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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Easy Button in a Hard Day

Easy Button Pictures, Images and Photos
Ever had those days (or even, weeks!) when you're so busy that you can't even find time to take a trip to the restroom?  Yeah.  Been one of those weeks for me too.  But it's all in blessing, so I'm definitely not complaining.  However, you have your routine, right?  We all do.  I like to have my quiet time with God in the morning.  But when I got woken up earlier than normal, and had to get out of the house pronto, and not able to return until that night...  Well, you've all been there, I'm sure.  The day ends up leaving you somewhat frustrated, but you don't even have time to think about being frustrated...  Then when you finally get home, you realize... Hello!  It's because I didn't have my alone time with my God, who is your Best Bud.  Mmm-hmm.  What is it about Him that puts us at ease?  Why is He able to calm us in a storm, make us giggle when there's nothing funny, give us a driven desire to have purpose in our day when it seems so ordinarily unimportant?

Could it be, that when we pray, especially as Jesus instructed, we allow God to fill us instead of trying to fill and do everything ourselves?  He says it all in the well-known prayer from Matt. 6.

Find a quiet, secluded place so you won't be tempted to role-play before God.  Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage.  The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense his grace.

The world is full of so-called prayer warriors who are prayer-ignorant.  They're full of formulas and programs and advice, peddling techniques for getting what you want from God.  Don't fall for that nonsense.  This is your Father you are dealing with, and he knows better than you what you need.

So when we leave it up to us, and leave God behind or set Him aside, that's when it falls apart.

So, even if we're gonna have to leave something out of our routine... even if it's coffee  (oh no!), then let it be.  Make time with God your priority.

Even when life gets tough.

Sometimes, it's a simple message like this that can make the most difficult situations and the most spiritual people, even, take a step back and just breathe Him in.

He's all you need.

He's your easy button on a hard day, Tara K



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