(This is a pic of Kevin's last Easter at Manley.) Last night, our worship leader, Kevin Cook, has moved on to a new stage of his ministry, and has left our church. Please keep his family and the fun, new direction that God wants them to take, in your prayers! Thanks!
Why try to help people that don't wanna be helped? Sometimes it is a tough question. But you know what I think is the truth? Through all the self-labeling, whether it be through your profession- doctor, salesman, mom, writer, coach, director of something; through your hobbies as a- musician, athlete, biker, soccer-mom; or even through the clothes you wear- whether it be a preppy style from j.crew, a classic american high school student in abercrombie, the dark styles of Hot Topic, proving how apparently desirable you are by wearing the revealing clothes of popular trend clothing stores, or the smart-savers of Target... We all find identity in these things. And as much as I've moved around, I've found that you can be anything you want to be. You choose how you want other people to see you, what group you want to be a part of, just by the clothes you wear.
Seems easy enough. As much as people complain about not fitting in, not being a part of a certain crowd... to me it just sounds like a load of crap. I mean, you can do whatever you want in this life, of course, to a certain extent. I mean, there are obvious physical and mental limitations and/or differences that we all have, but as far as fitting in to a certain group of people, that's all up to us, if you ask me.
So why care what and where you fit in to? Does it really matter later on in life?
Isn't that what every single high school movie is about? It apparently does matter if, every 3 months, Hollywood is making a new movie about the life and times of high school students with the basis of the crossing-over of crowd types and members, am I right?
And then, the movies that are intended for those 30-50 years old are usually about either regretting who they used to be, or whether or not to stay faithful to their spouses. Why do these cycles never end? To me it sounds like the entire country, and many around us, are in a rut.
Maybe we should stop trying to find a place and instead, just make our own place. Why try to wear certain things to fit into a certain crowd or place, and just make a unique history instead? Are we that scared to stand out? Is that what this is all about? Fitting in? Seems a bit ironic to me- We try to fit into a certain crowd to be noticed as a specific type of people, but really to not be noticed at all- so that we don't stick out. We never want to stick out in our younger years. Then in our 30+'s, we find ourselves in a mid-life crisis. People start to cheat on their spouses; we quit our jobs to find the one we secretly longed for, but never went after; we start looking for a new spiritual outlook because the one we've got isn't really working to our advantage... This list can go on and on. Why do you think these television shows are so popular that deal with desperate housewives, office romances, and double agents? Perhaps because we aren't living out our dreams?
Don't wait until later on in life to realize that you didn't make your own unique way; don't live by the rules of the so-called American Dream. Go for it now.
You know you want to.
-Tara K
To listen to their music, head to iTunes.com, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!
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