Gooooood Afternoon, Internet Friends,
"Wooooo!!!" We somehow got HBO free (and I'm still not sure if that's a good thing...) for some reason, and that's what it is singing in the background. You know, those folks in the tele singing to tell you a new HBO movie is about to start.
I love to leave the tv on while I work during the day. I go through the channels and record all the shows that look fun to me, and then just let those play while I do my thang. Thank goodness for DVR and Tivo, right? I'm never at home when all the great rockin' shows are on.
Sometimes I hear people say that tv is a bad idea. I hear them say such negative things. And after I look at all the things that you can watch on tv... whoa. yeah. I'm beginning to see that those people are right... sometimes. You know why I say "sometimes?"
Well, just have a listen, and let me know if you agree, disagree, have better ideas, etc.
Now if your family has a favorite tv show(s) that they watch together and start to bond over the funny commentary, ridiculous situations that almost seem like your own reality... oh yeah. So much fun. So yes, I think tv can be such a great thing. Also, our church runs a television broadcast that reaches, I believe, about 13,000 folks. I think. It may be 30,000, but I'm pretty sure it's probably just 13. I'm bad with numbers... obviously.
Anyhoo, that broadcast, to our pastor, is extremely important. As it should be. Reaching the public, getting the gospel out, especially the way he preaches, is such a good thing! No, it's a great and awesome thing! Television can be superb!
But there are also a lot of shows out there that we probably shouldn't be watching. And guess who I'm gonna be today? The person who names them. Most people don't like those people who point things out like this to them because it's their stress relief or guilty pleasure. Some people watch these specific shows and say, "well I would never behave that way, but it's fun watch other people do it." Um, ok. Ever heard the song that goes, "Oh, be careful little eyes what you see?..." It's a slow, gradual process to a dark road. So don't watch shows that show people scantily dressed, or shows that show married folks having affairs, or shows that encourage teenage drinking and sex. Come on! Parents, keep better tabs than that! You've got to be kidding me if you let your kids watch "Gossip Girl."
You know, a lot of my favorite shows get cancelled. They get cancelled because their aren't enough ratings. 90% of this country claims to be Christians. But the shows on big networks that don't have raunchy scenes, don't have kids getting into trouble without penalty, or the shows that make God out to be the good guy never make it. So what 90% of Christians are encouraging these shows like "Desperate Housewives," "Grey's Anatomy," and "Gossip Girl" to stay on the air?
Sure, we can all justify everything we do. I am not here to judge you. There may be shows that I watch that you may not approve of. But you know what's right and wrong. If you really are a Christian, you get convicted. If you don't feel that conviction, perhaps you'd better check where you are with God.
And next time you go to the movies, check the rating and why it's rated that way. Just take it a little slower; think about how you're spending your time and money and for what purpose.
All in love, Tara K
To listen to their music, head to iTunes.com, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!
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