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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dog: "Me Time"

Oh my.  So I saw this commercial the other day, and couldn't wait 'til Funny Friday to show it to you!  Hahaha!  See ya tomorrow with an actual blog!

-Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


controller Pictures, Images and Photos
So I've been watching the crazy relationships in One Tree Hill (episodes in the 50's), and it's such a strange world to me.  A place where people keep things from other people in order to save them from getting hurt.  A place where the good girl leaves her husband to pursue her dreams, which sounds okay in a way if she were on a short-term trip, but she goes by her maiden name and doesn't tell the press that she's married... A place where a girl sleeps with a random guy because she is scared of a relationship with the guy she truly loves because she's afraid of getting hurt by him...  A place where a husband threatens his wife with her life as he runs for mayor, pressuring her to play the nice wife in an exchange of blackmail...

What the crap?  Do people really act this way?  Not anyone I know.  At least, I don't think I do...  But, to an extent, I do think there are things folks do "in the better interest of another," don't you think?  It always ends up blowing up in your face eventually, so why even bother?  As you've tried manipulating situations and being a control freak, how long as it lasted before people figure you out, or how long is it before it stops working, or before you get caught?  Isn't it tiring and unsatisfying?

Aren't you able to pick out control freaks around you?  And don't you look at 'em like they've lost their minds; a bit disgusted by them, in fact?  No one wants to be around those kinds of folks, people.  But sometimes we don't realize that we're those kind of people until we allow God to test us and show us who we've become.

I looked up the word, "control," in my bible, and you know what came up?  Yes, a few verses about control.  But not once, did it say to control or manipulate the situations around you.  To me, it sounds like quite the opposite.  It tells you to control yourself.  That's it.  Just you.  That's all you need to worry about.  No one but yourself.  If you have a problem with someone, then go to that person to resolve it.  Matthew tells us that.  All you need to worry about is you.  Not your judgement on anyone else but yourself.

Better a patient man than a warrior,
a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city.
-Proverbs 16:32

A fool gives full vent to his anger,
but a wise man keeps himself under control.
-Proverbs 29:11

It is God's will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the heathen, who do not know God; and that in this matter no one should wrong his brother or take advantage of him.
-1 Thessalonians 4:3-5

The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace; the sinful mind is hostile to God.
Therefore, brothers, we have an obligation--but it is not to the sinful nature, to live according to it.
-Romans 8:6, 12

All in love, Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


sowing seeds Pictures, Images and Photos
Sometimes it's just better for all of us if we just shut up and let The Word speak for itself.  So today, I leave you with nothing but the exact words from The Creator, himself:

As you do not know the way the spirit comes to the bones in the womb of a woman with child, so you do not know the work of God who makes everything.
In the morning sow your seed, and at evening withhold not your hand, for you do not know which will prosper, this or that, or whether both alike will be good.
Light is sweet, and it is pleasant for the eyes to see the sun.
So if a person lives many years, let him rejoice in them all; but let him remember that the days of darkness will be many.  All that comes is vanity.
Rejoice, O young man, in your youth, and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth.  Walk in the ways of your heart and the sight of your eyes.  But know that for all these things God will bring you into judgement.
Remove vexation from your heart, and put away pain from your body, for youth and the dawn of life are vanity.

Ecclesiastes 10:5-10

I'm sure He has something special for each of you today concerning this passage, and it may be something totally different than I would write.

I pray that you will ask God to speak to you today.  To show you something new and enlighten you just a little bit.  Please pray the same for me!

Later, my friends, Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Monday, April 27, 2009


(This is a pic of Kevin's last Easter at Manley.)  Last night, our worship leader, Kevin Cook, has moved on to a new stage of his ministry, and has left our church. Please keep his family and the fun, new direction that God wants them to take, in your prayers!  Thanks!

Why try to help people that don't wanna be helped?  Sometimes it is a tough question.  But you know what I think is the truth?  Through all the self-labeling, whether it be through your profession- doctor, salesman, mom, writer, coach, director of something; through your hobbies as a- musician, athlete, biker, soccer-mom; or even through the clothes you wear- whether it be a preppy style from j.crew, a classic american high school student in abercrombie, the dark styles of Hot Topic, proving how apparently desirable you are by wearing the revealing clothes of popular trend clothing stores, or the smart-savers of Target...  We all find identity in these things.  And as much as I've moved around, I've found that you can be anything you want to be.  You choose how you want other people to see you, what group you want to be a part of, just by the clothes you wear.

Seems easy enough.  As much as people complain about not fitting in, not being a part of a certain crowd... to me it just sounds like a load of crap.  I mean, you can do whatever you want in this life, of course, to a certain extent.  I mean, there are obvious physical and mental limitations and/or differences that we all have, but as far as fitting in to a certain group of people, that's all up to us, if you ask me.

So why care what and where you fit in to?  Does it really matter later on in life?

Isn't that what every single high school movie is about?  It apparently does matter if, every 3 months, Hollywood is making a new movie about the life and times of high school students with the basis of the crossing-over of crowd types and members, am I right?

And then, the movies that are intended for those 30-50 years old are usually about either regretting who they used to be, or whether or not to stay faithful to their spouses.  Why do these cycles never end?  To me it sounds like the entire country, and many around us, are in a rut.

Maybe we should stop trying to find a place and instead, just make our own place.  Why try to wear certain things to fit into a certain crowd or place, and just make a unique history instead?  Are we that scared to stand out?  Is that what this is all about?  Fitting in?  Seems a bit ironic to me-  We try to fit into a certain crowd to be noticed as a specific type of people, but really to not be noticed at all- so that we don't stick out.  We never want to stick out in our younger years.  Then in our 30+'s, we find ourselves in a mid-life crisis.  People start to cheat on their spouses; we quit our jobs to find the one we secretly longed for, but never went after; we start looking for a new spiritual outlook because the one we've got isn't really working to our advantage...  This list can go on and on.  Why do you think these television shows are so popular that deal with desperate housewives, office romances, and double agents?  Perhaps because we aren't living out our dreams?

Don't wait until later on in life to realize that you didn't make your own unique way; don't live by the rules of the so-called American Dream.  Go for it now.

You know you want to.

-Tara K 

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Funny Friday's Funny Cat

Funny Friday, Funny Cat

-Tara K
For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

To Those I Went to High School With:

I honestly don't know where to start, so here goes:

Are you a different person now than you were in high school?  Do you look back and think that you were more of a misinterpretation of the bible than you were a representative of who Jesus really is?  I don't know about you, but that was me.

I grew up with people telling me that church was about rules and regulations, and how to get into heaven and hell.  And of course, those are extremely important things, and those are the first steps you need to take when becoming a christian.  But what I wasn't told was that the greatest part about knowing Jesus was actually knowing Him.  Talking to Him everyday, listening to Him, singing and dancing for Him, seeing what He'll do for you through your obedience and patience...  The list goes on and on.

But when I was in high school, I didn't know about these things.  I just went around trying to get people saved, but not even understanding grace myself.  Sure, I tried to do what the preacher was asking me to do.  I didn't go out and party- not because I desired to do so, and was restricting myself.  But because that's not something that I cared for.  I would've much rather been practicing my music, studying actors in movies, or reading.  That was just my preference. So that wasn't really a sacrifice, was it-  if I didn't want it in the first place.

I had a weird dream night before last and it haunted me all day yesterday.  And when I say "haunted," I really mean it.  It was such a heavy burden on my heart all day, and still is.  I'll tell ya why:  I have dreams of high school ever so often- mainly to do with having a new schedule and not being able to attend everything.  Which, really.  Makes no sense.  Whatever.  Psychologists out there?  Let me in on that;)  But this dream was different.  One of the guys I used to occasionally date came to find me as I was getting ready for a show.  He told me that he wanted me back for good.  And that he wanted me to be with me.  But I didn't think it was about that at all, personally, because he just wanted to be near me, not be with me.  The feeling I was getting was not that of a man/woman relationship, but that of pure hope. That is what it felt like was coming from this person.  I think it was not me that he wanted.  I think that he wanted to have, in him, the person I had become.  In other words, I think I had finally come along in a way that made people understand the Jesus that I do now, and they wanted it too.

I didn't know Jesus as a friend back then.  I knew Him as a disciplinarian.  But He's much much more than that.  I let people tell me he was all about rules and regulations without doing the research myself.  I didn't search out the true meaning and reason for the gospel.  And I made some poor choices in my high school days.  I'm sure we all did.  But I feel a great responsibility on my shoulders because of who I proclaimed to know back then.  I didn't truly know what He was about then, and I was trying to run around "saving" everyone.  But why would've anyone wanted what I had when they were out having just as good a time as me, maybe even more, in their own eyes?  Why restrict themselves to a lifestyle that seems like it's all about rules and regulations?

I had someone from high school recently tell me that they were sorry that it took them so long to come around to know The Truth like I did.  But you know what?  It probably took me just as long to come around as it did them.  The person who told me this was someone who was always challenging my faith.  And most of the time, I didn't have an answer for them.  That was all my own fault because I didn't dig myself into The Word.  You know why?  Because, honestly, I thought it was boring.  That is, until I stepped out into the real world and had no advice except the bible.  When I started really reading it, is when I came to know Jesus.  The real One.  Not the One you see in preachers on television today telling you that, with Jesus, you can manipulate any situation to have a prosperous life.  Not that one.  He also wasn't the Jesus that restricted me from having an enjoyable life.  I found that that Jesus doesn't exist.  Guess who created this world and all things in it?  Yeppers.  Don't you think He wants us to have a better time than anyone?  You get it?  Life is better when you come to know the One who created you and this whole world!  The Jesus I came to know?  The One who will keep you going when the going gets tough.  The Jesus who gives me a life of no worries.  The Jesus who makes me happier than I've ever been.  I came to know the Jesus that gives grace.  Grace that, only through Him, the only perfect person ever, by dying on the cross, can cover my sins.  The sins that I am, to this day, ashamed of.

But the only release of those is through God's grace.  And it feels so good once you do.

You know, before every basketball game, our coach had us recite the Lord's prayer in a large circle.  I personally used to pray it to have God on my side.  That's not really the point is it?  To pray to have God with you through a basketball game so that you can win, as if, in His name?  That almost sounds blasphemous to me!  Now when I pray that prayer, I really listen to the words.  And I pray it every day.  It always starts off my prayer time with God better than any other prayer I could think up on my own.  You know why?  Because that prayer is the prayer that Jesus said to pray.  Did you know that?  He said that this is the kind of prayer you should say (and mean) when talking to God.  Kind of your Skeleton Prayer.  The back bone of a prayer, you get me?

So to all those I went to high school with, I'm sorry I wasn't who I should've been.  You know what makes a good witness?  One who doesn't go around shoving it in your face.  A good witness is someone who just quietly lives it and lives it boldly.  I went around wanting people to be saved from hell.  I made some poor choices with boys a lot of the time.  I didn't get to know people in a way that I wish I would've.  I was too concerned with myself.  Not exactly the point, is it?  Sure, we definitely need to get to the bottom of eternity as soon as we can because you never know when your last day might be.  So my mistake wasn't there.  But I made it all about that.  I didn't know any better, honestly.  But that's no one's fault but mine.

I mean this with all my heart when I say this:  Life is meaningless without what I have now.  And don't look to me or anyone else as a representative of all this church and Jesus stuff, okay?  Do the searching for yourself.  That's how I found what this whole God-thing is all about.

And now I know, it's everything.

You live, you learn.  And I hope you can forgive me.

Everyone wants their own hype testimony, a great story to tell about how God turned your life around completely, scooped you up and changed your life for the better.  And I'm just now discovering my testimony.  Sure, it's not about, say, "I was a drug addict with no hope, job, family, etc.  And then Jesus came and brought me to my feet..."  La di dah.  No.  My story is that of a mediator.  Someone who was always living on the borderline but never crossing over.  I think many of us, especially in the United States, are like this.  We're good people.  But that just leaves us on the borderline right along with those who don't know Jesus at all.  And so I've asked God the past few years what my purpose is.  We all wanna have an important purpose on this earth, right?  I'm discovering mine.  Sounds silly, but here it is:  to shake things up.  To make people think.  That's it.  Yeah, I'm a singer.  I write.  I dance.  I act.  I do stunts.  Who cares?  That's my "job."  But my purpose?  To make you think.  To shake it up a little.  That's all.  But the more I look at our blessed country, and how little most people think they need God, I see how important that is.  Sure I find myself having to live boldly, and that's hard sometimes.  But I love it.

Your purpose is just as important.  I hope you're searching for it.  'Cause it feels so good.

-Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Skeptics: One Way. I'll Prove It.

For all you skeptics out there, lean on this:

In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
He was with God in the beginning.
All things were created through Him,
and apart from Him not one thing
was created
that has been created.

These verses indicate the truth about the Trinity.  The Word was WITH God.  The Word WAS God.

The Word (meaning, the bible) became flesh
and took up residence among us.
We observed His glory,
the glory as the One and Only Son
from the Father,
full of grace and truth.
(Notice he says the only one.)

Indeed, we have all received grace
after grace from His fullness,
for although the law was given
through Moses,
grace and truth came
through Jesus Christ.
No one has ever seen God.
The One and Only Son-
the One who is
at the Father's side-
He has revealed Him.

John 1:1-3, 14, 16-18

So although God sent prophets and people to tell of His grace and truth, it can only be found in Jesus Christ.  Not through how good of a person you are, not by any thing at all except through Jesus.

You have to know Jesus.

In the beginning was the Word.  That's it.  Don't you want to live on the basis?

If you have questions, email me.  God made this all so easy that even a child could (and does) comprehend it.

All in love, Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Don't Be a Quitter, People

Just because of the simple fact that I've had to move around a lot because of my job, I know how easy it can be to leave the old behind and start anew... a lot.  I've had to move 8 times in the past 8 years.  It's so easy to think, well, this will all be over in a couple of months, and then we're off to a new state.  So yeah.  It's easy to tough stuff out when you know new things are coming, right?

But what if you aren't planning on moving states?  What if you have been brought to a certain city to work, or your spouse or parents have come there to work and so you've had to follow.  And you're not goin' anywhere for quite a long time.  You've got a steady job, house, church, whatever...  And you know what I've found in these situations?  The situations where you'll be there for quite some time?  It gets really hard.  You find that you can't just tough it out for a few months because you ain't movin' anywhere soon, am I right?  These relationships that you form, no matter how good or bad, are gonna be there for a while.

So say you find yourself in a situation where things aren't exactly goin' your way.  Do you:

A:  Think about leaving, perhaps to get your personal way of life somewhere else, look for people who are more like you?
B:  Stay around, not give up, try to become a grown-up?
C:  Leave all situations altogether, and become a hermit?

If you choose A, I'd give it another thought.  This may be tough to swallow, but did you ever think that you might be the problem?  Try making things work.  Perhaps you aren't as different as you think.  Are you the kind of person who either likes things to go your way or you'd rather not do them at all?  Yeah.  You're definitely an A.  So don't give up.  The real challenge in life is maintaining, not making anew.  Believe me, I know.  I've regretted a lot of choices I've made with people and places.  So stay around;  MAKE THE DIFFERENCE YOU WANT TO SEE.

If you choose B, good for you.  That is, if you're not in a hurtful situation.  Stay around, tough it out, IF no one is physically or verbally hurting you, okay?  For real.  And a word of advice if you are sticking around for good reasons- remember how it feels after you've persevered through something and what God has rewarded you with when you do.  It's so worth it.  Stay around; make that difference you want to see, and have seen.

If you choose C, don't be scared.  Seriously.  You can't avoid life.  Pray for confidence.  God will give it to you.  Ask for confidence with good intentions.  You can do it in Jesus' name!

Now, of course, if God has "called" you into a new stage of your ministry, etc.  Of course, go where He sends thee!  ;)  I do not mean for you to stay in one job for the rest of your life!  Ha ha.  (My disclaimer.  You never know...)

The more I've moved around, the more I see that everyone is the same everywhere you go.  If not, perhaps it's just because you aren't in control of the situation/people, so you can't make people be who you want them to be.  Just be you.  Just do you.  Be the best you.

Alright people.  Don't give up.  I know you can do it!  Be the difference.  Don't go searching for it.  It's already there...

In you!

-Tara K

Oh, and we've redecorated, so enjoy!

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Sprang Cleanin'

Spring Cleaning, my friends!  It is here.  Time to start cleaning out all those dusty corners, sweater-packed closets, and for goodness sake, clean your toilets!

That's right.  Get the stank out.  All the things that you've got in your house that are causing you to not be as white as snow and clean as bleach, get rid of 'em!  If you've got people in your life that are causing you to not reek of bad attitudes and influence, either scrub 'em and help get their grime off, or throw 'em in the trash so their nasty bacteria can quit affecting your immune system, you get me?

Ok.  Good.

Clean your house AND your friends.

Yes, I am that weird.

-Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Funny Friday: dance how-to

Hey I'm on my way to Nashville, in the car, but I can't fail to give you your Funny Friday, can I?


Take that, Tara K

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Heartbreakers and Lovers

So that blog yesterday was  a little intense, right?  Not as far as making an eternal difference, but it did make us all think, including me.  Thanks for your feedback.  I think God wants us to talk about these things like we did.  Very cool.

Anyhoo, on to new topics.  This one goes out to all you out there who have your hearts broken, or may even still be recovering from a broken heart even if you are happy and content now.  Yes, I'm gonna get all lovey-dovey on you, but hey.  You know you all feel it.  Mmm-hmm.  So this may only pertain to the youngin's, or you might even be re-falling in love later on in life.  We all have a different journey, that's for sure.

So what is it, exactly?  It's such a strange thing.  You wonder if you're in love, twitterpated, merely attracted to, or just, perhaps, relying on that person because there's no one else to lean on...  All these questions go through your head when you're falling in love.  Well, maybe, at least, they should...

I just want to tell you guys and gals out there to take your stinkin' time, ya hear?  I am so serious right now.  Think about God's point of view on it all; a thousand years to him is like a day to us.  So don't feel like you have to rush anything or that if you don't force your feelings onto that person, thinking they'll slip away if you don't hurry it up already.  Because if they do end up scidattling, it may just be because they're not right for you anyway.  So just take it slow.  Probably, the most fun part about falling in love and/or loving new people is discovering everything about the person.  And you know how it is when you cram for a test-  you don't retain it for long, only enough to remember for a couple of days.  If it's a really cool situation, don't you want to remember it for the rest of your life?

So take your time.  Enjoy those around you.  Really enjoy them by soaking in what they've gotta say, their quirks, their likes/dislikes and why.

And think outside of the box and let your relationship be unique.

Take the time, my friends, Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What's on Your DVR?

Gooooood Afternoon, Internet Friends,

"Wooooo!!!"  We somehow got HBO free (and I'm still not sure if that's a good thing...) for some reason, and that's what it is singing in the background.  You know, those folks in the tele singing to tell you a new HBO movie is about to start.

I love to leave the tv on while I work during the day.  I go through the channels and record all the shows that look fun to me, and then just let those play while I do my thang.  Thank goodness for DVR and Tivo, right?  I'm never at home when all the great rockin' shows are on.

Sometimes I hear people say that tv is a bad idea.  I hear them say such negative things.  And after I look at all the things that you can watch on tv... whoa.  yeah.  I'm beginning to see that those people are right... sometimes.  You know why I say "sometimes?"

Well, just have a listen, and let me know if you agree, disagree, have better ideas, etc.

Now if your family has a favorite tv show(s) that they watch together and start to bond over the funny commentary, ridiculous situations that almost seem like your own reality... oh yeah.  So much fun.  So yes, I think tv can be such a great thing.  Also, our church runs a television broadcast that reaches, I believe, about 13,000 folks.  I think.  It may be 30,000, but I'm pretty sure it's probably just 13.  I'm bad with numbers... obviously.

Anyhoo, that broadcast, to our pastor, is extremely important.  As it should be.  Reaching the public, getting the gospel out, especially the way he preaches, is such a good thing!  No, it's a great and awesome thing!  Television can be superb!

But there are also a lot of shows out there that we probably shouldn't be watching.  And guess who I'm gonna be today?  The person who names them.  Most people don't like those people who point things out like this to them because it's their stress relief or guilty pleasure.  Some people watch these specific shows and say, "well I would never behave that way, but it's fun watch other people do it."  Um, ok.  Ever heard the song that goes, "Oh, be careful little eyes what you see?..."  It's a slow, gradual process to a dark road.  So don't watch shows that show people scantily dressed, or shows that show married folks having affairs, or shows that encourage teenage drinking and sex.  Come on!  Parents, keep better tabs than that!  You've got to be kidding me if you let your kids watch "Gossip Girl."

You know, a lot of my favorite shows get cancelled.  They get cancelled because their aren't enough ratings.  90% of this country claims to be Christians.  But the shows on big networks that don't have raunchy scenes, don't have kids getting into trouble without penalty, or the shows that make God out to be the good guy never make it.  So what 90% of Christians are encouraging these shows like "Desperate Housewives," "Grey's Anatomy," and "Gossip Girl" to stay on the air?

Sure, we can all justify everything we do.  I am not here to judge you.  There may be shows that I watch that you may not approve of.  But you know what's right and wrong.  If you really are a Christian, you get convicted.  If you don't feel that conviction, perhaps you'd better check where you are with God.

And next time you go to the movies, check the rating and why it's rated that way.  Just take it a little slower; think about how you're spending your time and money and for what purpose.

All in love, Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Bad Economy: Advice in The Word

Whoever works his land will have plenty of bread
but he who follows worthless pursuits lacks sense...

An evil man is ensnared by the transgression of his lips,
but the righteous escapes from trouble...

The way of a fool is right in his own eyes,
but a wise man listens to advice...

Deceit is in the heart of those who devise evil,
but those who plan peace have joy...

The hand of the diligent will rule,
while the slothful will be put to forced labor...

Wealth gained hastily will dwindle,
but whoever gathers little by little will increase it...

Whoever despises the word brings destruction on himself,
but he who reveres the commandment will be rewarded...

-Pieces taken from Proverbs 12 & 13

There are so many words of advice in these chapters and those that surround them.  But I wanted to specifically bring out some things, some choices that you can make throughout your daily life to not only enrich it, but to bring glory to God in the process to those around you.

We've spent the Easter holidays thanking God for His Ultimate Sacrifice.  Now it's time to show how we appreciate what He's done.  And He tells us in these verses that, not only will He be honored for it and receive glory, but so will you!

As we are facing tough economic times right now, I chose these specific verses for your encouragement.  And these are just a simple few.  God's Word is filled with direction, encouragement, enlightenment, and hope.  Search it out for every trouble you face.  Even when you're having a great day, still discover new things in the bible.  You will enjoy your day even more!


And don't forget to dance.  Jump up and down and tell God how happy you are to have Him as Lord of your life!

-Tara K


For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Monday, April 13, 2009


(My hubby did all the lights and such for the Easter program, so I wanted to show you how proud I am of him in these pics.  Hope it is pleasing to your eye;)

Happy After-Easter, everyone!  I hope you all had a good one, and rediscovered the real reason for this holiday.

We had such an incredible time at our Easter celebration at our church this year.  As all the altos and dude-singers were sitting around before we got started last night as people were filing into the congregation, I was sitting in the very back, taking it all in.  I got to lookin' at all the backs of everyone's heads in the choir, and began to really appreciate the people I am surrounded with.  You know, as I looked out into the congregation, I realized I only knew about 15% of the folks out there.  However I've come to know a lot about the guys and gals in the choir, band, drama and tech team.  And they are some really great folks.  God has really woven everyone together so well, and even when we don't fully appreciate it, He still works through everyone and uses everyone for many different possibilities that we can't even fathom.

Get to know those around you.  God put 'em there, you know.  Don't look out into a sea of people and not know anyone.

Reach out.

It's fun and sometimes, even, hard work.  But definitely worth it.

Jesus is alive!  There is no greater motivation!

-Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Friday, April 10, 2009

FUNNY FRIDAY: Easter Egg Theif


-Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!



-Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Blog Slacker is Back

(This was the church we sang at in Florence, SC.  Beautiful church.)
Sorry I've been Blog Slacking lately.  Soon, I will be back to a somewhat normal schedule in a few weeks, promise!

We had a great revival in London, Arkansas this past week!  The evangelist preached on salvation.  Obviously such an important message.  And even in such a small town, there were so many souls given to Christ as well as rededications, etc.  I was so honored to be a part of it, so thank you, London 1st Baptist for having me along.

You know, this was the first time I have gone by myself to an event to minister.  I usually have, at least, my husband along to help with the technical sides of things (and to keep me comfy, cozy).  And I also usually have Aaron Daniel along as well.  But not this time!  God has really been challenging me lately to see if I'm up for the job in many different places in my life:  Job-related, taking on other people's jobs, relationships, etc.  He has been pushing me to limits to where I say, "No way can I do this.  I am not qualified.  I am not good enough."  Or, "I'm scared.  I can't do this alone..."  

Well you know what?  The "I can't do this alone" part?  That's the absolute truth.  I can't do it alone.  But I can, however, do it with God on my side!  If I just say, "God, you do it 'cause I can't,"  He will!  I have to tell you, I have never been more nervous for anything.  And I have stood in front of thousands of people before to sing, dance, act... whatever.  But never have I done anything alone quite like that- being so alone with just my own words and music.  In other words, I have taken on what other people have asked me to do: learned THEIR script, sung THEIR songs, did THEIR choreography.  But not this time.  It was all me, what I had to bring to the table.  And God was so there!  He didn't leave me for one single second!  I spent so much time worrying whether or not I had everything together... and every night when it was all over, I was like, "oh.  That was easy..."  You know why?  Because God was doing His work through me because I let Him know that through myself, I could do nothing.  But through Him, I could move mountains!

And we did!

God is good.  Really good.  Don't be scared to be who he wants you to be.  He's challenging you.  He's testing you.

Are you up for the challenge?

Missed y'all much, Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


We will be boarding soon.

I've been in London, AR the past few days for a revival. The guess evangelist was awesome. He was a straight-shooter, made known the frauds of television leading the lost straight to he'll by their inaccuracy of the gospel, and put us all in the right date if mind in our approach to our post (and continuing) forgiven life since salvation.

Today, think about whether or not you are really gonna join Jesus in the streets of gold after you die. Do you think you're getting there by goin to church, or singing in the choir or leading small groups? Do you think you're getting there because of the good choices you make daily and by following what other people say gets you into heaven?

If so, rethink. Seriously take a harder look. John 3:16. Know that you're either going to heaven or hell. There's only two options. Don't burn forever. That us for real, folks. No it's and's or but's about it.

Recognize that you are a sinner. Ask God forgiveness and KNOW 100% that asking Jesus into your heart, your life, is the only way to save your helpless soul.

There would be no point in Jesus coming to die if you could get to heaven by good deeds.

Remember what and why He did what He did do you.

I love y'all, and thanks for always writing to me. I appreciate all the feedback and kind words!

Tara Kirk

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Lean on This

Lean on this today:

The Lord is my shepherd;
there is nothing I lack.
He lets me lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside quiet waters.
He renews my life;
He leads me along the right paths
for His name's sake.
Even when I go through the darkest valley,
I fear no danger,
for You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff- they comfort me

You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Only goodness and faithful love will pursue me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord
as long




David, Psalms 23

-Tara K

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Conquer Evil with Good

Our friend took some pictures for us for our church directory.  She ended up taking a few candids as well.  That's my hubby and me... obviously.  I am at such peace with this guy;  every time I'm with him, my entire body just relaxes without me even noticing, most of the time.  I'm sure you feel like that with someone in your life... which reminded me of these passages:

Well, as you know, movies and television give Christians a bad rap most of the time, even in movies with good intentions.  But we, as Christians, give God a bad rap a lot of the time too.  Living by what you may think as a formula to give what you want, or restricting your self, in return, to get what you need out of life... It's like telling God, I'll do this if you do that.  Um, hello!  He's God:

For who has known the mind of the Lord?
Or who has been His counselor?
Or who has ever first given to Him,
and has to be repaid?
For from Him and through Him
and to Him are all things.
To Him be the glory forever.  Amen

Romans 11:34-36

Don't try to formulate God's blessings.   Just present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God.  (12:1)  You have been given grace.  We all need it.

Detest evil; cling to what is good.
Show family affection to one another with brotherly love.
Outdo one another in showing honor.
Do not lack diligence; be fervent in spirit; serve the Lord.
Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; be persistent in prayer.
Share with the saints in their needs; pursue hospitality.
Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.
Rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep.
Be in agreement with one another
Do not be proud; instead, associate with the humble.
Do not be wise in your own estimation.
Do not prepay anyone evil for evil.
Try to do what is honorable in everyone's eyes.
If possible, on your part, live at peace with everyone.
Friends, do no avenge yourselves; instead, leave room for His wrath.
For it is written:
Vengeance belongs to Me; I will repay...

Do not be conquered by evil, but

conquer evil



Romans 12:9-21

Be at peace with God like you are with your best buddy.  No, even more so than that!  If you do what He asks of you, and in your times of weakness lean on His grace, you will be at such ease.  We are not perfect.  Not a single one of us.  Do your very very best.  God will take care of the rest.  (Oh geez.  That rhymed.  I am a dork.)

-Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!