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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Un-Thanksgiving, Conquerers

Happy Un-Thanksgiving All!  I hope everyone had a great couple of days with family and friends and those you love to be around.  We painted our house like crazy.  It was fun.  Well, let me say, MY DAD painted like crazy.  He wouldn't really let us do it because he's kind of a pro...  Anyhoo, this is my brother, Ty, with my husband and me.  He is my main musician on my solo project we're working on.  Amazing talent with no training.  Some people were just born to play.

Anyway my prayer for you today is that you enjoy the rest of your weekend off... if you're so blessed to have the weekend off.  If not, thank you for working.  I am usually in your shoes, and am very well aware now of how much of a blessing it is to be relaxing!  You will be rewarded. Plus you should never grow weary doing good.  Our heavenly Father sees all!

I just read this verse today, and I don't remember reading this one often, but I will definitely put it into my daily steps from now on!  It rocks.  Have a read:

"Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good."  Romans 12:21

In thankfulness,
Tara K

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thankful for You

It's time to be thankful!  Well, ok.  Actually, we should ALWAYS be thankful.  But today, I am acknowledging you and the importance you all have in my life.  God puts people in our lives for a reason, and I am so thankful for every single one... yes, even those who know just right where to get my nerves a-jumpin.  You know why?  Because if life was easy breezy, how fun would it really be?  If we were all alike, I don't think that we'd have as much fun enjoying each other's company; we'd be pretty predictable.

Sonshine, you are my most favorite girl on this planet.  Thank you for being my best girlfriend.  I can't believe how ca-razy good we get along.  You are truly my twin separated at birth.  Thanks for taking all the color and leaving me so pasty;)  Mike Hawk, I am so thankful for you.  You are such a good friend, and you never fail to make me laugh until I (almost) tinkle;)  Laura Cole, I am so thankful for your friendship.  You are one of the kindest, most beautiful people I've ever met in my life, and I love you.  Aaron Daniel and Jenny, you guys are two in a million, and I'm so lucky to be working with you.  Your humbleness is beautiful, as you have much to brag about.  Greg and Paula, I am so grateful for our new friendship!  You are very special in so many ways.  David Sanborn, you are my long lost brother, and I'm so glad God brought you in my life.  I learned so much from you and your family, and I am forever grateful to your testimony.  Mak Mak Mak.  I love you, my little puppy.  I am so thankful for your friendship.  You will always be so dear to me.  Rachel, my seester, I am so thankful for your love and testimony.  You are perfect.  Kevin, thanks for bringing Justin and I into a part of your ministry.  We are loving this new chapter in our lives.  I am honored to be working with such a talented musician and Man of God.  Tambri, I am so thankful for you.  You have such a magical presence, and I love you.  Congrats very soon!  And to everyone at Manley, such a wonderful new family!  We love you.  Maria Rivers, I am so thankful God put you in our lives.  I learned so much from you, something I could never get in standard education.  Thank you for being such a dear friend.

I know this doesn't even begin to touch on everyone and all you've done in my life!  If I were to name you all off, I would soon be too old to even type...  I just wanted to let those of you in my life right now how much I am thankful for you!  God bless you in this season!

-Tara K

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tues, 25

Hey guys!  Last night, we had a video shoot for our promo package, and we are so excited to get it out to you!  Can you believe our album release for "Not So Classic," (our hymns cd) will be released in two weeks?!  Yup.  It is coming fast!  We're rushing to get things ready for you.

The shoot went very well.  We missed out on having Jenny there, but as you know, she is a new wife and she wanted to get her house in order.  Who can blame her?  We will soon upload the video to the site, so keep posted for that.

Lately I've been writing to you my thoughts and encouragements.  But today, I just wanted to let you know how we are, what we're up to, and to let you know that the music is still on its way.  Aaron Daniel and Jenny are now back from their honeymoon from Disney World, and are settling into married life, so please keep that adjustment in your prayers.  Justin and I have family coming in for Thanksgiving, so please pray for the safety of our family.  My brother is also coming to work on my solo album.  He is a talented musician, and we are looking forward to having him and his expertise on the album, "Strange Love."

Well, that's about it for us here in Tennessee.  We are so grateful to have you in our lives.  Please don't hesitate in continuing to email us your prayers and concerns, or even if you just need a listening ear. ( or for me personally,

Thank and have faith in the Lord in this season.  "But as for me--poor and in pain--let Your salvation protect me, God.  I will praise God's name with song and exalt Him with thanksgiving.  That will please the Lord more than an ox, more than a bull with horns and hooves.  The humble will see it and rejoice.  You who seek God, take heart!  For the Lord listens to the needy and does not despise His own who are prisoners."
Psalm 69:29-33

He loves you yesterday, today and tomorrow!  You are forever His very own!
-Tara K

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Rejoice! Shake It! Have a Ball!

(pics from the Annas/Grossenbacher wedding)
We all have special things that happen in our lives.  Special events.  Special people.  Special moments.  And in those moments, let the One who gave you those moments know that you appreciate it!

"He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.  Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the Lord."  Psalm 40:3  By outwardly praising our God, people will take notice.  Live those happy and special moments out loud!

"Sing a new song to Him; play skillfully on the strings with a joyful shout." Psalm 33:3

David rejoices to the Lord, "I delight to do Your will, my God;  Your instruction resides within me.  I proclaim righteousness in the great assembly; see, I do not keep my mouth closed-- as You know, Lord.  I did not hide Your righteousness in my heart..."  Psalm 40:8-10

God wants you to tell Him "thank you" and of how great He is!  You know He's done awesome things for you, so rejoice in Him and His excellent greatness!

You know, yesterday I almost didn't write to you because I didn't feel like it would do anyone any good.  Then I had so many people tell me how much they enjoy these little devotionals, even to the point of wanting to be a better person.  So don't grow weary in doing good, people.  Especially if it is for God's glory!  Sure, there is a time to speak, and a time to listen.  But seek His face, and He will lead you on the right path!  Rejoice in this day that our omnipresent God and Creator has orchestrated!  Rejoice with those vocal chords, even if you (or others) don't like the way it sounds.  God does!  You are precious to Him!

I am rejoicing in you today, Tara K
(Yeah, that rhymed... oh geez)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Do I Know You?

I don't have a special devotional for you today because I believe this passage says it all.  No matter who we are, it's such a wonderful thing to abide by these words.  Not to mention, the Lord asks us to do so.  And I ask you, "Do I know you?"  And more importantly, "Do you really know yourself?"

My dearly loved brothers, understand this: everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger, for man's anger does not accomplish God's righteousness.  Therefore ridding yourselves of all moral filth and evil excess, humbly receive the implanted word, which is able to save you.  (It seems that a person who is easily angered actually needs saving; moral filth and evil excess.  Tough words to hear.)

Be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.  Because if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man looking at his own face in a mirror; for he looks at himself, goes away, and right away forgets what kind of man he was.  But the one who looks intently into the perfect law of freedom and perseveres in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer who acts- this person will be blessed in what he does.  (Sure we go to church, but do we apply what the preacher says on Mon-Sat?  If we think we're high and mighty, my guess is that we need to take some extra "mirror time.")

If anyone thinks he is religious, without controlling his tongue but deceiving his heart, his religion is useless.  Pure and undefiled religion before God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world.  (So if you go to church every Sunday, but don't apply the teachings Mon-Sat, you might as well not even being going to church on Sundays. right idea? Don't let the world have its horrible effects on you, and care for those in need.  It's so simple.  And remember, the tongue is more powerful than any two-edged sword.  Ouch.)

James 1:19-27

-Tara K

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Who's Your #1?

Who's your number 1, your boo?  I have to tell ya.  My husband is my favorite person on this earth.  He's my mister.  We have the best time together.  He gets me, I get him.  You get that.  We even have nightmares that would lead into our separation because we love and need each other so much.  Both of us have these dreams!  Isn't that awful?  I used to have dreams like that as a teenager, except for it was that I would be separated from God.  I would have these horrible dreams that I would die, and would leave my body, walk around, and no one would be able to see me, and God wouldn't even take me with Him to eternity.  I was this lost soul.

The enemy has a big part in this, but so did I.  In our bible study this morning, Beth Moore was saying that God is either trust-worthy or He isn't.  Um... The End.  That really is the bottom line, if you think about it, isn't it?  We either trust that God lets us go through bad things for our good, or we believe He isn't trust-worthy, because it can only be one or the other.  There's no in between.

You know, I've always felt that God has always had my best intentions and He has allowed this certain path for me, His path, not mine, for my own good.  But my trials seem so minimal to me when I think about what others are going through.  I even get mad at myself for subconsciously worrying about the uncontrollable.  Why do that?  It sounds to me like I may not think God is trust-worthy.

I don't wanna live my life afraid of what God might do to me if I surrender every single thing.  Everything!  I don't wanna keep thinking, "well God, is this all I can do?  What if I haven't put all my efforts where they're due?  What if I haven't crossed my t's and dotted my i's correctly?  What if I didn't work hard enough?"  Here's the thing:  God, thankfully, knows our heart.  He knows we may not measure up, and we fall, but he knows our intentions.  He knows our deepest intention on the things we say and how we say 'em, even if we are incredible masters of deceit.  I don't know about you, but some people can smell a fake from a mile away.  I don't have gifts of a mastermind or organization or baking or mathematics or anything like that.  But I do have a good eye when it comes to discernment.  I can't tell you what's wrong with people, or what they're thinking, but I can tell you when it's just not right.  But you know who can see through everything, way more than any eye could see?  God.  He sees more than a hidden camera.  He sees through the Christian slang people use to make them sound high and mighty.  He sees through to your intentions, to the heart.

I don't wanna tell God that I surrender all to Him and give Him my life, but not have the right intentions.  He should be first.  Your number one intentions should not be to support your family.  Your number one intentions should not be to be the best wife you can possibly be.  Your number one intention should be one thing only:  God.  Your relationship with Him, your relationship with your spouse, your relationship with your children, your relationship with your best friend and even those you don't get along with, should all be to glorify God and to know Him more and to make His name a place of rest and joy and truth.

I pray that you get past the mumbo jumbo of Christianity and to a life where God is first.  It sure is easy to say, but when you don't have the physical body of Jesus to walk around with, it becomes more of a challenge.  But God wants you to seek Him.  You won't regret it if you do.

-Tara K

Monday, November 17, 2008

Demon Protectors? Really?!

Yup.  You read the title right.  "Demon Protectors."  No joke.  These apparent demons and witches line a building in San Antonio to apparently ward off evil spirits.  Uh-huh...  I'm pretty sure that demons ARE the evil spirits.  The scary thing is, people actually believe this.  Otherwise they wouldn't take the time to create, mold and shape these things to "protect" their building.

Sometimes I really just don't believe how misled this world has become, and are even more shocked at how EASILY people are led astray.  I think it's really great that we can keep such an open mind, but it seems like it's only to certain things.  People seem to keep an open mind when it comes to things that the bible actually disagrees with, but when it comes to ghosts and evil spirits, people are so gullible.  Mark 13:22-23 warns, "For false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and will perform signs and wonders to lead astray, if possible, the elect.  And you must watch!  I have told you everything in advance."

Do not put your faith in anything but God and His Word.  Like I've said before, do the reading yourself.  Don't let others be your guide.  Do the research for yourself.  Ghosts and such phenomenon are an interesting topic, so check it out for yourself.  But don't put all your time and effort into what goes on in the spirit world.  You are a part of the real world too.  Don't get too caught up in it.  Just ask God to tell you what's real and what isn't.

It's a weird subject, I know.  But you're a little interested, aren't you?

Places to get you started: Luke 24:39, 1 Corinthians 15:44, Leviticus 19:31 20:27, Dueteronomy 18:10-12, Isaiah 8:19.  Saul even consulted a medium, which was against God's law.  He was put to death, giving David that kingdom. 1 Ch. 10:13-14

-Tara K

Friday, November 14, 2008

You Trust Us with Jesus?!

Sleigh Bells ring!  Holy moly.  I'm already thinking about Christmas time and we haven't even gotten to Thanksgiving.  It seems like we have, for some reason.  One of the wonderful things about getting ready for the holidays is you start remembering Jesus as a baby, how He started out in this world.  I don't know about you, but when I talk to Jesus, I am seeing Him as He is now, at the right hand of the Father, or even as if He is sitting with me right here in this room.  But I rarely think of Him in his baby-state.  It really is hard to envision Jesus as a tiny, helpless baby, isn't it?  He is our King, and yet, He can't even fend for Himself.  (And yes.  As I was writing this, it DOES remind me of a conversation I've heard Will Ferrel have...)

We have a very creative and omnipotent God, do we not?  He can see so far into the future that He knows that leaving helpless Jesus with a mere human was gonna be okay.  Actually more than okay, it was part of His divine plan.  So when you think of that, remember that if God can trust us with Jesus, He really does believe in us.  Whatever it is that you set your mind to, you can do it!  Just lean on Him, and seek His face, just as Mary did.

And the angel came to her and said, "Rejoice, favored woman!  The Lord is with you."  But she was deeply troubled by this statement, wondering what kind of greeting this could be.  Then the angel told her:  Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.  Luke 1:28-30

So when you know God has asked you to do something, and you're scared or doubtful or feel unworthy, remember Mary and what her angel said.

Be encouraged, Tara K

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Refresh & Renew 'Cause We're Not so Righteous

While we were in San Antonio this weekend (and by the way, thank you Aaron Daniel and Jenny for putting us up in this great hotel!), we made Texas-shaped waffles as a part of our breakfast at the hotel.  This picture may make it look small, but I have to say that this waffle was definitely the way Texas should be in size!  And delicious, I might add.

We were so excited to go and have a refreshing weekend, to relax and get away from the norm.  And we did.  It was so beautiful, such a different atmosphere, which is always nice.  We got to park and walk all over downtown in the really great weather, day and night. It was so exactly what we wanted: refreshing.  But you know what?  After 3 days, we were ready to come back home.  We wanted the norm back!  Isn't it funny how that works out?  You can't wait for something, and then when you get it, you get your feel of it, and then you're done.  We don't want to stay there forever.  You wanna move on to the next thing.

I feel like we can be like that spiritually.  There are times when we are constantly seeking God, for Him to tell us what the heck He's doing, why we're where we are.  And in those times, that's when we grow.  We start looking for answers, we start begging for Him to forgive us, we start being more conscious of our actions and words.  But then there are times when everything is easy breezy, when we didn't even crack open our bible that day because we really felt no need.  I mean, why go to God when we have nothing to ask of Him, when we have nothing to say?  Well, how about a "thanks?"  Sometimes we get so stagnant in our faith that we don't think we need God for EVERY little thing and decision that particular day...  We don't realize it at the time, but that's not a good place to be, even though it seems as though everything is going great.  When God leads us through those times when we feel like we need Him every second, as we are seeking Him at all times, He doesn't want us to stop there after we're done.  He wants us to move on to the next thing.  He wants us to continue to never be satisfied where we are, just as you do in your professional life.  You don't wanna look down the road in 20 years and say you're doing the exact same work you're doing now, do you?  Sure, you can be in the same position at work, but as a person, as a professional at whatever it is that you do, do you want to say that you never got any better at what you do?  I don't.  I don't even want to be where I am a year from now.  I want to continue to grow as an artist, writer, singer, whatever.  I want to continue to discover new things, you know?

We really should consider that when it comes to our faith and our spiritual growth.  They call it growth for a reason, folks.  Til the day we die, we will never get to a perfect level of faith or knowledge of His Word.  There are so many things in the bible that aren't perfectly laid out for us to absorb at first read.  We can continue to grow, and He wants us to.

Don't you want to?  Don't you want to become a better person every day?  Even looking back on your mistakes a few years ago, do you still wanna be that person?  I don't.

We've all still got a long way to go.  And to those of you who aren't so sure about Christianity or Jesus or The Bible, don't let people who call themselves Christians be your guide.  A very large percent of this country put themselves into the category of "Christians."  I think people want to put themselves in a category that will help them in the afterlife, but they don't necessarily have a real-life relationship with Jesus.  So please please please don't use anyone as your guide.  Do the reading yourself.  Let God speak to you as you read His Word.  He will speak to you if you ask Him.  There are a lot of "if's" in the bible.  I just suggest you read them for yourself because we all make mistakes.  None of us are worthy to be an accurate example of Jesus Christ to you.

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  To Him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity.  Amen.  II Peter 3:18

-Tara K

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Life turns out.  It doesn't turn out how we might think it would, that's for sure.  But it definitely turns itself out.  Seeing Aaron Daniel and his bride at their wedding this weekend showed me that.  Thank goodness our own plans don't end up being the end result. What God does in our lives is unexpected and sometimes even unwelcome, but once everything plays out, all is good.  No, actually I'd like to say that all is hopeful.  Aaron Daniel and Jenny waited a long time for each other to come into their lives.  They only met, I believe, 2 years ago.  But they didn't really get to hang out and get to know one another really well until just last year.  They've spent almost 30 years preparing for November 8th, 2008, when they would join as one!  It's amazing how much time it takes to prepare for what God has planned.

If God would've allowed me to begin singing my own music when I thought I was ready, which was about the age of 18, well... Let's just say that I wouldn't be doing very well professionally, first of all.  Secondly, I wouldn't have crossed paths with my husband, who is now my favorite person on this earth, and whom I could not do without.  Thirdly, I spiritually wouldn't be where I am now.  It takes so much time for God to prepare us for what He has planned.  I don't even know if I'm ready now, but not knowing may be one of the best things I have going for me.  It lets me know that I, by myself, am not capable to do what God has asked of me.  I, myself, cannot even provide the vocals.  God has me totally reliant on Him.  I know that through my own power, it is impossible.  And that's what God wants to do.  He wants to show the world that through Him, all things are possible.  He wants to prove through us, sometimes by allowing everything to be taken from us, that HE is The One who is responsible for your success, for greatness and glory.

Think about what He did with Gideon and the 300.  God told Gideon," You have too many people for Me to hand the Midianites over to you, or else Israel might brag: 'I did it myself.'" He started out with 22,000 soldiers, then to 10,000.  Then God told Gideon that there were still too many people, even though the other army had extremely more than they.  "Take them down to the water, and I will test them for you there... Separate everyone who laps water with his tongue like a dog.  Do the same with everyone who kneels to drink."  300 guys drank the water just as a dog would do.  Well, obviously Gideon knew that God didn't want to use those heathens.  But then God said, "I will deliver you with the 300 men who lapped and hand the Midianites over to you.  But everyone else is to go home." Judges 7:2-7 Ha ha ha!  You see?  God made it absolutely impossible to make this look like Gideon's victory!  He proved that only through Him could there be defeat!

God is trying to do this in your life, and even in mine.  You know, 29:11 cannot possibly share hope with others, if we have not yet experienced it ourselves.  What kind of a witness would we be to have things come so easily to us, but then sympathize with people that are searching for hope when we really didn't need it in the first place?  I'm telling you right now, we need it.  We want it!  We can't wait to see which armies will be defeated in the name of the Lord!

Oh, and in case you didn't know:  Gideon and the 300 were not defeated.  The Israelites actually asked Gideon to rule over them.  Gideon replied, "I will not rule over you, and my son will not rule over you; the Lord will rule over you." Judges 8:23

Gideon knew from then on that it was the Lord who was in control.  And He still is today.  When it feel like the road is ending for you, remember Gideon.  "Now without FAITH it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God, for the one who draws near to Him MUST BELIEVE that He exists and rewards those who seek Him."  Hebrews 11:6  "for we walk by faith, not by sight." II Corinthians 5:7

Though you don't see the results right now, know that God is with you.  Do not grow weary in good deeds!

-Tara K

Friday, November 7, 2008

From Ancient to Email

Right now I'm sitting in Houston's airport waiting for our next flight.  This is such a beautiful airport.  I believe it was named after George Bush.  It amazes me how so many people have so many places to go, and so far away at that.  Think about the olden days when there were no planes, no cars, no bikes for that matter, when the only transportation you had was a donkey, camel, etc.  You weren't goin' very far, I tell ya that much.  And you certainly weren't traveling across water.  Such a different time, right?

And even still, the Word is true today.  It can be used JUST AS MUCH as it was thousands of years ago.  Every word in it still applies in this world where we can chat with someone across the globe by a handheld little device, or by writing an email which seems as though it goes through space to get there, or even by video chat via internet.  This absolutely blows my mind.  My mind certainly wasn't created to understand all of it, but thank our good God for making people who would!  Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to talk to you right now.

God used ordinary and simple people to write His Word that is available and understandable to us here in this century and time.  You know how long ago that was?  God had to have seen how this world would evolve to this even while the Ancient Word was being written.  Holy!

When you think that your world seems upside down or hopeless, remember that God knew what was gonna happen to you.  He planned it all out.  So don't fret when things aren't going your way.  His Plans are farther than the eye any eye could see!  Especially your own!

He is so good!  Praise Him today in His adventurous greatness!

-Tara K

Oh and by the way, we have the rehearsal dinner tonight, so pray that it goes well for our brother and sister, Aaron Daniel and Jenny!  They love you so much!  And no, THEY are not brother and sister... quit readin' so far into things. ;)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

hi guys! i'm writing u from the studio 2day! we're making our last adjustments 2 everything, & then we'll b getting ready 2 send it 2 those of u who've pre-ordered. God has been so good n all of this. we pray that God will use this music n so many ways 4 u. we love u all. we ask that u pray 4 our journey this weekend as we travel 2 aaron daniel & jenny's wedding. talk 2 u soon, & i'll try 2 send u pics as much as possible of the whole event!
luv u, & please excuse all the abbreviations. j) i'm txting u all of this.
-tara k

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Be a Hero: Choose Life

Last night, Mr. Obama was elected our 44th President of the United States. Now I know a lot of us may not agree with, actually, MOST things he has brought to the table. But guess what? He WILL BE our president very soon. Don't be so hateful towards him, please. I am extremely disappointed in the comments I've heard from the Republican party. It seems like we misrepresent our best friend and Savior so bad sometimes. So I have a few words of encouragement to you, and some things that you really need to pay attention to.

Now.  Just listen:  If you really carry out the royal law prescribed in Scripture (and I love the word, prescribed, here.  Like it is for our best, a healing medicine), Love your neighbor as yourself, you are doing well.  But if you show favoritism, you commit sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors.  (My husband works in an environment where he is a spiritual leader.  And he unfortunately has to keep his volunteers in check, as they are to be a representation of Jesus.  You can imagine when he has to do this, sometimes even asking people to take a break from their duty for a while to figure out why they're really there, what their goal is.  So he is in a position to keep everyone as equals; showing no favoritism to anyone.  But the bible tells him to do so, so he follows that law.  Many leaders are persecuted by those who follow[ed] them, and even those who are leaders of that leader persecute them.  You are only responsible for yourself.)  For whoever keeps the entire law, yet fails in one point, is guilty of breaking it all...

Now for the big point in this day after our 2008 Presidential Election:  Speak and act as those who will be judged by the law of freedom. (The law will allow you to do certain things that the bible will not.  In these cases, you are to follow the Word.  Just because you have been given the freedom to do something, doesn't mean you should.)  For judgement is without mercy to the one who hasn't shown mercy.  Mercy triumphs over judgement.  (So don't judge others around you, or even your new leaders.  Give them mercy by showing them, by living out, the true life.  The Word.)  James 2:8-11

I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you today that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse.  (Do you see how these two are compared?  Life is a Blessing, Choosing Death is a Curse.)  Choose life so that you and your descendants may live. Deut. 30:19  Just because you have been given the freedom to kill a child, doesn't mean that you should.  They are not given for you to be "punished," as Mr. Obama has said.  Some people try to have children, a mini-me of themselves and their spouse, but their bodies won't allow it.  Don't take this for granted.

Pray that God uses you as a light for Him.  Pray for our country.  Pray for our president, and our soon-to-be president.  Remember that our God is God.  That means, He created the universe and all of the people in it.  That includes our new president.  Just pray for him.  Wouldn't you want someone praying for you if you were elected?  I know I would sure need it.

One Nation, Under God!

Tara K

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ladybugs & My Favorite Donkey

My house has been invaded by ladybugs.  The funny thing?  They follow me.  Only me.  Really cute at first, but now it's just kinda creepy.  We were told that they will find a way into your house when it gets cold out, finding shelter into a warmer environment.  The funny thing is, they are coming in through my office, where I spend most of my time during the day.  But then, for some apparent reason, when I go sit in the living room, they follow me there and hang out on the ceiling above me.  Oh, and when I get a shower, they go as far as they can to the bathroom door, which I keep shut so that my shower is free of all ladybug eyes... the little stinkers.  I feel like Noah's wife.  And you know what else about these little suckers?  They sting.  They haven't stung me, but they stung my husband.  It makes me wonder if they are protecting me.  They remind me of Radar, the donkey.  Now, Radar is one of my best friends.  I don't get to see him much anymore, but when we saw each other on a more than daily basis, he used to kiss up and down my arm, I would rub on his ears, and we were the cutest couple you've ever seen.  But anytime my husband would come around, even if I wasn't with him, Radar would stomp his feet, get angry, etc.  He did not like Justin very much at all.  He wanted me all to himself, and he couldn't handle having Justin around.

Do these ladybugs and Radar have something in common?  I'm just askin.  I think that happens with us humans at times.  Sometimes, we have people all to ourselves, and then someone else comes along and we stamp our feet and throw a fit, and sometimes take a hateful bite out of them with our snide comments.  You see what I mean?  We find ourselves getting comfortable with our "group."  Yeah, that's who you hang out with because you have a lot in common with them, and it's such a blessing to have people that you're comfortable around enough to talk about God's teachings and about life.  But I heard someone say yesterday that they didn't know this particular someone hardly at all, even though they'd gone to the same church for years!  Now I know that God puts specific people in our lives for a reason;  He gives us best friends to share with.  But at the same time, it's really sad to see a situation where someone passes away, someone that you have shared the same room with a few times a week for years, and to not even know much about 'em.  I do think God wants us to reach out to those outside our comfort zone a little bit more than we usually do.  Now I'm speaking for myself here as well.  I an the type of gal who is laid-back beyond measure, and I'm very comfortable just feeling things out, not being Miss Socialite.  I like being around people who will entertain me; dance, monkey, dance!  Hee hee.  But I find it so rewarding when I reach out to those whom I don't necessarily have much in common with.

We have a mouth, so let's use it.  We have somewhat decent social skills, so let's use 'em.  We have a God who loves everyone around us, even those whom we find it hard to like, even though we love 'em.  You know what I'm saying...  you sure do.  Been there, done that, you got a crazy cheap t-shirt to prove it too...

To what should I compare this generation?  It's like children sitting in the marketplaces who call out to each other:  We played the flute for you, but you didn't dance;  we sang a lament, but you didn't mourn!  For John did not come eating or drinking and they say, 'He has a demon!'  The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, 'Look, a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!'  Yet wisdom is vindicated by their deeds.  Matthew 11:16-19

I think we always try to play it too cool.  There is so much being offered to this generation, but instead we find ways to ridicule and ignore what's really there.  Oh that we would just break down all barriers and live fearlessly!

God sent John the Baptist to live his life out fearlessly, preparing The Way for Jesus.  What an honor!  However a lot of people thought he was crazy.  But so what?!  We actually have that opportunity today because we have all we need to be God's Messengers.  Let's take up our responsibility.  Cause you know that's what we have.  A responsibility.  And He will reward us for it!

Don't forget to vote today!  Pray and listen for God's Still Voice in your decision today.

God bless America!
-Tara K

Monday, November 3, 2008

Marketing Jesus?

So I just wanted to say add that I love my church that I attend right now. Such a diverse group of people, and such a love and heart for God. I make way more mistakes than my church does, I can tell you that. This is just an example of how our intentions just go wrong sometimes. Love you!)

This next video speaks for itself.  To those of you who aren't so sure about the Christian faith, I apologize if I've ever acted this way.  We all truly don't mean to; we have the right intentions.  I'm just sorry that we don't make it come across that way.  I'm gonna make a conscious effort not to look this ridiculous from now on:

(This next video really does look and feel just like a church I've been to!)

You are not to do as we are doing here today;  everyone is doing whatever seems right in their own eyes.  Indeed you have not yet come into the resting place and the inheritance the Lord your God is giving you.  Deuteronomy 12:8-9  We've all still got some growing to do.
-Tara K