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Monday, March 30, 2009

That Bird Ain't Worry

We had a great time in Andrews, NC this weekend.  Thanks to all who joined us!  We had a great time, and seriously, I'll need to be working all that food off this week.  Buh!

Their preacher, Pastor Tommy Lamb, spoke on anxiety Sunday morning.  I'd be stealing the words out of his mouth if I didn't say this was straight from his teaching:

Worrying shows that we are being unfaithful to our Master.  He owns all, controls all, and provides all.  This is written in Matthew 6:25-34, Psalm 24:1, Daniel 2:20-21, Philippians 4:19.

Worrying is unnecessary.  The word tells us we should not worry about food, our longevity, and our clothing.  You cannot lengthen your life.  It is already planned.  And as far as having food on the table, God owns it.  He'll give it.

Worrying is a characteristic of unbelief.  It is a mark of a worldly mind.  When we seek God for the necessities of life, it is a sign of commitment and faith.  This is how you show God you trust Him!

Did you know that 16 of the 38 parables of Jesus pertain to money and materialism?

Or how about this:  500 verses in the bible pertain to prayer, 500 to faith, and 2000 to materialism!  (Um... whoa.)

Pastor Lamb even used this analogy:

Ever heard of a bird who tried to build more nests than his neighbor?...  (You know why?  Because they trust God will provide.  They have no doubts or worries that it's gonna disappear or that He might not bring it tomorrow.)

He even said:  How many outfits were you born in?  Well, none, right?  How many will you be buried in?  Just one.  A closet full of clothes is unnecessary.  Keeping up with the latest fashions is unnecessary.

Worrying- to strangle, to choke

Worry is a sin.  Your nervous system depends on you not doing it so much;)

-Tara K

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29:11 The Plan!

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