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Thursday, July 30, 2009

He's A Knockin'

jesus Pictures, Images and Photos
Oh my!  When I saw this picture, whew!  It really got me.  Do you think that's what it looks like all day long with Jesus?  Just trying to get us to open the door?  Just to visit, chat, hang, hug us, hold our hand...?

Well, what up, my Thursday readers?  Yesterday we had a question about prayer (check the blog below), and today we are answering through Scripture (and Dr. Greg's books!).

Again, I'd suggest buying these books instead of just reading my interpretation.  But I wanna discuss nevertheless.

What is prayer all about?  Let's answer a question with a question:

1. What does Jesus say is the most important and greatest commandment?
You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.  (Matthew 22:37)  Key word:  All.  Not after the laundry, or the gym, or work, or your favorite t.v. show.
2. What is the one way to eternal life?  How should that apply to the rest of our life?
And this is the way to have eternal life- to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth.  (John 17:3) How do we "know" God and Jesus?  Well, how do you get to know people?  By talking with them.  By spending time with them.  How do you get to know God?  Through prayer.  That's how we communicate.  That's what prayer is; talking, listening and getting to know God, just like you would in any other relationship.   "It is impossible to develop this relationship without spending significant time with God." -Dr. Frizzell.
3. Don't you wanna hear God better, to know what He really wants for your life?
If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.  (Jeremiah 29:13)  Two important words here:  "Wholeheartedly" and "Find."  Words were chosen for God's Word carefully! Wholeheartedly doesn't mean search with a little, or even most, of your heart.  Get it?  whole heartedly!  Whole!  All the way!  And Find.  He didn't say, get glances, or see from a distance, almost in view...  Find!  Hold on to!  Grasp!  See!  God can be right there!   "Unless you spend significant time in regular prayer, God's voice will be difficult to discern." -Dr. Frizzell.

Friends, these are only a few notes from a tiny few points Dr. Greg Frizzell wants to point out.  God wants to point them out!  He wants to know you so very bad!

Prayer is not primarily about asking and receiving.  It is firstly about a relationship.  "Not a wish list,"  Dr. Greg says.

Wanna know something?  Everything in this life, everything you own right now, will be gone in a few short years.  At least, in comparison to eternity, it is a few short years, days, even seconds.  Time won't exist.  Looking on your life right now, what will you take with you?  Money?  No.  Status?  No.  Accomplishments outside of those toward The Kingdom?  None.  A fight you had with your best friend?  No.  The amazing job opportunities?  Nope.

What do you want to have with you in eternity?  How about those people you led to Christ because you were more in tune with God because of the relationship you had with Him?

By grace, Tara K



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