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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

2 GPS's and a Lobster

(On one of our road trips, it took two GPS's and one lobster to get us there.)
Ever had a crazy day and then realized you hadn't asked God for his help yet?  Yeah...

In Ephesians 6, we are told that God is our strength!  We don't have to do it alone.  (And I really can't, to tell you the truth.)  Put on the full armor of God so that you can stand against the tactics of the Devil.

Have you ever read Frank Peretti's book, "This Present Darkness?"  So good.  He is so descriptive of what the supernatural world could look like.  We are in a battle on this earth.  But we have to remember that the battle isn't against people around you, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens.  This is why you must take up the full armor of God (vs. 12-13).

Why should we wrestle?  Why should we put up a fight?  Paul says that he wants to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel (vs.19).  Don't you want the world to have what you do?

But you know what he also says?  For this I am an ambassador in chains... (vs.20).  An ambassador in chains.  Think about that.  It says a lot.  You will be an ambassador, a spokesman, a leader just for God!  But it's not gonna be easy.  You will find struggle everywhere.  In your workplace, with your friends and loved ones, and even in your church, believe it or not.  But live boldly and in righteousness!!!

Lastly he says,

Pray that I may be bold enough in Him to speak as I should (vs. 20).

Pray that for me too, Tara K

P.S.  I am going to London, Arkansas for a revival next week.  Let me know if you're in the area so I can give you details!

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Monday, March 30, 2009

That Bird Ain't Worry

We had a great time in Andrews, NC this weekend.  Thanks to all who joined us!  We had a great time, and seriously, I'll need to be working all that food off this week.  Buh!

Their preacher, Pastor Tommy Lamb, spoke on anxiety Sunday morning.  I'd be stealing the words out of his mouth if I didn't say this was straight from his teaching:

Worrying shows that we are being unfaithful to our Master.  He owns all, controls all, and provides all.  This is written in Matthew 6:25-34, Psalm 24:1, Daniel 2:20-21, Philippians 4:19.

Worrying is unnecessary.  The word tells us we should not worry about food, our longevity, and our clothing.  You cannot lengthen your life.  It is already planned.  And as far as having food on the table, God owns it.  He'll give it.

Worrying is a characteristic of unbelief.  It is a mark of a worldly mind.  When we seek God for the necessities of life, it is a sign of commitment and faith.  This is how you show God you trust Him!

Did you know that 16 of the 38 parables of Jesus pertain to money and materialism?

Or how about this:  500 verses in the bible pertain to prayer, 500 to faith, and 2000 to materialism!  (Um... whoa.)

Pastor Lamb even used this analogy:

Ever heard of a bird who tried to build more nests than his neighbor?...  (You know why?  Because they trust God will provide.  They have no doubts or worries that it's gonna disappear or that He might not bring it tomorrow.)

He even said:  How many outfits were you born in?  Well, none, right?  How many will you be buried in?  Just one.  A closet full of clothes is unnecessary.  Keeping up with the latest fashions is unnecessary.

Worrying- to strangle, to choke

Worry is a sin.  Your nervous system depends on you not doing it so much;)

-Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Friday, March 27, 2009


(Me, Russ & Justin)

I love this:

Brothers, think of what you were when you were called.  Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential;  not many were of noble birth.  But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise;  God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.  He chose the lowly things of this world and despised things--and the things that are not--to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him.  It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God--that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption.  Therefore, as it is written: "Let him who boasts boast in the Lord."

That's good stuff.  Reminds me of how redeemed we are.  How God really does have every glory.  We have nada to boast about.  He even uses those who everyone who is cast out to nullify the things that are.  So cool.

1 Corinthians 1:26-31

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mrs. May

Hey do you remember in high school, or even as a little kid, that there was that one person who you wanted to be just like?  Oh my goodness.  I remember Melanie, my babysitter.  Wow.  She was so pretty.  I wanted to be just like her.  I wore my hair like her, although she was a blondie, I wore lip stuff like her, although she was a teenager and I was just a kid...  Then in high school, oh man I loved to listen to great singers like Whitney Houston, Reba McEntire, Christina.  And, of course, I wanted to be just like them too.  They were always so cool and pretty, just like my previous babysitter, and they also had these rockin' voices.

And now, as an adult, I think back to other people, instead, who stick out in my mind now, and even then.  But as a kid, you always go for the "cool" one, or the "stylish" one, or the "witty" one.  But even then, as I looked up to these fab girls, I distinctly remember Mrs. May.  She was so incredibly... there are no words to describe her.  Every time I've tried to, no words come.  That's pretty amazing, right?  That someone, whom I can't even describe, is someone whom I really look up to, even to this day?!

She wasn't like Whitney or Reba, walking around in these really awesome outfits.  She wasn't blowing me away with this God-given voice.  She didn't have that cool hairdo that Melanie had.  But when you were around her, she emitted this Godly-Glow.  That's the only way I can describe it.  She always had a smile, even if she wasn't.  God was always coming through her.  Always.

I still remember her.

I want to be remembered like that.

-Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Dreary Restores the Weary

Hi.  How's it goin?  Pretty dreary outside here in East Tennessee today.  But the bright, shining days wouldn't be the same without the rain coming and washing away the old, and restoring the new.

It's pretty cool how God uses even the weather for advice.

-Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


(Bogg Springs Church Camp)
So I was thinkin' this morning about the time I "got saved."  I remember I was lying out at night at church camp in the grass.  The stars and the clear sky had never looked more amazing to me, and sometimes rarely have since.  I was in awe of the incredible powers of God that night.  I distinctly remember reaching for my pastor's tattooed arm;  It was the only thing in focus to me for quite some time, and I knew I was to reach for it... To reach towards my gift of a gracious eternity.

I want to live my life as I did that night more than anything.  I even remember as we were sleeping in our bunks that night, satan was putting thoughts into my head, telling me I did it wrong, that I didn't receive salvation.  Isn't that unbelievable?!  Hours after my name was written into The Book, I was already being taunted.  But when I think back to the beautiful hours before that, my mind and heart are at ease.  I had peace that really did pass beyond my mind's capability of withholding.

Enjoy every single second.  Feel that unexplainable joy that you had at your moment.

Oh happy day.  Right?

-Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Hope. It's a Good One.

I almost forgot to blog to you today!  You can tell I'm zoned out because I can never wait to blog you.  The pic (above) was taken before our concert in Florence yesterday.  We had a concert that morning in Bishopville, and then one that night in Florence.  God did some amazing things for the congregation and for 29:11.  I cannot begin to express into words how wonderful it was to share with the two different churches that day.  Actually, the first concert was with a combined three churches all coming together into one church.  I have to say, that, in itself, was so cool.  I think that is one thing Jesus was about:  Not caring what you may be labeled, what group you are a part of, or where you come from... Coming together, despite your differences.

"The root cause of interpersonal conflict is sin. (Galations 5:19)  James explains that fighting is the result of uncontrolled passions and desires. (James 4:13).  The book of Proverbs characterizes those who stir up conflict as persons given to anger ... greed ... hate ... gossip ... and worthless perversions... Such conflicts inevitably result in personal destruction... It is no wonder that 'the Lord hates ... one who stirs up trouble among brothers...'" -Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary

You can come together and really care about one another, putting all others before yourself.  You can come into a place of worship and want to help each other, pray for each other, and really mean it...

God sees right to the heart.  When you come into a place of worship, what do you really bring?  Talent or pure worship?  Appearance or complete and true surrender?  Do you bring a heart ready to learn more about others and how you can enrich their lives?  Do you bring a soul that's poured out, empty and ready to be filled with what God has to really say to you?  Do you talk to others keeping in mind of how sinful and unworthy you are to be in His presence?

I think we all need to check ourselves at the door.  Remember, despite what you may think about others or what you may gain from your experience, not only in worship, but in the way you treat others, that God sees your intentions behind everything;  He sees to the heart.  So anything you do to convince people otherwise... in the end, it's a big lie if it's not all about Jesus and 0% you.

Man, I love you guys.  Thanks for writing to me often, letting me in on your lives and also asking for prayer.  Y'all crack me up with the funny things you say, you touch my life with the honest and lovely things you say, and you touch my heart by sharing yours.

These churches we visited were such a great testimony to Aaron Daniel, Justin and me.  We met some really cool people, and will definitely stay in touch.  God puts all experiences and people into your lives for a reason.  And all of those are for your own personal hope.

Hope.  One of my favorite words.

Hope.  Yeah.

-Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Funny Friday on Saturday


Sorry I didn't get in touch with y'all yesterday.  Here is Funny Friday's video... on Saturday!

We're on our way to South Carolina right now, so we'll update ya on the [two] concerts this weekend soon!

-Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I Like Your Face

Words to the wise:

Persevere.  Stand strong in who you are in Christ, and what you truly believe in the deepest depths of your heart.  It may take time, but God will reward you for your faith and devotion.

Be conscientious about yourself and your teaching;  persevere in these things, for by doing this you will save both yourself and your hearers.  1 Timothy 4:16

Do not be condescending;  people who pay attention, will see the truth in your words written across your face.  But everything that was a gain to me, I have considered to be a loss because of Christ... And be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own...  Philippians 3:7-9

I like your face and what it says, Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Dancin', and Workin' Hard at It

We did some serious talkin' during the last blog, am I right?  Well today is a new day.  I feel like dancin' all day long.  And if I get my cardio in shape, I'll be able to!  Ha ha.  Every one in my Irish dance class knows what I mean.  To let you all in, we all finished our routine last night, but actually making through it... Totally different story.  Crappers.  There are three of us in the class over 26 years old, including the teacher (my hubby, Justin).  There are only two other girls in the class;  ages 11 & 12.  And they even get tired, so you know we are struggling.  We've got the steps down (even me, who it's my first time doing Irish Step Dancing!!!)  But we're all gonna have to work out fo serious all week long doing cardio and our Irish stuff just so that we can do it in our routine.

It's incredible how much work it takes for something that lasts only three minutes, am I right?  Maybe you don't dance, but there's something you work on for hours, days... Maybe you were even in school for years learning things that would only take you a few seconds to do, perhaps, if you work in the E.R., etc.

It's also amazing to me how God made all of our bodies work, our muscle memory, things our brains remember...  He's just too cool, right?  I know there's something you're gifted at that came straight from God.  But He wants us to grow.  He wants us to become this amazing creature that He created.

Kinda funny, huh?  We are created creatures.  Sounds like we should keep on creating, right?

Lots of love, my friends, Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Your Ancestry

Who are you and where did you come from?  No, really.  Where is your family from, your ancestors?  It's interesting to learn all that, isn't it?  Where are families came from, where they still are, what your name actually means...  All of it is so cool.

I got on this kick today because of it being St. Patty's Day.  My husband has been and Irish Dancer almost his entire life, and believe it or not, I just started taking lessons from him this year.  He has been my dance teacher for about 8 years now, but we're just now getting around to Irish.  Truthfully it's because I never thought I could do it.  Plus, who on earth can just reach up and kick their own hip?  Ha!  Well I ended up really enjoying it, and one of these days, I tell ya.  I'm gonna kick that hip of mine;)

So anyway, I got to learning more about my ancestry recently, and I'm having a good time with it.  And the more I learn about my relatives, the more I want to visit where they originated from and where a lot of them still reside.  How fun would it be to visit those places, right?  One of these days, definitely.  But it's not a priority.

I really do want to see the world.  Yes, I want to see the world for person reasons as a spectator of this freakin' crazy awesome earth that God created, but the main reason?  The more I see this country having to keep it's spending under check, the more I realize how much crap we have we don't need and how spoiled we all are as a country.  Yes, I know.  Many of us are homeless and/or poor.  I don't mean this people.  I mean those people like me that are able to choose between having a sandwich and chips for lunch and not going through trash cans.  And don't get me started on the ridiculous spending of stuff most people don't even need.  But that's ok.  God blessed this country.  Then what's the problem?  The problem is that the majority of this country, including Christians, don't really see how spoiled we are.  We think we need so much.  The proper outfits, the proper "look," a pretty car, a television in every couple of rooms, beautiful decorations in our houses, a cute hairstyle, we have to "be" a certain person in the church, we have to have something to brag about in what we "do" for a living... The list goes on and on.  When someone asks you what you do, think about it next time.  What do you do exactly?  Yeah so you are a waitress at a chic coffee shop.  But what do you really do there?  Are you someone who does their job just because it's a job, or even just because you love what you "do?"  Or do you go, firstly, because you're gonna make a difference in someone's eternal life and to enrich the one they have here on earth?  You know what Jesus did "for a living?"  He went around telling about God's good news.  Well, that was Him, of course!  Ha!  But even Jesus didn't go around bragging about what He did for a living.  His answer to "What do you do for a living?"  He was a living sacrifice.

Therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your spiritual worship.  Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.  Romans 12:1-2

I want to dissect that for a moment.  Come on.  Take the time.  This is your "life."

Present your bodies as a living sacrifice.... this is your spiritual worship.  Are you living as a sacrifice, or are you trying to make your way through the world with God on your side, helping you get what you want?  Are your daily and/or career goals a sacrifice to the living God?  This is your spiritual worship, not the raising of hands you do in front of a congregation.  Nope.  Your true spiritual worship is your body as a living sacrifice!

Do not be conformed to this age.  Do you look like the world?  Sure.  You may follow the 10 Commandments.  But when people look at you, do you look any different?  Or do you look like you just stepped out of a cute fashion shop without a care in the world?

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.  Do you usually have good discernment about people? Do you listen to what they're saying, perhaps even the right Christian lingo or the right hand movements in worship, or do you look at their sacrifices, their boldness in their decisions for Christ, no matter how unpopular it may make them?

It's time to find out who God really created us to be, what family we are really a part of.  Are we an imitation or are we really the body he chose us to be?  Only God knows that.  Not your pastor, your worship leader, your small group leader... They're not the ones you should be impressing... No one but God.  What do you look like to those searching for God but haven't found him; Do you look like that living sacrifice, and totally proud of it?

Let's start making a real difference.  Let's do it together!  Love y'all, Tara K
For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Creation and Strangers

Oh my goodness.  How bout them allergies?  I woke up today feelin' the pressure.  How 'bout you?  I tell ya what.  No fun.  With all this weather changing from 70+ to 30-...  I'm surprised the earth hasn't exploded!  Good thing God knows what He's doing!  I would have blown this place up if I were in control;  How does He know how to do EVERYTHING?!

Yes, of course you know.  Because He's God.  It's seems like such a crazy thing to accept, right; the whole possibility that this world was created by one person, and that one person has no beginning or end.  But, oh, is it ever true.  If you find yourself overwhelmed by all of the concepts by how this world got here, don't be.  You know there's only the one way this world... universe, even... could've worked out the perfect way it did, and that is through the only One who is perfect.

We had a wonderful time at church last night.  Met some visitors, prayed with them.  How cool is it that you can take your cares and troubles and praises, and just have intimate conversations with people you've never even met in your life, and share with them, love on them... all through One Name!  Man, God amazes me every day.  What courage it takes to go up to a stranger and talk about faith and your beliefs, or just who you are and why!  And how rewarding it is when you do!  Then you're like, wow.  "That was easy."  (Someone got my husband an "Easy Button" for his birthday.  That phrase comes in my head all the time now;)

Challenge!  I challenge you to find someone this week, share your heart, really share your heart with someone you have never met.  Yeah, if you're at church, do it there too.  It's easier that way.  But if you're really up for it, help someone out that may otherwise distance themselves from you because you're one of those "Jesus" people.  But don't put pressure on folks.  Just tell 'em that God has done some pretty cool things for you, and that you want to pray for them right then and there, if they'll allow it.  Otherwise, tell 'em that you're gonna pray for 'em later.  Blessings will be coming your way, and you're gonna feel so free and happy you did it!  Sounds easy, right?  But it's easy to forget.  Remembering to actually do it is a big step.  Plus, what if we did this every week?  We'd have so many souls joining us at the Pearlies!  And this world would be as He intended.

Love ya much, TK

Oh and I have another hilarious video for you even though it's not Funny Friday:

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Sleepwalking Dog

Have a good weekend!

-Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Thursday, March 12, 2009



I am speechless, but I'm gonna try here... 

So today I have been editing videos for one of our songs that we (29:11) do in our concerts, and I am heartbroken, confused, angry at the enemy, in awe, and wishing there was something I could do to help or change things.

I saw people jumping out of the twin towers, some physically facing the fall alone, some holding hands as they jumped.  If jumping out was the best option, I cannot imagine what the atmosphere must've been like inside.

The enemy is so clever at what he does.  This is clear by all the videos I have been watching for the past few hours.  The emotions that are resurfacing for me today are incredible.  But the only thing to do is press on.  Press on for the right reasons.  THE right reason.  Press on to prove that the battle is not ours, but God's.  Press on to live out with no fear because God is on our side, even in the most extreme situations such as these.  Press on to show the real and true victory.  The one that is met after our deaths on earth.  The one where we live with The One who gave the ultimate sacrifice so that we may really live.  Really live here, and really live after we've left this earth!

Praise God for the final victory we have in Him.  Praise Him in the tragic storms.

With much sympathy, Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sara Beth/Arabesque

A Mile from the Station
The Way There
(Last summer, my hubby and I rode the motorcycle to Splash Country, which is a great water park in Pigeon Forge.  We said we needed to get gas.  He passed like 5 or 6 gas stations and never would stop.  Trying not to nag, I just figured he either had a plan to go to a certain one, or that we'd make it home.  Well, about a mile away from the last gas station before we got to our house... yes.  We ran out of gas.  Good times.  Oh, and don't even think about making fun of my jeans.  They're my motorcycle jeans.  Shut up.)

So last night, I was teaching Baby Ballet.  This particular class is called "Angelic Praise."  They are so precious.  They love doing gallops and windows and just anything that I don't think is very interesting.  ;D  But whatever they like is what I want them to do;  they can't praise God when they're dancing if they don't even like what they're doing...

They're so cute.  We do prayer requests and pray at the end of the class.  Most don't have serious requests, which is just fine with me.  Most of them want to give a "praise" of something they have such as a new bear, the grass, flowers, butterflies...  whatever.  So I just tell them that, yes, we're thankful to God for giving us these things in life that make us so happy.  I tell them if they don't want to pray out loud, then they can just say, "pass."  One girl always says, "Can I say, 'skip' instead?"  ;)

And now to my favorite.  Last night, one girl asked when we are gonna do "Sara Beth's."  I don't think I'll ever be able to break it to her that it is called an "arabesque."

I hope you find the childlike joys that these little girls do everyday.  They are so grateful for little things like grass and butterflies, which are all little blessings from our creative God.

Love ya much, Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Take it from Peter. He Was There.

(Ha ha ha.  I found this pic today.  This was when we did a show called "Acclaim" in Indiana.  Justin and I worked in the office before we started rehearsals for the show.  We put the gold sparkles on the hats.  Disaster.  And so fun.  That's my family there too.  The gals and my bro.  Of course, that's my handsome hubby on the left.  Can we say "tan?!"  Ha!)

Oh anyway.  Hey guys.  I hope you enjoyed our guest blogger yesterday, Dr. Richard Emmert.  We will have guest bloggers from time to time, so just keep posted for those.

Are there people in your life that doubt the things you believe?  Maybe they just aren't so sure if all the facts are true.  You could read them a little of what Peter has to say.

"We weren't, you know, just wishing on a star when we laid the facts out before you regarding the powerful return of our Master, Jesus Christ.  We were there for the preview!  We saw it with our own eyes:  Jesus resplendent with light from God the Father as the voice of Majestic Glory spoke: 'This is my Son, marked by my love, focus of all my delight.'  We were there on the holy mountain with him.  We heard the voice out of heaven with our very own ears.

"We couldn't be more sure of what we saw and heard-God's glory, God's voice.  The prophetic Word was confirmed to us.  You'll do well to keep focusing on it.  Its the one light you have in a dark time as you wait for daybreak and the rising of the Morning Star in your hearts.  The main thing to keep in mind here is that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of private opinion.  And why?  Because it's not something concocted in the human heart.  Prophecy resulted when the Holy Spirit prompted men and women to speak God's Word."

Stand firm in The Word; be the Truth.  It is the only thing on this earth of real Truth.

After all, "Peter seems to have been a natural leader, commanding the respect of his peers by sheer force of personality.  In every listing  of Jesus' disciples, Peter's name is invariably first."  THE MESSAGE//REMIX

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Monday, March 9, 2009

A Priceless Bit of Wisdom

Our guest blogger today is Dr. Richard Emmert, pastor at Manley Baptist Church in Morristown, Tennessee.  He has a Priceless Bit of Wisdom for us:

Humanly speaking, Solomon had it all!  He had a brilliant mind, unmatched wisdom, enormous wealth and power, great innate talent and ability, fame, white hot ambition and the prestige of being the son of the most powerful and respected king of his day.  He pursued life with gusto and passion.  The Book of Ecclesiastes gives his commentary on life and concludes with a priceless bit of wisdom.

One after the other, he sought lasting satisfaction in wisdom, pleasure, hard work, popularity, wealth, and fame.  He said, “…I have magnified and increased in wisdom more than all who were over Jerusalem before me; and my mind has observed a wealth of wisdom and knowledge” (Ecclesiastes 1:16).  He said, “All that my eyes desired I did not refuse them.  I did not withhold my heart from any pleasure” (Ecclesiastes 2:10).   His servants gathered the best of entertainment, food and women from around the world for his enjoyment.  He ultimately had 700 beautiful wives and 300 concubines. 

With his vast wealth gathered from kings and provinces near and far supported his mammoth building projects that defied the imagination of the average person.  Yet he cried, “I completely despaired of all the fruit of my labor for which I had labored under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 2:20). 

His fame went out to the world.  Kings, queens and world powers sought his counsel and if nothing more than a glimpse into his world that had no equals among men.  Still, Solomon reached his golden years and pessimistically declared, “Vanity of vanities! All is vanity” (Ecclesiastes 1:2).  He found no sustaining satisfaction in all his pursuits and soberly concluded, “So I hated life …because everything is futility and striving after wind.” (Ecclesiastes 2:17).

Through much pain and heartache, Solomon came to realize all human achievements are empty and disappointing when pursued as ends in themselves.  True satisfaction in life comes from serving God and following His will for our lives.  Therefore, he concludes, there is one essential thing in life, “Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man” (Ecclesiastes 12:13).

Thanks, pastor!  Talk to you guys tomorrow!

-Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

To Take the Eye, Or Not to Take the Eye

(Me and my friend Laura at Sonic.  This has nothing to do with the blog below.  But thought you might want a good laugh.  WARNING: Please do not eat food while watching this video.  I don't want you to choke.)

So the past couple of days, I've been wondering what I should do.  You see, I could get what I deserve; but if I just release myself, I would be completely dependent on God and no one else.  So He then showed me this this morning:

"You have heard that it was said, An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.  But I tell you, don't resist an evildoer.  On the contrary, if anyone slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.  As for the one who wants to sue you and take away your shirt, let him have your coat as well.  And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two.  Give to the one who asks you, and don't turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you."  Matthew 5:38-42

I guess that says it all.

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


My husband and I are fans of "The Office."  A fun way for us to relax and have a good laugh is by watching this ridiculously, and somehow, relatable, show.  I found this great Office Trivia game.  So fun.  Office fans?  Yeah, we're gonna have a Office Competition at our place.  Be on the lookout;D But on to more serious things...

Tough stuff.  It seems like it's getting pretty rough out there.  The economy brings a strain on jobs.  The loss of jobs (or fear of) brings strain on your mind.  Your mind is all stressed out that it starts to affect your relationships with your spouse, family, and friends.

"For this is what the Lord says: 'When 70 years for Babylon are complete, I will attend to you and will confirm My promise concerning you to restore you to this place.  For I know hte plans I have for you'--this is the Lord's declaration--'plans for [your] welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.  You will call to Me and come and pray to Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.  I will be found by you'--the Lord's declaration--'and I will restore your fortunes and father you from all the nations and places where I banished you'--the Lord's declaration.  'I will restore you to the place I deported you from.'"  Jeremiah 29:10-14

"Just as Abraham believed God, and it as credited to him for righteousness, so understand that those who have faith are Abraham's sons.  All the nations will be blessed in you.  So those who have faith are blessed with Abraham, who had faith."  Galatians 3:6-9

"...the Scripture has imprisoned everything under sin's power so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe."  Galations 3:22

Have faith.  You will be blessed.  It is promised.

"The righteous will never be shaken,
but the wicked will not remain on the earth...
Wealth is not profitable on a day of wrath,
but righteousness rescues from death."
Proverbs 10:30, 11:4

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mom. My Treat.

Dogs have really good memories.  I'm pretty sure they remember everything.

My husband and I were on our way home last night, chit-chattin' in the car.  We got to talking about our dogs.  You see the little black one there?  Well, she gets a treat every morning from her little black jar with the princess pink top.  It makes a certain ceramic sound as I close the top.  She really perks up then.  Well yesterday I was in a frigid hurry, ready to go back into the warm bedroom and have my cereal.  I suddenly remembered our morning ritual, turned around, and there she is.  Still sitting on the carpet, her back to me, staring at the treat jar.  She looks back at me, and then turns back to face the jar, as if to say, "Um, Ma.  My treat.  You aren't goin' anywhere without gettin' me my treat first.  Now get back over here and gimme my treat."

Then my hubby tells me that when he goes out to work every morning, he brings this big treat ready for the huge white american bulldog in the pic.  He said that yesterday morning, he yelled for him, and he came running so incredibly fast from down the hill, jumping, leaping, twisting and turning so fast because he knew he was about to get that morning treat.  Justin held out the bone, and in mid-flight this big ole doggie grabbed it and just kept on goin', never missing a beat.

He really looked forward to that every day.  And so does my little doggie.  They never forget.

Makes me wonder what God feels like whenever I finally get around to spending some time with Him.  Or even the things I say to others when I'm having an off-day.

He remembers.  They remember.

-Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Xoxo, Tara K

Hey guys. Sorry I've been out. But seriously, I've been "out." Like a light. I'm on a lil medication that's making me kinda slow, so perhaps I'm not the one to be giving you advice today.

I do, however, wanna thank you beautiful ladies for sending me your responses to my previous blog- the one asking girls and women to email me their daily woes, excitement, obstacles, etc. Thank you for your responses, as I didn't expect so many!

If you didn't send me an email, do it, sister! I wanna share with you; sharing with others is so helpful, fruitful, and relieving, right!?

Well I'm gonna jet. I pray this email made sense. Meds tend to make me silly, not to mention, make me want some lovin. On one surgery I had, my mom and Justin said that eveyone that came into the hospital room, well... I apparently wanted a kiss from everyone... And pretty much begged for it.

Xoxo, Tara K
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