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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Un-Thanksgiving, Conquerers

Happy Un-Thanksgiving All!  I hope everyone had a great couple of days with family and friends and those you love to be around.  We painted our house like crazy.  It was fun.  Well, let me say, MY DAD painted like crazy.  He wouldn't really let us do it because he's kind of a pro...  Anyhoo, this is my brother, Ty, with my husband and me.  He is my main musician on my solo project we're working on.  Amazing talent with no training.  Some people were just born to play.

Anyway my prayer for you today is that you enjoy the rest of your weekend off... if you're so blessed to have the weekend off.  If not, thank you for working.  I am usually in your shoes, and am very well aware now of how much of a blessing it is to be relaxing!  You will be rewarded. Plus you should never grow weary doing good.  Our heavenly Father sees all!

I just read this verse today, and I don't remember reading this one often, but I will definitely put it into my daily steps from now on!  It rocks.  Have a read:

"Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good."  Romans 12:21

In thankfulness,
Tara K

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