I have the best sheets in the world. Yes. Bed sheets. They're like this furry microfiber... It's better than those super soft sheets you lay on at the massage therapist's table. Ooo la la. And they don't even get hot in the summer. Double ooo la la.
And every time I wash these sheets, they feel even better because, well, first of all, they smell clean. But they also get softer because the furry fibers are all fluffed out from the dryer. You have no idea. Awesomeness.
So it makes me want to clean everything in the house. Why? Because everything is so much better when it's clean and shiny! Not only does it simply look better, but it keeps you from getting sick by getting all that bacteria and dust off!
Wash away my guilt,
and cleanse me from my sin.
For I am conscious of my rebellion...
Against You--You alone--I have sinned...
Surely You desire integrity in the inner self,
and You teach me wisdom deep within.
Purify me... and I will be clean;
wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.
God, create a clean heart for me
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
...Then I will teach the rebellious Your Ways,
and sinners will return to You.
Psalm 51:2-13
I want to feel like a furry sheet today. Yes. Ooo la la.
In furry love, Tara K
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