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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Put 'Em Up, Put 'Em Up

You know, the past couple of years, I've really tried to cut back on my spending on clothes.  I actually used to buy clothes all the time because I'm so into the creativity of fashion.  It's almost a hobby, I guess.  But God took me through a clothes-fast a couple of years ago, showing me how I was putting too much spending and personal emphasis on fashion.  It lasted for 6 months.  Now I try not to buy new clothes unless needed or if it's like the most ridiculous clearance you've ever seen;)  Girls love being girls, I tell ya.  I've come to see that you can still be creative and have fun with the stuff you've got.  And that money that I was spending, although it really was hardly anything, could be put to better use, like sponsoring a child in another country.  Talk about a way more fun, important, and rewarding way to spend your money.  Forizzle.

And there is this show that I love to watch... for the fashion... But I gotta tell ya.  There is so much stinkin' duh-ra-ma.  Whoas.  I really hope that your life does not have that much drama.  Sure, it's a reality show, so it's scripted to an extent... an an oxymoron...  Anyway, I know there are a lot of things that we cannot control in life.  But the situation these girls put themselves in- flaunting around.  Their boys flaunting around.  Then the dudes end up getting lookin' at other chicks, cheating on their ladies.  I mean, no wonder.  You find yourself in this other world, this world you think you want.  But there's always something that happens to upset them.  And believe me, I'm no Mrs. Perfect.  I used to put myself in these atmospheres.  Not to this extreme, but I'm sure it could've headed to that direction.

It's all about Protection.  Put your armor on.  The armor the bible speaks about, not this tough exterior, pretending you are one tough cookie, empowering yourself.  If you just change your mindset, if you just come to the place where you know that you are not in control, what a difference it makes!  Give up.  Give it all up to God.  Need to at least feel a little bit strong?  Let your tough exterior be that God has greater plans for you, greater than you could manipulate.  He is stronger than everything.  Hello.  He kinda created the world...  You might start living differently if you live by the description the Holy Armor asks of you.  No, not might.  Your life will be different.  You will start to surround yourself with a different kind of people.  You will start to surround yourself with an entirely different atmosphere.  You will become who God had intended you to be in the first place.  He doesn't want you to feel so busy that you can't think.  So cautious that you can't enjoy the moment.  So jealous that you can't enjoy your relationship.

"Be prepared.  You're up against far more than you can handle on your own.  Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it's all over but the shouting you'll still be on your feet.  Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are more than words.  Learn how to apply them.  You'll see them throughout your life.  God's Word is an indispensable weapon."  Taken from Ephesians 6, THE MESSAGE\\REMIX

Do you believe in God's Word?  Then you have to believe every word in that passage!

Strap on your armor, beautiful, strong people!

-Tara K

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29:11 The Plan!

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