stuff that other people need.  Yes, NEED.  You might choose to keep it around "just in case."  But when you think of it in the way that someone "needs" it, you'll get your little behind up and take it to where it can be of good use.  There are certain things you can give to Salvation Army/Goodwill, but there are also things that you can give to your church or school, where the clothes will be given away, rather than sold.  Just a thought.

There will always be poor people in the land.  Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land.  Duet. 15:11  Hear that?  He commands us.  Whoa.  Ok.  So maybe we should get on that...

Jeremiah 29:11
-Tara K

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

What You Talkin' Bout?

(This pic is from the Race for the Cure performance, 2008, in Knoxville, Tennessee)

Today is the iTunes release date for "Not So Classic," the hymns (and more) album.  It has yet to be up and running, but is out of our hands.  I just wanted to apologize to those of you if it has been an inconvenience.  If you are getting the cd from our site,, it will be shipped on December 19th.  So soon.  So very soon.

Enough of the update, and on the to the important things.  I love you.  I love you so much.  I love you even if I don't know you.  And I hope to know you if I don't.

We often find ourselves hanging out with the same old, same old.  There are just certain people you click with, certain people whom you know will keep you accountable, certain groups in which you find yourself the most comfortable and relaxed with.  I think Jesus found that in the disciples.  Well, He didn't need anyone keeping Him accountable, but He did have common ground with them: furthering God's Kingdom.  Of course, the disciples didn't know how or what to do without His guidance, but they did want what Jesus wanted.  They were never perfect like Jesus, but that doesn't mean that they didn't want the same end result.

Don't you find it important to want what Jesus wanted while He was here on earth; don't you desire for His people what He desires?  Is the purpose to our fellowship to pass the time, ignore the cares of the world, forget your troubles, or is it to surround yourselves with a possibility of revelation to what God wants for your life?  I know it may sound like I'm reaching here, but if you think about it, there is so much to be done in this world.  I know we need a break sometimes, to forget your troubles and to relax.  But how often is that happening?  When you go out to dinner with your clan, what are your topics?  Does furthering God's Kingdom even come up?  Does accountability ever stand it's ground?  Do you let things slide, or do you stand up for the righteous?  I'm not saying we should preach wherever we go.  I think we all know how that turns people off.  Nor am I saying that you should cut down someone who is in the wrong.  The bible says we should be "quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger, for man's anger does not accomplish God's righteousness."  James 1:19-20  This is one of my favorite verses, and is good to keep in the forefront of your mind when dealing with people.  You can't let your flesh react.

So today, tonight, at church this week, at dinner this weekend... what are you going to talk about?  Or not talk about...

Jeremiah 29:11,
Tara K

Monday, December 8, 2008

Pure and Defiled

Isn't this so cute?  My husband made this for me for my birthday, and put it in my bathroom for me to see first thing in the morning.  So sweet.

So how are your holidays going?  For our big tadoo at church this year, we had Travis Cottrell, Shaun Groves and Cindy Morgan come in for a concert.  It was fantastic.  They all blessed us so much in so many ways: through worship, laughter, holiday cheer, kid songs, beautiful duets, and more.  One thing Shaun told us about was Compassion International.  They sponsor kids in different countries who are not so fortunate.  It is such a great way to bless someone and spread the gospel to them at the same time.

At one time in his life, Shaun  got to a point where he could have the home of his dreams; hard wood floors, a hugs bathtub, etc.  Then he met Compassion.  His family has made major adjustments in their lives and spending since then.  They sold their house, and got a much smaller one with linoleum floors, no huge bathtub, etc.  As a family, they don't buy new clothes as the trends change, but when theirs wear out instead.  He was such a great testimony to me, and I hope this is to you too.  Consider helping out other people who are not as fortunate to even be able to see a doctor, have proper clothing or those who may not even have heard the gospel of Jesus.  This is one chance you could have to give this holiday season.  Just go to for more info.

Now the rest of this blog is not to support Compassion and other companies like it, but to just challenge you in your every day life.  Are you spending on unnecessary things when you could be giving to those in need?  Do you really need to go out to eat that often?  Believe me, I've been there too.  I was once at a place in my life when I was just too busy to make my own food, so I ate almost every single meal "out."  Even for breakfast I was going to a very famous coffee shop constantly, sometimes a couple of times a day.  Now that I look back on that, I see how ridiculous that was.  I could've made more time to pour a bowl of cereal and make my own coffee.  I could've planned out my meals a little better, and as a result, not spending so much money on food.  I could've given so much money to those in need, or to a project that would help God's Kingdom grow in some way, shape or form.  So I challenge you today to see if there are adjustments you could make in your life.  I didn't think that I could really make that much of a sacrifice recently, but then I went through a point where I had to deal with a lot less.  And you know what?  I made it.  I got through it.  Not only did I get through it, I was perfectly good.  I had a great time in those few months, and you really start to get creative with how you spend your time.

So what choices can you make today to alter your life in even a small way, even a dollar or two a day, that could help someone out that isn't as fortunate?  Not just with organizations, but perhaps people in your church or school.  There's always something.  And who's our number one role model?  Jesus.  What adjustments would Jesus make?  Or would He even have any to make in the first place?...

"Pure and defiled religion before our God and Father is this:  to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world."  James 1:27

-Tara K

Friday, December 5, 2008


What is up, my people?!  I am workin' super hard to get this album out to you soon!  Can you believe the iTunes release date is Monday?!  Holy moly!  You guys rock my world.  Thanks for being so supportive.  You are appreciated more than you know, just by simply visiting our site.  Thanks again.

So guess what.  Pretty much everyone in my choir at church, vocal ensemble, and even the members of 29:11 are ALL SICK.  What is the dilliyo?  Well, actually, the dilliyo is this:  The doctor said that it's the weather.  Isn't that a typical conversation you have with someone you don't know?  The weather.  But this time, this type of convo wasn't boring or pointless.  We're all gettin' sick because the weather is so unpredictable and chilly, and then we get inside and get all warmed up and dry... our bodies aren't responding well, and in turn, aren't holding up to fight off all this mess.  I don't know what to tell ya.

The reason why I'm tellin' ya all this is to not let you in on my medical record, but to give you just one example we can let the enemy in.  Ever since it's been getting really close to our release date for the album, the enemy has been doing all he can to destroy and put it off.  And by us being sick, we can't go out and sing.  On top of that, I was being followed the other day by someone, I expect, was trying to harm me.  Not only did he follow me away from a store, but once I thought I lost him, I hung out at my church for a little while, then left to the far end of town.  When I got to my destination, he pulls up too!  Well, of course, I called my hubby, who in turn, got the police on it.  When they got there, as I described him, recognition appeared on their faces; they knew exactly who I was talking about!  To make an even longer story a little shorter, they took care of it... for now.  They also said for us ladies to not be doing any shopping this holiday without someone there to protect us, as there have been muggings and such.  And this is a decently nice town, but people are unfortunately so desperate this holiday season.  That makes me so sad, but it is a fact that we're all facing, and it's hurting all of us in many ways.  Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that when you do good things for God, the enemy will try to prevent it.  No doubt.  But you know what?  I'm just fine.  The man didn't hurt me, I was able to go home without him following me there, and you know why?  God is bigger than satan!  God's angels are strong!  They're powerful!  I am here today because of His Divine Protection!  So persevere for Him.  Don't let fear get in your way.  God is bigger, and because of that, so are you!  Bask in His glory today!!!

Have a read in Psalms 91.  Go.  Now.  You know you want to.  You're a little curious, aren't you?  If not, that's because you already know it and it's power!  I pray that passage over you and us today.  Bless you, bless you, bless you!

-Tara K

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Promo Video for Not So Classic

Click to the bottom right of video in the youtube window to view in High Quality. (Video is not uploaded in highest quality.)

iTunes Release Date is December 9th. For those of you who've pre-ordered, you will receive your merchandise Early-December.

We love you guys and appreciate you. Email us at for prayer, or for me, personally,

"For I know the plans I have for you... to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11

In Him, Tara K

Warning: All pop-ups and promotional videos from are not promoted by us. Enter into at your own risk.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!  Today may not be your birthday, but since I don't know hardly any of your birthdays, I'm gonna celebrate it today!  No matter if you were born to the parents that will grow you up, or if you were born to parents who gave you over to someone who would, the day of your birth is exciting and important to me.  And especially to God!
Today is my husband's actual birthday, and I pray that it is all he desires... even though he has to work 2 different jobs today!  Poor guy.  He loves what he does though, so all is blessed and good.

When you were created in your mother's womb, and even before conception, God had you all planned out.  Every single minute of your life.  He knew what you were gonna do and say on this day and every day before and after!  You were created for a special and beautiful purpose!  Don't ever think that your place on this earth is invaluable because that is nothing but a lie from the enemy!  You have more purpose and value than you'll ever know, and His plans for you are greater than you could ever imagine!

"For I know the plans I have for you... to give you a future and a hope."  Jeremiah 29:11

Happy Birthday,
Tara K

Monday, December 1, 2008

Watch Out!

My husband is such an important part of my life, and he's my best buddy too.  Are you alert and watchful with your best buddies?  Read to see what I mean...

In my small group (aka Sunday School) yesterday, we were reading out of Colossians 4.  I enjoyed it so much that I want to get a little deeper into it today with you.

Colossians 4:2 says, "Devote yourselves to prayer; stay alert in it with thanksgiving,"  HCSB.  My NIV says, "Devote yourselves to prayer BEING WATCHFUL and thankful."  I like both of these versions;  both are saying the same thing, but hearing them separately puts a little more emphasis on the chosen words, "alert" and "watchful."  For one thing, we need to be looking out and noticing all of our blessings and being thankful for them.  Once you start to see those blessings, you are able to realize how much God has done for you; you are able to be grateful in the things you DON'T have.  Also we are to be devoting ourselves to prayer.  How many times throughout the day do you go without setting a time-out for God?  Now I believe what is also being said here is to be alert and in prayer all day long with Thanksgiving to God.  That's what this passage is saying, to constantly be talking to God throughout the day.  But I believe it is also telling us to devote a prayer time; devote a time set aside for just you and God.  A time where maybe you don't say a thing.  Perhaps you just listen.  Sit.  Wait.  Simmer down, now.  You get me?

Prayer isn't all about just asking.  Last night, we had a couple of kids at church pray at our table, and it was precious.  We all want to have that childlike faith.  On the other hand, it kind of sounded like they were talking to Santa Claus.  Just asking for pointless things, which to them, seemed really necessary and important.  But in reality, I'm pretty sure a 4-year old doesn't need her own castle.  Do you?  I wonder if we sound like that to God?  Are we just asking for things in which, to us, seem necessary and important, but to Him are pointless?  Why not have a conversation, which is two-sided, might I add.  Do you go to your best friend and ask ask ask, and then walk away?  Um, no...  So why do we do that with God so often?  You know, a lot of times, aren't you just the person who doesn't really even say a word, but just provide an attentive ear?  Hmmm... Now we're getting somewhere.

Hey guys, I'm just planting a little seed.  Maybe think about that today while you're talking to Santa... I mean, Jesus.

Jeremiah 29:11,
Tara K