So these friends of mine, I tell ya. Every time we end up spendin' some time, the 7 of us together, at some point or another, I end up so blessed. You have people like that in your life? Conversations that end up lasting a few hours, makin' God talk and revelations and encouragements that you know have gotta be straight from Gods mouth to theirs into your own ears?
Continue to surround yourself with people in The Word. Always strive to continually grow. Always remember that your work could always be better, you could always learn more. And most importantly, that you NEED to be learning more everyday. It's a spiritual high that nothing can satisfy quite like it at all!
How do you know God's plans for your life? Well, there are two situations- Are you in the go, go, go time? Wonderful! I'm sure you are being blessed, and are seeing those fruits right before your very eyes! That is your blessing! But are you in the wilderness? The waiting room? Even better, child! You stay overly humble, constantly on your knees in prayer. Constantly. Dig so deep into the bible. So deep that you not only remind yourself of things you know, but also to discover things you didn't! Learn things that blow your mind. Talk about it with others. Keep God in your conversations constantly! What visions you will be given when you finish the mile relay! Whew! That last 100 yards is pretty tough. But like Daniel- what do you think would've happened if he would've given up his fasting after 20 days? His blessing came on the 21st!
The point is, you don't know when you will reap. Perhaps even decades later. Maybe even once you've passed on! But don't ever ever ever think it's in vain. Your time is never up, no matter how old you are! And pray together! Praying together as hubby and wife, as friends, as co-workers... Oh! God will show you so much!
A seminary degree gives you no anointing. Being a good church member gives you no supernatural authority. Being good at the gifts God has given you gives you absolutely no anointing either. It's the complete empty selfless vessel that allows a place for God to take over. And He brings it! Let Him fill all of you. Not just most of you.
God is good. He is God, we are not.
Thank Him for that. ;D
Ask for prayer. Pray for me! May God show you new things every day wearin' out the knees in those jeans in prayer.
-Tara K
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