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Friday, July 31, 2009

Battle with Breast Cancer Video: A Dance

Happy Friday.  This soon-to-be Emmy winning routine (in my opinion!) is about a women's struggle with breast cancer.  Quite touching and lovely.

By grace, Tara K



Thursday, July 30, 2009

He's A Knockin'

jesus Pictures, Images and Photos
Oh my!  When I saw this picture, whew!  It really got me.  Do you think that's what it looks like all day long with Jesus?  Just trying to get us to open the door?  Just to visit, chat, hang, hug us, hold our hand...?

Well, what up, my Thursday readers?  Yesterday we had a question about prayer (check the blog below), and today we are answering through Scripture (and Dr. Greg's books!).

Again, I'd suggest buying these books instead of just reading my interpretation.  But I wanna discuss nevertheless.

What is prayer all about?  Let's answer a question with a question:

1. What does Jesus say is the most important and greatest commandment?
You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.  (Matthew 22:37)  Key word:  All.  Not after the laundry, or the gym, or work, or your favorite t.v. show.
2. What is the one way to eternal life?  How should that apply to the rest of our life?
And this is the way to have eternal life- to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth.  (John 17:3) How do we "know" God and Jesus?  Well, how do you get to know people?  By talking with them.  By spending time with them.  How do you get to know God?  Through prayer.  That's how we communicate.  That's what prayer is; talking, listening and getting to know God, just like you would in any other relationship.   "It is impossible to develop this relationship without spending significant time with God." -Dr. Frizzell.
3. Don't you wanna hear God better, to know what He really wants for your life?
If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.  (Jeremiah 29:13)  Two important words here:  "Wholeheartedly" and "Find."  Words were chosen for God's Word carefully! Wholeheartedly doesn't mean search with a little, or even most, of your heart.  Get it?  whole heartedly!  Whole!  All the way!  And Find.  He didn't say, get glances, or see from a distance, almost in view...  Find!  Hold on to!  Grasp!  See!  God can be right there!   "Unless you spend significant time in regular prayer, God's voice will be difficult to discern." -Dr. Frizzell.

Friends, these are only a few notes from a tiny few points Dr. Greg Frizzell wants to point out.  God wants to point them out!  He wants to know you so very bad!

Prayer is not primarily about asking and receiving.  It is firstly about a relationship.  "Not a wish list,"  Dr. Greg says.

Wanna know something?  Everything in this life, everything you own right now, will be gone in a few short years.  At least, in comparison to eternity, it is a few short years, days, even seconds.  Time won't exist.  Looking on your life right now, what will you take with you?  Money?  No.  Status?  No.  Accomplishments outside of those toward The Kingdom?  None.  A fight you had with your best friend?  No.  The amazing job opportunities?  Nope.

What do you want to have with you in eternity?  How about those people you led to Christ because you were more in tune with God because of the relationship you had with Him?

By grace, Tara K



Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Challenge! Need Your Participation!

Good Morning Pictures, Images and Photos
Good morning!  So I'm sittin' here with my coffee in my favorite mug, reading a pretty sweet book, so, of course, I have to tell ya all about it.  Did you expect anything else from me?  ;)

How could I not?

We just had the Perry Stone of prayer at our church this week, so how could I not write on things he and his book say?  ;)

His name is Dr. Gregory R. Frizzell, if you haven't heard from me (or anyone else) before.  One of his goals is to bring not only this country, but no joke, the entire world, to "fully understand and experience a dynamic prayer life."  And to no surprise to me, that may not sound very appealing.  Deep down... waaaaaay down... in the depths of your desires, you may not think that prayer is essential or more important than just asking God for needs.  But thank God for Dr. Greg.  He even says, "Until you are totally convinced of the importance of prayer, you are not likely to take the necessary steps to achieve one."  Now, to me, that sounds like most of us just don't grasp what prayer is all about.  So I want you to tell me.  That's right.  Tell me, and others if you want me to post it, what you think prayer is all about.  I'm gonna post this on facebook, twitter, etc.  You can either post it publicly, email me ( and/or send me a private message so that I can make your quote anonymous, if you'd like.  I'd like us all to get into this discussion to help us grow.  Not to argue, but to discuss and learn.

It's about time for a revival, isn't it?  Everywhere?

Talk to ya soon, Tara K



Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Serious Bag

serious bag Pictures, Images and Photos

Serious business?  Definitely so.  We are either for God, or we are against Him.  It's one or the other in every decision we make throughout the day.

So when James 1:5-8 says,

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you.  He will not rebuke you for asking.  But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone.  Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind.  Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.  Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do.

Hard-hitting stuff that we might not wanna hear.  But it's truth.  You know, the ministries we are involved in- are you personally in them to receive any glory to yourself or recognition or status or even... yikes... money?  Even a little bit?

These verses tell us that if we are in it for anything but, we should expect nothing from God.

I don't know about you, kids, but this is always one of those verses, like James 1:19-27 (about being slow to speak, anger, etc.) that we could remind ourselves of daily.

By grace only, Tara K



Monday, July 27, 2009

Wanna See God REALLY Move?

Prayer Pictures, Images and Photos
Words I post in blogs are never enough of what God could say, nor are they straight from Him or even worth reading unless it's a quote from the bible.  Don't take what I say as guidance.  Do the reading for yourself.  I'm only here to share with you.  Not at you.  I'm far from worthy of that.

At our church yesterday and today, we've been having some conferences with Dr. Greg Frizzell.  Let me rephrase that.  We've been extremely blessed to have too few conferences with Dr. Greg Frizzell at our church the past couple of days.  Great man.  Wise.  Been there and back.  Look him up:

Anyhoo.  He said something that caught my attention.  Well, actually he said a whole lotta lotta things that caught my attention, convicted me, encouraged me, and have put me to work already in my personal prayer life...  But the one thing I wanted to relay to you today that he said was (and this is not an exact quote... paraphrasing...):

Don't let your church activities or personal ministry be a substitute for your intimacy with God.

We don't even realize we do that.  He said that he often does things (such as this) without realizing he's doing it.  We often think we're doing our spiritual and Christian duty by reaching out to the lost, giving to the poor, sacrificing a few nights a week to church ministries or ministries of our own, for example.  But that does not have anything to do with our intimacy with God.  Sure, it's like giving Him a gift.  Or kind of our way of telling Him, "thanks.  I appreciate all you do for me.  I hope this satisfies You.  I hope You find joy in what I'm doing for You."  But that has nothing to do with the intimacy.  Intimacy is much much deeper than that.

His conference is called, "Going Deeper with God."  In Sunday morning's conferences, he used Jeremiah 29:11-13.  And from me, personally, I've reminded you a lot that, in verse 11, God says that He has great plans for you.  No plans to harm you, only to give you a great future and a hope.  But Dr. Frizzell made verses 12 and 13 show the power and the relevance behind verse 11:

"In those days, when you pray, I will listen.  If you look for Me wholeheartedly, you will find me.  I will be found by you," says the Lord.

Now notice what he says.  When looking for Him with all our heart, He will listen, and we will find Him.  When looking for Him wholeheartedly.  Dr. Frizzell mentioned that, when doing our little "quiet time" or our little devotional time, we read our little passage or verse, pray for God to bless this, bless that, heal him... la di dah.  Our "wish list" as he called it.  We're not searching wholeheartedly.  We're not turning off the cell phone, going into our "closet." (As The Word tells us.  Which means to shut yourself off from the rest of the house, world, etc., and to be completely and utterly alone with Him and Him only.)  We're not listening to what He's gotta say to us.  We're not praying Scriptures to Him for certain people or certain situations.  In other words, it's shallow.  We do our little Christian duty, and think we're so special and honorable and righteous.  When we begin to think we're righteous, that's when we need to give ourselves a big ole' kick in the butt.

We're not experiencing revivals in our country because our country is known for everything and anything "instant."  We always think that everything happens instantly, and if it doesn't... well, it apparently isn't God's Will if He's not speaking to us or moving mountains or situations.  And the phrase, "God's Will," has become sort of a "well, God... if you really want that for me... I guess that's okay."  As if His Will is something we have to unfortunately accept.  If we would just sit and listen and shut off the rest of the world for a little while a day to get to know our God intimately, we will find that His Will is what we want most!

Dr. Frizzell suggested that you add about 10-15 more minutes onto your daily quiet time/devotion time every day for about 7 weeks to just pray to Him, talk to Him, through Scripture, and to simply listen and wait for what He has to say.  And He will become more real to you.  You will find joy that you've never had!  You will see the Will of God better.  Now to get the entirety of what Dr. Frizzell was saying, go to the website I offered above.

He also said that a study found that 1 in 2 marriages in America(?) end in divorce.  But a family that prays together on a regular basis, the odds were much different.  Different as in, 1 in 1,256  (I believe) ended in divorce.  Big difference, am I right?  Dr. Frizzell even joked, "and one of 'em was probably lying."

But don't bother doing all of this if what you want to get out of it is personal success.  Do it to become intimate with your Creator, because you want to get to know Him.

By grace, Tara K



Saturday, July 25, 2009

Leading to Love

Sweet Lyrics
Ain't No Reason, Brett Dennen

"There ain’t no reason things are this way.
Its how they always been and they intend to stay.
I can't explain why we live this way, we do it everyday.
Preachers on the podium speakin’ to saints,
Prophets on the sidewalk beggin’ for change,
Old ladies laughing from the fire escape, cursing my name.
I got a basket full of lemons and they all taste the same,
A window and a pigeon with a broken wing,
You can spend your whole life workin’ for something
Just to have it taken away.
People walk around pushing back their debts,
Wearing pay checks like necklaces and bracelets,
Talking ‘bout nothing, not thinking ‘bout death,
Every little heartbeat, every little breath.
People walk a tight rope on a razors edge
Carrying their hurt and hatred and weapons.
It could be a bomb or a bullet or a pen
Or a thought or a word or a sentence.

There Ain't no reason things are this way.
It's how they always been and they intend to stay
I don’t know why I say the things I say, but I say them anyway.
But love will come set me free
Love will come set me free,I do believe
Love will come set me free, I know it will
Love will come set me free, yes.

Prison walls still standing tall,
Some things never change at all.
Keep on buildin’ prisons, gonna fill them all,
Keep on buildin’ bombs, gonna drop them all.
Working your fingers bear to the bone,
Breaking your back, make you sell your soul.
Like a lung that’s filled with coal, suffocatin’ slow.
The wind blows wild and I may move,
The politicians lie and I am not fooled.
You don't need no reason or a three piece suit to argue the truth.
The air on my skin and the world under my toes,
Slavery stitched into the fabric of my clothes,
Chaos and commotion wherever I go, love I try to follow.

Love will come set me free
Love will come set me free, I do believe
Love will come set me free, I know it will
Love will come set me free, yes.

There ain't no reason things are this way
It’s how they always been and they intend to stay
I can't explain why we live this way, we do it everyday."

You know what Jesus says about love, right?

Thought you would enjoy this from Brett Dennen. Always nice to get others' perspectives.

Love is the greatest gift we can give. Living love, not to condemn, but leading to Truth.

Only by grace, TK

Monday, July 20, 2009

Ain't Nothin But a Thang

Ain't nothin but a thang.

Ever heard that life is hard, God is good? Life, unfortunately, is hard. But it doesn't have to be... All the time. Most times, life isn't hard- we just make it that way. BECAUSE God is good, life shouldn't be so hard. Yes, there are pretty extremely things that happen to us. And when those things happen in our lives, we realize that a lot of the tough stuff just ain't so tough anymore.

Be optimistic today. You'll be letting God know just how much you believe that HE IS GOOD.


By grace, Tara K
*Sorry I won't have many pics this week on blogger. But I will on Twitter. See ya there.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Funny... To Me... Friday

Don't mean to be crude, but there's not more that makes me laugh quite like a toot.  Enjoy.

And as always, enjoy You Tube at your own risk.

Just for toots and giggles!  -Tara K



Thursday, July 16, 2009

Fear Factor

fear facttor Pictures, Images and Photos
Let's be honest.  Sometimes...  Christian people... Can be... ... ...



But why?  Shouldn't we be putting our trust in the Lord?  After all, God has promised to take care of us.  We are in the palm of His hand, right?  We have Jesus in our heart, we have a church to go to to grow, we pray with our families, we trust that the Lord is our strength... Then why get all grumbly?  It's called fear.  And we're missing it.

How joyful are those who fear the Lord--
all who follow his ways!
You will enjoy the fruit of your labor.
How joyful and prosperous you will be
flourishing within your home.

Psalm 128:1-3

Aha.  So we can believe in the power of God, but not fear it.  Fear God.  Love God.  Trust God.

Sounds simple.  But apparently, it's not.

Fear God.

By grace only, Tara K



Wednesday, July 15, 2009

This Morning

I just thought I would drop in and say hi. I have been better with the ol' Twitter, however, that is about as close to blogging regularly as I have managed to get. But, I was just thinking of everyone this morning, and wanted to say how great it has been to meet so many of you and worship with you. We are so blessed to feel the love of God and the worshipful Spirit that we have felt from so much of you during the services over the last few months.

Jenny, my amazing wife, is almost finished with Massage Therapy School!!!! (She has her final this pray for her), and I am so proud of her for working hard and at the top of her class.
I know those of you who have met her cannot help but love her, and hopefully with all of the studying behind her in a month or so, she will be able to be out and about more instead of studying like mad!!!
(So I can show her off to those who haven't met her yet!!! :-))

Each day, I am just so thankful for all of the blessings God bestows on us. You know, it is so easy to let ourselves be stressed over our jobs, or over money problems, or family problems, ect... However, I really have found it to be true that God has us in the palm of His hand. He will take care of us. He will bring us peace. We can let Him carry our burdens.

Jenny is very VERY scared of flying. She told me that what she does to help herself feel more at peace is imagine the plane taking off with God reaching down and cupping it in His hands. She envisions His hands large enough to just cradle the plane and lift it into the air.

I think that's just a great way of seeing God. He can cradle us and ease our fears.

Well, I don't wanna ramble. I really just wanted to say hi. I hope that everyone is excellent!!!

God Bless!

In Peace & Love,

Aaron Daniel

Hebrews 11:1



Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Skin of our Teeth

"I do not want to get into heaven by the skin of my teeth!" -Perry Stone
Remnant Pictures, Images and Photos
You agree with that?  Do you wanna get the perks of salvation by getting into heaven and saying you lived a pretty good life?  Or do you want to be so beat up by the time you get there because of how hard you worked for God?  Kind of like sports.  Do you enjoy winning the game that  was seriously hardly even a competition because you didn't even have to try that hard, or do you enjoy winning the game where you had to work your butt off, strategizing, and knowing that it was well-deserved because of how hard you worked?  I tell ya.  The games I remember in high school are the games that were so tough that they made the game incredibly exhilarating.  When you know you're gonna win by 30 points, you go ahead and lay and play around, and send in the subs because it's just so easy.  Nobody expects much excitement from those games, do they?  You just gotta get those over with.

Hmm.  So.  Do we wanna just get life over with, or do we wanna fight to the death?  I don't know about you, but I want to hear God say, "well done!"  "That's my girl!"  "I knew you could do it!"  Doesn't the thought of that just make you so filled with unspeakable joy, so much so that you wanna get up off that chair you're in to change the world?!  Well, if it don't, then I just don't know what to say to ya.

I think I may have blogged on this before, but not in this detail.  You want to be raised up?  Well, here is a serious word of encouragement.  You may feel that God has rejected this nation at the state that it's in.  You might.  Or you may feel like the church itself is dying.  But listen to this:

I ask, then, has God rejected his own people, the nation of Israel?  Of course not!...No, God has not rejected his own people, whom he chose from the very beginning.  Do you realize what the Scriptures say about this?  Elijah the prophet complained to God about the people of Israel and said, "Lord, they have killed your prophets and torn down your altars.  I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me, too."

And do you remember God's reply?  He said, "No I have 7,000 others who have never bowed down to Baal!

It is the same today, for a few of the people of Israel have remained faithful because of God's grace--his undeserved kindness in choosing them.  And since it is through God's kindness, then it is not by their good works.  For in that case, God's grace would not be what it really is--free and undeserved.

...A few have--the ones God has chosen--but the hearts of the rest were hardened.  As the Scriptures say,

God has put them into a deep sleep.
To this day he has shut their eyes so they do not see,
and closed their ears so they do not hear.

...Did God's people stumble and fall beyond recovery?  Of course not!  ...But he wanted his own people to become jealous and claim it for themselves.

...Notice how God is both kind and severe.  He is severe toward those who disobeyed, but kind to you if you continue to trust in his kindness.  But if you stop trusting, you will be cut off.

Romans 11:1-22

So there are the few called the remnant right now.  Let's be one of them, not getting by the skin of our teeth.

By grace, Tara K



New Light on The Sabbath: Do We Really Care?

Sunday Pictures, Images and Photos
Anyone, like me, get confused as to how to "observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy?"  In this country, it is not against the law to work on a Sunday.  In fact, it is required of a slew of people.  I don't think God is asking us, as a whole (but perhaps not you, personally, because I do not know your relationship with Him...) to find a job that doesn't have you working on Sundays.  Beggars can't be choosers;D

However the Ten Commandments are asked of us.  So let's say you have to work on Sunday.  What do you do?  Well, if you have a chance to go to church, then go. If not, perhaps have a Sabbath day on another day during the week.  On this day, He says, Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.  You have six days each week for your ordinary work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath day of rest dedicated to the Lord your God.  -Exodus 20:8.  Now, pastors work on Sundays, right?  Worship Leaders, Worship Sound and Light Engineers, etc.  That is their job.  Working FOR the Lord is their job.  So is that what "excuses" them from this commandment?  Well, considering this verse says to be "dedicated to the Lord your God," I'd say so.  They are working for God.  And perhaps their other day off during the week, they will rest, as God did on His seventh day of creation.  He is indicating that not only is rest important, but it's the rest in Him.

And in those times of rest, if dedicated solely to God, I believe He will restore to you His vision and strength for your life's needs.

The Lord will guide you continually,
giving you water when you are dry
and restoring your strength.
You will be like a well-watered garden,
like an ever-flowing spring.
-Isaiah 58:11

"Keep the Sabbath day holy.
[Only filled with things of God]
Don't pursue your own interests on that day,
[Don't do what you are particularly interested in, but what God would have you do.]
but enjoy the Sabbath and speak of it with delight as the Lord's day.
[Be excited about the day dedicated to Him, and let it be known!]
Honor in the Sabbath in everything you do on that day,
[Make it a highly respected day.]
and don't follow your own desires or talk idly.
[Do what God would have you do, once again, and let it be known that you're happy about it!]
Then the Lord will be your delight. I will give you great honor.
[He is personally telling you He will honor you, putting you in high esteem if you just allow Him to be your delight.  The Creator of "delight" will be YOUR delight.  Sounds like a pretty sweet deal.]
and satisfy you with the inheritance I promised to your ancestor Jacob.
[As a result, He will meet your desires.]
I, the Lord, have spoken!"
-Isaiah 58: 13-14

So much is said in those two verses.  Maybe they will help and remind us just what the Sabbath means.  We so often follow the "Do Not Kill, Steal," etc.  But the Sabbath is tricky when our country's laws don't prohibit it, doesn't it?

Learning right there beside you, Tara K



Monday, July 13, 2009

Time, Heaven

The arts are so powerful, right?  I wish we involved them even more in the church today than we already do; always relating to the Now Generation, you know?  So I've been on a dance kick lately.  No pun intended...

I also have been listening to one of my Perry Stone audio CDs in the car, and he has been discussing the controversy among people in their knowledge/beliefs in the whether or not we will know the people we know now on earth once we get into heaven.  Well, in comparison to bringing people to the point where their names are actually written into the Book of Life or not is obviously the most important.  But for those who are going, it crosses our mind whether or not we will know our family and friends.

Using Moses and Elijah as his example, who came to earth as a spirit to tell Jesus (in the time just before he died on the cross for us) a message from God.  And Moses and Elijah spoke of people they knew on earth.  Although Elijah never technically died because he was carried away in a chariot of fire (how cool!), Moses did die.  And he was speaking about people and situations on earth that he knew of while he was alive.  To make a long story short, it is Perry's belief that we, in fact, will know people we knew here.  We will most likely not prefer one person over another, as we will be made perfect, but we will know.

Which reminds me of this video...  I believe the choreographer is imagining what it would be like when she sees her father again in heaven...

Only by grace, Tara K



Friday, July 10, 2009

Funny Friday: Ridiculous Heights

Water Slide Pictures, Images and Photos

My hubby loves the giant monster slide at water parks.  He wonders why I won't participate, even though I love an adventure.  It's the one ride I wont hop on.

Finally, someone explains for me...

Thank you, my man.  Happy Funny Friday, and have a great weekend.  Come visit Aaron Daniel and me at Victory Baptist on Sunday morning in Morrseburg, TN.  If you're near Bean Station, come tonight for a special event with me and some other artists at 1st Freewill Baptist.

Only by grace, Tara K



Thursday, July 9, 2009


I DVR So You Think You Can Dance.  One of my favorite shows.  I wish we had more arts like this in our churches today.  Perhaps with people a little more clothed... ;)  But God has blessed so many people with dance to tell a story.

This story is about addiction.  We've all had an addiction, no matter how big or small or of what category.  In this clip, Kupono (the male in the video) is playing the "addiction."  Those of us who believe in God's Word know who that addiction comes from, and that's satan.  This dance hits Kupono right at home.  His family was almost ruined and torn apart by someone's addiction.  He said it would be hard for him to just "be in it for this minute thirty, or even for, like, those 2 counts..."  But what a blessing it is to others when you use your gifts and experiences as an example.

I ask you to watch this video at least twice.  The first time through, watch the girl.  Watch how the drug and the evil one is taking her over.  Feel what she feels.  The second time through, watch the guy.  Watch how he is embodying what the enemy is trying to do to you personally every single minute of every single day.  You will definitely want to overcome.

Don't let your addictions, past or present, rule you.  The Lamb has overcome, and now so can you.

In love and only by His grace, Tara K

*And thank you, Mia Michaels, once again, for an amazing routine!



Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Gifts of the Body

gift 3 Pictures, Images and Photos

My husband started taking dance lessons when he was in 4th grade.  I know.  Not many dudes dance.  One of his friends was taking clogging, which is somewhat a country-style form of tap with a little bit different shoes than the typical tap shoe.  So he started taking class because his friend was taking, and my hubby has now been dancing ever since.

He had found his niche.

Although there are many different gifts that God appoints to many different people, they still fit into categories:  Serving, teaching, prophecy, leading, encouragement, generosity, compassion and mercy...  Imagine a world where we all gave our gifts as he instructs.  Let me show you what I mean...

For as in one body, we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.  Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them...
if prophecy, in proportion to our faith;
if service, in our serving;
the one who teaches, in his teaching;
the one who exhorts [or encourages], in his exhortation [encouragement];
the one who contributes, in generosity;
the one who leads, with zeal [enthusiasm in pursuit];
the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness.

Let love be genuine.

Romans 12:4-9

Now.  Imagine that world, that body, if we all did our part.

God gave you a gift that He did not give to me.  He gave your best bud a gift that He did not give to you.  All to create this working, able body.  If you already know your gift, then pray for what God will have you do with it for every second of the day, and for every person you come in contact with.  You never know who's watching.  And if you don't know your gift?  Ask God to show you.  Deep down, you might already know.  What comes easy or natural to you?  What do you seem to succeed at often without having to try at it, better than your other tasks?  You have a part in the body.

By grace, Tara K



Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Light vs. Dark

Light vs  the darkness Pictures, Images and Photos

You know those magazines that have celeb pics all over them, cover to cover?  I actually used to have a subscription to one of them a couple of years ago.  I know, right?  I am revealing my dorkiness as you read;)  But I used to really enjoy checkin' out pics of what's new in fashion, see what was going on in the world, etc.  But for some reason, and this is just me personally... I got a conviction about not only reading those, but for actually paying for something like that.

At first look, it seems really harmless, right?  I mean, what's the big deal?  But then you think, well, somebody makes their living following people around, getting their juicy details, taking pics of them while they're just trying to go grocery shopping, etc.  And a lot of the pics, especially in the summer time, are comparing so and so's body to this other so and so...  God's Word tells us not to compare ourselves to one another.  And when you look at those pics, you compare yourself, right?  Or there may be pics of the opposite sex that your eyes come across, and we know that whatever we allow our eyes to get used to, we will soon get used to looking at, and perhaps even, want to be skimming our eyes over those kinds of pics... And we all know what the bible says about the eyes.  "The eye is the lamp of the body.  So if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light.  But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness.  If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!  No one can serve two masters..."Matt. 6:22-24  And then you go even deeper and think, well, is this really what I am putting not only my money to, but also spending my time and eyes looking at?  Our eyes are so precious.

So yeah, I've stopped with the celeb magazines.  Big deal.  There are always things we can do to make ourselves a holier temple than the day before.  It's a process for all of us as we try to be more like Jesus really would be if he was physically walking around with us, living in here today, in this century.  So we just need to make sure we're headed in the right direction every day.  It's one way or the other- light or dark.  No in between's.  No kinda sorta's.  And we often justify what's right in our own eyes, right?  I do.  I tell ya, I fail so often.  We've just gotta remember that we are not wise or right.  It's God's Word that lends the wisdom.

And it's either light or darkness.

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil,
who put darkness for light and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!
Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes,
and shrewd in their own sight!
...Therefore, as the tongue of fire devours the stubble,
and as dry grass sinks down in the flame,
so their root will be as rottenness,
and their blossom go up like dust;
for they have rejected the law of the Lord of hosts,
and have despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.

Isaiah 5:20-24

In love, Tara K



Monday, July 6, 2009

Wear Out Them Jeans

knees to prayer Pictures, Images and Photos

So these friends of mine, I tell ya.  Every time we end up spendin' some time, the 7 of us together, at some point or another, I end up so blessed.  You have people like that in your life?  Conversations that end up lasting a few hours, makin' God talk and revelations and encouragements that you know have gotta be straight from Gods mouth to theirs into your own ears?

Continue to surround yourself with people in The Word.  Always strive to continually grow.  Always remember that your work could always be better, you could always learn more.  And most importantly, that you NEED to be learning more everyday.  It's a spiritual high that nothing can satisfy quite like it at all!

How do you know God's plans for your life? Well, there are two situations- Are you in the go, go, go time?  Wonderful!  I'm sure you are being blessed, and are seeing those fruits right before your very eyes!  That is your blessing!  But are you in the wilderness?  The waiting room?  Even better, child!  You stay overly humble, constantly on your knees in prayer.  Constantly.  Dig so deep into the bible.  So deep that you not only remind yourself of things you know, but also to discover things you didn't!  Learn things that blow your mind.  Talk about it with others.  Keep God in your conversations constantly!  What visions you will be given when you finish the mile relay!  Whew!  That last 100 yards is pretty tough.  But like Daniel- what do you think would've happened if he would've given up his fasting after 20 days?  His blessing came on the 21st!

The point is, you don't know when you will reap.  Perhaps even decades later.  Maybe even once you've passed on!  But don't ever ever ever think it's in vain.  Your time is never up, no matter how old you are!  And pray together!  Praying together as hubby and wife, as friends, as co-workers... Oh!  God will show you so much!

A seminary degree gives you no anointing.  Being a good church member gives you no supernatural authority.  Being good at the gifts God has given you gives you absolutely no anointing either.  It's the complete empty selfless vessel that allows a place for God to take over.  And He brings it!  Let Him fill all of you.  Not just most of you.

God is good.  He is God, we are not.

Thank Him for that.  ;D

Ask for prayer.  Pray for me!  May God show you new things every day wearin' out the knees in those jeans in prayer.

-Tara K



Friday, July 3, 2009

Celebreakin' Recovery

I was invited to sing/share with Celebrate Recovery last night. This was their present to me. Apparently I completely blocked it out in my mind that this was filmed...

Celebrate Recovery is a worshiping group of people!  If you're interested in their ministry, go to  And yes, they're this creative and riled up all the time;)

Happy Funny Friday Fourth!

-Tara K



Thursday, July 2, 2009

Integrity: What does your secret life say?

integrity Pictures, Images and Photos
What does your secret life say?

Don't you just love to skim through the bible, just searching... waiting for something to pop out at you, for God to speak to you?

So my eyes and heart were assured with these pretty sweet words of encouragement and responsibility.  "Responsibility" is also in the dictionary listed as a "job."  Join me as I try to remember this as well, as we all fall short, no exceptions.  It is our job, our work, to keep this Vow of Integrity:

I will pay attention to the way of integrity of heart in my house.
[Perhaps the way we speak, the way we serve our family]
I will not set anything godless before my eyes.
[Such as wearing your paycheck around your neck, putting things before God like your job, watching inappropriate movies and/or visions]
I hate the doing of transgression;
it will not cling to me.
[We shouldn't just pry ourselves away from sin.  We shouldn't even have it be a temptation.  How?  By staying so far away from it instead of being on the borderline.]
A devious heart will be far from me;
I will not be involved with evil.
[Anti-devious: try always putting others first, and you will find yourselves understanding people better, and forgiving their faults.]

I will destroy anyone
who secretly slanders his neighbor;
[Secretly, eh?  Sounds like you can slander your neighbor without even realizing it.  Perhaps by justifying talking negatively about someone.  When you hear it being done?  God is asking you here to put a stop to it.  He doesn't want us to not just join in and ignore it, but to tell them not to continue.  Stand tall!  He used the word, "destroy," which I'm pretty sure doesn't mean, "ignore."]
I cannot tolerate anyone
with haughty eyes or an arrogant heart.
[Always remember that your strengths are in Him, not you.  All gifts are from above.]
My eyes favor the faithful of the land
so that they may sit down with me.
The one who follows the way of integrity
may serve me.
[Sounds like he's saying, "don't serve me until you get your heart and priorities in order."]

Psalm 101:2-6

Sounds like we've all got a lot of work to do.  I know I do.  It's not just about being good.  Live dangerously.  Stand tall.  Live boldly.  Never back down.  If we all keep each other in check, as well as live in the peaceful manner of Jesus, we could be headed on the path to integrity.

So what does your secret life say?

In love, Tara K



Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Best Sheets in the World

massage table Pictures, Images and Photos
I have the best sheets in the world.  Yes.  Bed sheets.  They're like this furry microfiber... It's better than those super soft sheets you lay on at the massage therapist's table.  Ooo la la.  And they don't even get hot in the summer.  Double ooo la la.

And every time I wash these sheets, they feel even better because, well, first of all, they smell clean.  But they also get softer because the furry fibers are all fluffed out from the dryer.  You have no idea.  Awesomeness.

So it makes me want to clean everything in the house.  Why?  Because everything is so much better when it's clean and shiny!  Not only does it simply look better, but it keeps you from getting sick by getting all that bacteria and dust off!

Wash away my guilt,
and cleanse me from my sin.
For I am conscious of my rebellion...
Against You--You alone--I have sinned...

Surely You desire integrity in the inner self,
and You teach me wisdom deep within.
Purify me... and I will be clean;
wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.

God, create a clean heart for me
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
...Then I will teach the rebellious Your Ways,
and sinners will return to You.
Psalm 51:2-13

I want to feel like a furry sheet today.  Yes.  Ooo la la.

In furry love, Tara K

