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Monday, November 17, 2008

Demon Protectors? Really?!

Yup.  You read the title right.  "Demon Protectors."  No joke.  These apparent demons and witches line a building in San Antonio to apparently ward off evil spirits.  Uh-huh...  I'm pretty sure that demons ARE the evil spirits.  The scary thing is, people actually believe this.  Otherwise they wouldn't take the time to create, mold and shape these things to "protect" their building.

Sometimes I really just don't believe how misled this world has become, and are even more shocked at how EASILY people are led astray.  I think it's really great that we can keep such an open mind, but it seems like it's only to certain things.  People seem to keep an open mind when it comes to things that the bible actually disagrees with, but when it comes to ghosts and evil spirits, people are so gullible.  Mark 13:22-23 warns, "For false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and will perform signs and wonders to lead astray, if possible, the elect.  And you must watch!  I have told you everything in advance."

Do not put your faith in anything but God and His Word.  Like I've said before, do the reading yourself.  Don't let others be your guide.  Do the research for yourself.  Ghosts and such phenomenon are an interesting topic, so check it out for yourself.  But don't put all your time and effort into what goes on in the spirit world.  You are a part of the real world too.  Don't get too caught up in it.  Just ask God to tell you what's real and what isn't.

It's a weird subject, I know.  But you're a little interested, aren't you?

Places to get you started: Luke 24:39, 1 Corinthians 15:44, Leviticus 19:31 20:27, Dueteronomy 18:10-12, Isaiah 8:19.  Saul even consulted a medium, which was against God's law.  He was put to death, giving David that kingdom. 1 Ch. 10:13-14

-Tara K

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't think they mean it with the Demon Protectors. Well, I think my building has a big eagle on the doorway. He's just fighting crime. Litter is a threat.