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Monday, February 2, 2009

A "Thank You" and an Excerpt

Guys!  Hi!  For those of you in the Mo-town surrounding area, thanks for joining us for our first full concert last night!  We enjoyed you so much.

I was doing a bible study with Priscilla Shirer today on King David.  Great message.  Thought I'd share what I got out of it:

So we all know that David was King, and that he was chosen as a child.  Only God could have done that; man would never have thought to pull that one out!  ;D  And a lot of us know that after David was anointed to be King, it was 22 years before he actually took on that role.  People, even his brothers, I'm sure, doubted this choice that was apparently supposed to take place, and it just wasn't happening, and for quite a while.  Hello.  22 years.  I'm only 26.  Think about it.  There must've been great doubt there.  Or one of those, too good to be true moments.  I got news for ya:  quit your 2nd guessing.  God ain't kiddin'.  And God ain't holdin' out on ya.  Read this next part, which I believe is the most significant part of this area in David's life.

What did David do between the time he was anointed until he took on the throne?  What was he doing for 22 years?  Was he passin' the time until "his time?"  Nope.  Listen here.  Shirer says, "David served in full submission as a mere armor bearer to the king.  The first step after being anointed was to SERVE.  Often servanthood and submission mark the TRUEST TEST of the anointed person.  David was no less anointed by God when serving than later when he sat on the throne."  David ran around getting food for folks, doing whatever they asked him to, just serving.

What you are doing now, whether it be a waiting period, the peak of your career, or the busiest, most hectic time of your life... Serve.  Listen.  Be available.  Even if someone is shutting you out when all you wanna do is help, just be available and serve when they say, "yes."  No matter how many times they say, "no," keep on being available to serve in Jesus' name for a time when they finally offer.  You can't control it all.  Just do what is asked of you.  

Love y'all.  TK, out.

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