Who are you and where did you come from? No, really. Where is your family from, your ancestors? It's interesting to learn all that, isn't it? Where are families came from, where they still are, what your name actually means... All of it is so cool.
I got on this kick today because of it being St. Patty's Day. My husband has been and Irish Dancer almost his entire life, and believe it or not, I just started taking lessons from him this year. He has been my dance teacher for about 8 years now, but we're just now getting around to Irish. Truthfully it's because I never thought I could do it. Plus, who on earth can just reach up and kick their own hip? Ha! Well I ended up really enjoying it, and one of these days, I tell ya. I'm gonna kick that hip of mine;)
So anyway, I got to learning more about my ancestry recently, and I'm having a good time with it. And the more I learn about my relatives, the more I want to visit where they originated from and where a lot of them still reside. How fun would it be to visit those places, right? One of these days, definitely. But it's not a priority.
I really do want to see the world. Yes, I want to see the world for person reasons as a spectator of this freakin' crazy awesome earth that God created, but the main reason? The more I see this country having to keep it's spending under check, the more I realize how much crap we have we don't need and how spoiled we all are as a country. Yes, I know. Many of us are homeless and/or poor. I don't mean this people. I mean those people like me that are able to choose between having a sandwich and chips for lunch and not going through trash cans. And don't get me started on the ridiculous spending of stuff most people don't even need. But that's ok. God blessed this country. Then what's the problem? The problem is that the majority of this country, including Christians, don't really see how spoiled we are. We think we need so much. The proper outfits, the proper "look," a pretty car, a television in every couple of rooms, beautiful decorations in our houses, a cute hairstyle, we have to "be" a certain person in the church, we have to have something to brag about in what we "do" for a living... The list goes on and on. When someone asks you what you do, think about it next time. What do you do exactly? Yeah so you are a waitress at a chic coffee shop. But what do you really do there? Are you someone who does their job just because it's a job, or even just because you love what you "do?" Or do you go, firstly, because you're gonna make a difference in someone's eternal life and to enrich the one they have here on earth? You know what Jesus did "for a living?" He went around telling about God's good news. Well, that was Him, of course! Ha! But even Jesus didn't go around bragging about what He did for a living. His answer to "What do you do for a living?" He was a living sacrifice.
Therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God. Romans 12:1-2
I want to dissect that for a moment. Come on. Take the time. This is your "life."
Present your bodies as a living sacrifice.... this is your spiritual worship. Are you living as a sacrifice, or are you trying to make your way through the world with God on your side, helping you get what you want? Are your daily and/or career goals a sacrifice to the living God? This is your spiritual worship, not the raising of hands you do in front of a congregation. Nope. Your true spiritual worship is your body as a living sacrifice!
Do not be conformed to this age. Do you look like the world? Sure. You may follow the 10 Commandments. But when people look at you, do you look any different? Or do you look like you just stepped out of a cute fashion shop without a care in the world?
Be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God. Do you usually have good discernment about people? Do you listen to what they're saying, perhaps even the right Christian lingo or the right hand movements in worship, or do you look at their sacrifices, their boldness in their decisions for Christ, no matter how unpopular it may make them?
It's time to find out who God really created us to be, what family we are really a part of. Are we an imitation or are we really the body he chose us to be? Only God knows that. Not your pastor, your worship leader, your small group leader... They're not the ones you should be impressing... No one but God. What do you look like to those searching for God but haven't found him; Do you look like that living sacrifice, and totally proud of it?
Let's start making a real difference. Let's do it together! Love y'all, Tara K
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