Oh my goodness. How bout them allergies? I woke up today feelin' the pressure. How 'bout you? I tell ya what. No fun. With all this weather changing from 70+ to 30-... I'm surprised the earth hasn't exploded! Good thing God knows what He's doing! I would have blown this place up if I were in control; How does He know how to do EVERYTHING?!
Yes, of course you know. Because He's God. It's seems like such a crazy thing to accept, right; the whole possibility that this world was created by one person, and that one person has no beginning or end. But, oh, is it ever true. If you find yourself overwhelmed by all of the concepts by how this world got here, don't be. You know there's only the one way this world... universe, even... could've worked out the perfect way it did, and that is through the only One who is perfect.
We had a wonderful time at church last night. Met some visitors, prayed with them. How cool is it that you can take your cares and troubles and praises, and just have intimate conversations with people you've never even met in your life, and share with them, love on them... all through One Name! Man, God amazes me every day. What courage it takes to go up to a stranger and talk about faith and your beliefs, or just who you are and why! And how rewarding it is when you do! Then you're like, wow. "That was easy." (Someone got my husband an "Easy Button" for his birthday. That phrase comes in my head all the time now;)
Challenge! I challenge you to find someone this week, share your heart, really share your heart with someone you have never met. Yeah, if you're at church, do it there too. It's easier that way. But if you're really up for it, help someone out that may otherwise distance themselves from you because you're one of those "Jesus" people. But don't put pressure on folks. Just tell 'em that God has done some pretty cool things for you, and that you want to pray for them right then and there, if they'll allow it. Otherwise, tell 'em that you're gonna pray for 'em later. Blessings will be coming your way, and you're gonna feel so free and happy you did it! Sounds easy, right? But it's easy to forget. Remembering to actually do it is a big step. Plus, what if we did this every week? We'd have so many souls joining us at the Pearlies! And this world would be as He intended.
Love ya much, TK
Oh and I have another hilarious video for you even though it's not Funny Friday:
To listen to their music, head to iTunes.com, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!
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