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Monday, August 31, 2009

Real Vision

Fisheye New York Pictures, Images and Photos
Just when you need to toughen up the most, you back down.
Just when you need to show what you've got, apparently you haven't.
Just when your courage needs to be at it's bravest, it's unsure.

If this is you, quit.  Not quit as in, give up.  Quit as in, quit with your insecurities, with your loss of hope, with your high horse, quit with thinking you're better than others, quit with thinking if only I was somewhere or someone else, quit taking a beating, for the beating comes not in what others are doing to you, but what you allow.  You have a problem with where you are?  You have a problem with your people, with your life?  Stand up and tell and work for what you want.  Don't look for it elsewhere.  It is IN you.  Not around you.  Stand up and tell and work for what you truly believe in your prayers what God wants.

Disbelief.  Disbelief is all it is.  Disbelief in Your Father.  The One who made every thing on earth work in harmony.

We are the species with the most intelligent free will.  And we are the most unfaithful of all God's creations.  And He still loves us more than the lilies.  And yet, they don't toil or spin.

Quit quitting.  Get up and make a difference.

Tara K

facebook group: 29:11 The Plan


1 comment:


Good morning - I just had to stop by and leave you a note because you have the most wonderfully fabulous blog. I've loved reading your interesting posts, all very creative and great pictures too. What could be more perfect ? Thanks for sharing them all and best wishes...