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Thursday, February 26, 2009


I bet you have no idea who I am anymore because it's been sooooo crazy long! However, I know Tara has definitely been keeping you informed with what's up as well as giving you inspiration each day! I was just thinking about how Thankful I am. I just read Tara's post about her heart update, and Justin had given me an update this morning. One might think...well that's nice, a good report. But THANKFUL can we be that everything is ok? God is just so great! He has His hand in everything. My wife, Jenny, has been gone on business for two weeks to Texas and comes home Saturday. I am just so thankful to have her in my life and so thankful that it's almost time for her to be home.

I think that a lot of times when something good my mind I use a "that's nice" instead of an "I'm thankful".

I am so blessed and just want to shout out some thanks to God for all He gives us each day.

I believe that when we pray's great to thank Him for his blessings before coming to Him with our requests. Maybe just take a bit to say thanks each day!.....and while ur at it....why not say thanks to others in your life who maybe you usually just use a "that's nice" response to your spouse, or your boss....or ...ok, maybe i'm rambling a bit....

I want to say thank you to Tara. She's been so committed to this blog and faithfully writes so often. I thank her for keeping this part of 29:11's ministry alive!

God Bless with

Peace and Happiness!

Aaron Daniel

Hebrews 11:1

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Tara's "Heart" Update

Hey guys! I cannot thank you enough for your prayers, concerns and comments.

For those who wanted to know the story, I was having chest pains all day yesterday. My aunt had a life-changing heart attack at age 22, which caused her to lose her memory of her family, etc. Knowing the family history, my family felt I should just go get checked out, just in case.

The EKG came back great, as well as my blood work, etc. However I have a lot of inflammation around my heart and they are not sure why. This is what was causing my chest pains, the dizziness, and for my left arm to to numb.

I have been instructed to stay in bed for a couple of days on some really fun sleepy pills, which will, hopefully, heal and take down the swelling.

I still could use your prayers, if you're willing. Thanks again, beyond my words!

Love you much, Tara K

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Shout Out to My Girls

I'm curious.

Girls, Ladies, God's beautiful creation called "woman."  What eats at your nerves?  What are some things you struggle with?  What are some things you ponder on or worry about?  What goes through your head on a daily basis?  Or are you so carefree that you could care less?

I want to know.  I can't tell you why, and I won't spill your beans;)

I just wanna help in a fun way.   Write anonymously if you'd like.  My personal email (that no one else will see but me) is:

Women have so much power, and it is found in God's Word, in His Truth, and truly only with His Divine Help.

Love ya girlies (and no offense guys!), Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Put 'Em Up, Put 'Em Up

You know, the past couple of years, I've really tried to cut back on my spending on clothes.  I actually used to buy clothes all the time because I'm so into the creativity of fashion.  It's almost a hobby, I guess.  But God took me through a clothes-fast a couple of years ago, showing me how I was putting too much spending and personal emphasis on fashion.  It lasted for 6 months.  Now I try not to buy new clothes unless needed or if it's like the most ridiculous clearance you've ever seen;)  Girls love being girls, I tell ya.  I've come to see that you can still be creative and have fun with the stuff you've got.  And that money that I was spending, although it really was hardly anything, could be put to better use, like sponsoring a child in another country.  Talk about a way more fun, important, and rewarding way to spend your money.  Forizzle.

And there is this show that I love to watch... for the fashion... But I gotta tell ya.  There is so much stinkin' duh-ra-ma.  Whoas.  I really hope that your life does not have that much drama.  Sure, it's a reality show, so it's scripted to an extent... an an oxymoron...  Anyway, I know there are a lot of things that we cannot control in life.  But the situation these girls put themselves in- flaunting around.  Their boys flaunting around.  Then the dudes end up getting lookin' at other chicks, cheating on their ladies.  I mean, no wonder.  You find yourself in this other world, this world you think you want.  But there's always something that happens to upset them.  And believe me, I'm no Mrs. Perfect.  I used to put myself in these atmospheres.  Not to this extreme, but I'm sure it could've headed to that direction.

It's all about Protection.  Put your armor on.  The armor the bible speaks about, not this tough exterior, pretending you are one tough cookie, empowering yourself.  If you just change your mindset, if you just come to the place where you know that you are not in control, what a difference it makes!  Give up.  Give it all up to God.  Need to at least feel a little bit strong?  Let your tough exterior be that God has greater plans for you, greater than you could manipulate.  He is stronger than everything.  Hello.  He kinda created the world...  You might start living differently if you live by the description the Holy Armor asks of you.  No, not might.  Your life will be different.  You will start to surround yourself with a different kind of people.  You will start to surround yourself with an entirely different atmosphere.  You will become who God had intended you to be in the first place.  He doesn't want you to feel so busy that you can't think.  So cautious that you can't enjoy the moment.  So jealous that you can't enjoy your relationship.

"Be prepared.  You're up against far more than you can handle on your own.  Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it's all over but the shouting you'll still be on your feet.  Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are more than words.  Learn how to apply them.  You'll see them throughout your life.  God's Word is an indispensable weapon."  Taken from Ephesians 6, THE MESSAGE\\REMIX

Do you believe in God's Word?  Then you have to believe every word in that passage!

Strap on your armor, beautiful, strong people!

-Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Weekend Fantastico

"The Phaaaaaaaaantom of the opera is..."  Oh! Excuse me.  That was on the tele yesterday, and I can't get it out of my head.  Just came out like opera vomit.

So I hope you all had a fantastico weekend.  I hope they get better and better every week.  I hope that every single day of your life is better and better and better... everytime you wake up.  I hope that you're able to sing praises every single morning as soon as you open those eyes of yours.  I hope that you wanna shout it from the mountain tops because of how God is so good to you.

It's not always that way, I know.  Some days there are just some stuff we don't wanna deal with.  There's just some stuff we feel we can't face.  But I pray that you can siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing like I did this morning waking up... even if it's to the tune of a fun musical.

Because seriously.  Even if you can't sing opera, it's still fun.  It, then, becomes hilarious.

And if you have one, praise God for giving you a voice in the first place.

"Bless our God, O peoples.  Give Him a thunderous welcome!"

Sing it out today!

-Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Giggles and Giddies

(I went to NYC last year to visit my best girl without Justin.  This is us reunited!)
So on Valentine's weekend, I recorded some fun, sappy lovey-dovey movies, and I'm just now getting around to watching them.  One was with Michael Vartan, aka Vaughn, from Alias.  The leading lady was Natasha Henstridge from the I-can't-understand-why recently cancelled, Eli Stone.  No doubt was one of my favorite shows on television.  But it had God all in it.  No wonder it was cancelled... Anyway...

No, seriously though.  Movies like that remind you of those "first days" in your relationship with your significant other (if you've found that person).  Makes ya all giddy, doesn't it?

Try to keep that spark alive.  I know your relationship is probably stronger than ever.  And it certainly will be if you are praying and worshipping together.  But to keep that giddiness, the shivers, the giggles... You've gotta do that.  You can surprise each other with gifts and reminders of things you used to do, places you used to go.  Go there if you can.

And pray for those giggles.

-Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Person Behind the Facade

(My husband and I went to Universal last January.  We had such a fun time!  Nothing to do with the blog today, but I thought you might want a good laugh!)

What up?  I was reading about Stephen today, but God led me into another direction, just a few verses over.  The verses are about God seeing behind appearances.  What a great thing.  What a great assurance.  When Jesus says something, I really listen.  I take it to heart.

He said

"If you're honest in small things,
you'll be honest in big things;
If you're a crook in small things,
you'll be a crook in big things.
If you're not honest in small jobs
who will put you in charge of the store?
No worker can serve two bosses:
He'll either hate the first and love the second
Or adore the first and despise the second.
You can't serve both God and the Bank."

Now this is what I find reassuring.  And convicting.

"...What society sees and calls monumental,
God sees through and calls monstrous.
God's Law and the Prophets climaxed in John;
Now it's all kingdom of God--the glad news
and compelling invitation to every man and woman. [I want to be a compelling testimony!]
The sky will disintegrate and the earth dissolve
before a single letter of God's Law wears out.
Using the legalities of divorce
as a cover for lust is adultery; 
Using the legalities of marriage
as a cover for lust is adultery." [I want what I do to be real, not a cover!]

Luke 16:10-18

What we do and who we really are, the person no one else but God sees, is the person that matters.  The facade we put up is only impressing those around us, and temporarily at that.  In the end, your charm?  It doesn't matter one single little bit to God.  He sees through to the quiet intentions of the heart.  If you're on fire for God like I am, run around dancing.  It's ok.  People think I'm crazy sometimes, but they won't deny that you want you some Jesus when you do!  People may even want what you have and may even act a little envious, but you wanna give 'em what you've got, don't you?  There's too much Jesus to keep all for yourself!

Act as if every single thing you do is eternal, because it is.

You can't ever take it back.

-Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Stubborn Truck Drivers

Whoa-hoe. How many of you out there enjoy driving in rainy weather? It's rough, ain't it? Now don't get me wrong, I love a good challenge, but these trucks... The ones who are supposed to stay in the right two lanes, but somehow forget... They stir up so much of the rain that it makes it near impossible to see! Can't they read the signs? They took a special driving test after all. They had to be able to read to do that, didn't they?

Fortunately the test we had to pass in order to spend eternity with God was apparently a lot easier than that. So why are all the other choices in life so tough? Why can't we just make it that simple every time?

I guess we're just stubborn truck drivers.

Keep on truckin'. Maybe that's not the best policy after all?

-Tara K

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What It's All about

You know, I was sitting here, glancing at One Tree Hill... yes, I know.  I'm watching old episodes, so don't tell me anything!

So anyhoo, I was sitting here wondering what I was gonna chat with y'all about today, and then my little puppy came and sat beside me.  Not just beside me, but RIGHT beside me.  Really eally close to me.  You know, she spends 90% of her time looking out the window (like a little cat, might I add) barking and dog-yelling at anything that remotely looks like it's gonna come near the house.  Always protecting her mommy.  She only gets that cute, open-mouthed smile when daddy gets home.  She's only happy when we're all here- mom, dad and her.  She can't relax completely until she's in the presence of the two who love her more than anyone in the entire world.

We're kinda like that with God, aren't we?  We distract ourselves until we finally are in his presence, and then we're like... yeah.

This is

what it's all about.

-Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Monday, February 16, 2009

What's the Point?

Prayer is so important.  But a lot of people ask, "Why pray?"  What really happens?  Does it really "work," or is it really for our own benefit, just a personal psychological assurance and nothing more?

"Are you hurting?  Pray.  Do you feel great?  Sing.  Are you sick?  Call the church leaders together to pray and anoint you with oil in the name of the Master.  Believing-prayer will heal you, and Jesus will put you on your feet.  And if you've sinned, you'll be forgiven-- inside and out.  Make this your common practice:  Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed.  The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with.  Elijah, for instance, human just like us, prayed hard that it wouldn't rain, and it didn't-- not another drop for three and a half years.  Then he prayed that it would rain, and it did."  James 5:13-18

"...We'll stick to our assigned tasks of prayer and speaking God's Word."  Acts 6:4

"The mountain, for instance, you'll tell, 'Go jump in the lake,' and it will jump.  Absolutely everything, ranging from small to large, as you make it a part of your believing prayer, gets included as you lay hold of God."  Matthew 21:22

"The godless nations will sit up and take notice...When he attends to the prayer of the wretched.  He won't dismiss their prayer."  Psalms 102:14, 17

"That's why I urge you to pray for absolutely everything, ranging from small to large.  Include everything as you embrace this God-life, and you'll get God's everything.  And when you assume the posture of prayer, remember that it's not all asking.  If you have anything against someone, forgive-- only then will your heavenly Father be inclined to also wipe your slate clean of sins."  Mark 11:23-25

"My dear friends, if you know people who have wandered off from God's truth, don't write them off.  Go after them.  Get them back and you will have rescued precious lives from destruction and prevented an epidemic of wandering away from God."  James 5:19-20

-Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Internet

(If my doggie had a facebook profile pic, I'm pretty sure she'd choose this one.)
Oh my!  Our way of life sure has changed in 20 years, hasn't it?  Much less 100!  I mean, think about it.  The biggest change I see is all because of the internet.  Phones were a biggie, and even cars.  But the internet... Whoas.

For instance, facebook.  Yup.  That is nuts, right?  I mean, you can write your "status"  all day long if you wanted.  Especially those of us with an iPhone.  I mean, really.  It's really important for me to have my email with me, attached to my hip, 24/7, with the work I do.

And there's a facebook app for iPhones, so you can carry it with you everywhere.  I'm not saying this is bad.  I'm saying it's nuts!  I really love having it because I talk to my best buds throughout the day that don't live anywhere near me without having to be on the phone, which is usually short and awkward, am I right?  So, yes.  It rocks.

But at the same time, it is so freaky that we can live online.  Yes, live.  I do a lot of work on the computer every day.  About 3 hours, I suppose.  I can't even imagine being those of you who are at a desk; you could be on there all day, eh?  And even those folks who create the apps and software for a living.  That's all done on your computer...  Such a different world.

So I guess we need to make sure that it is an asset in our lives and not a distraction.  We need to make sure that it is something that enriches our lives, not something that takes away from our time with God.  Something that allows us to communicate love with others, not a replacement for the love-void you seem to have.

The internet can be a blessing, a curse, a distraction...  Let's make sure we use it healthily.

Peace out, Tara K
For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Koala & The Firefighter

There have been some really bad wildfires in Australia recently.  Please be praying for this situation.

But look at that picture.  Isn't that awesome?  Not only are these firefighters looking to help rescue the people, whom they know they can trust; they are also helping animals in need, something that could potentially hurt them.  But they are serving nevertheless.

What a good lesson, and perhaps, vision, of the Jesus we want to know, and be like, more;  serving someone even though they could potentially (and maybe even have already) hurt you.  I am not saying that on a dangerous level, by any means.  But there are levels of uncomfortableness, insecurity and the unknown that are scary.  What I am saying is that Jesus lived boldly, yet had a helping hand.  He stood firm in His beliefs and mission, but always had a listening ear.  He never made it "all about Him," and yet, it was.

"That is what the Son of Man has done:  He came to serve, not to be served- and then to give away his life in exchange for the many who are held hostage."  Matthew 20:28

How can I serve you today?

-Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Jennifer Hudson

Hi, guys.  So I didn't end up watching the Grammy's last night, but I did see Ellen Degeneres' spotlight on Jennifer Hudson today.  It was so inspiring, as she has lost her mother, brother and nephew last year.  Watch this touching video, and know that there is someone who will always see you through, no matter what.

"And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."  Matthew 28:20

-Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Hey guys.  My husband and I are sponsoring a young man, Eriakesi, in Uganda through Compassion.  If you have a spare 4 minutes, please watch a video through the link above.

Happy Thursday, Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I Got Nada

Nada.  That's what I've got for ya today.  Don't know why, maybe it's the snow.  That's right.  Let's blame it on the beauty of the snow.  So I just opened up "The Message, REMIX" and this is the page it landed on...

"I hate the two-faced,
but I love your clear-cut revelation.
You're my place of quiet retreat;
I wait for your Word to renew me.
Get out of my life, evildoers,
so I can keep my God's commands.
Take my side as you promised; I'll live then for sure.
Don't disappoint all my grand hopes.
Stick with me and I'll be all right;
I'll give total allegiance to your definitions of life.
Expose all who drift away from your sayings;
their casual idolatry is lethal.
You reject earth's wicked as so much rubbish;
therefore I lovingly embrace everything you say.
I shiver in awe before you;
your decisions leave me speechless with reverence."

Psalms 119:113-120

-Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Manna and Snow

So... today I was looking out the window with my pup, checkin' out the snow, which made me think of manna, which brought me to this story...  (I'm your storyteller for the day.)

On the fifteen day of the second month after they had left Egypt, the whole company of Israel moved on from Elim to the Wilderness of Sin which is between Elim and Sinai.  The whole company of Israel complained against Moses and Aaron there in the wilderness.  The Israelites said, "Why didn't God let us die in comfort in Egypt where we had lamb stew and all the bread we could eat?  You've brought us into this wilderness to starve us to death, the whole company of Israel!"  (Does this sound familiar?...)

"God said to Moses, 'I'm going to rain bread down from the skies for you. The people will go out and gather each day's ration.  I'm going to test them to see if they'll live according to my Teaching or not.  On the sixth day, when they prepare what they have gathered, it will turn out to be twice as much as their daily ration."

Then Moses and Aaron told the folks that that evening they will know that God has truly brought them out of Egypt, and that they've actually been complaining against God, not Moses.  Whoa.  Ouch.

"... In the morning there was a layer of dew all over the camp.  When the layer of dew had lifted, there on the wilderness ground was a fine flaky something... man-hu... They had no idea what it was.  Moses told them God's instructions [the exact rations for each person, and to not leave any of it until morning].

"But they didn't listen to Moses.  A few of the men kept back some of it until morning.  It got wormy and smelled bad...

"They gathered it every morning, each person according to their need.  Then the sun heated up and it melted.  On the sixth day they gathered twice as much bread...

And on the Sabbath, the people went out to gather but there wasn't any on the ground... So the Israelites followed God's command and didn't work on the seventh day from then on.  They named it, "manna," because it tasted like crackers and honey.  Exodus 16

God provided.  God provided when they did what He asked of them.  God provided when they stopped doubting Him.  God provided when they stopped being so hateful.  God provided when they gave it up to Him and did as He asked, even though it seemed impossible.  Seriously.  Food raining down from the sky.  But not only that, the food had certain regulations.  What?!  That's crazy talk.

But it was for real.  No matter how crazy it sounds, it WAS for real.  So no worries, kids.  God provides.  Follow Him, AND do as He asks.  He'll provide.


-Tara K

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!

Monday, February 2, 2009

A "Thank You" and an Excerpt

Guys!  Hi!  For those of you in the Mo-town surrounding area, thanks for joining us for our first full concert last night!  We enjoyed you so much.

I was doing a bible study with Priscilla Shirer today on King David.  Great message.  Thought I'd share what I got out of it:

So we all know that David was King, and that he was chosen as a child.  Only God could have done that; man would never have thought to pull that one out!  ;D  And a lot of us know that after David was anointed to be King, it was 22 years before he actually took on that role.  People, even his brothers, I'm sure, doubted this choice that was apparently supposed to take place, and it just wasn't happening, and for quite a while.  Hello.  22 years.  I'm only 26.  Think about it.  There must've been great doubt there.  Or one of those, too good to be true moments.  I got news for ya:  quit your 2nd guessing.  God ain't kiddin'.  And God ain't holdin' out on ya.  Read this next part, which I believe is the most significant part of this area in David's life.

What did David do between the time he was anointed until he took on the throne?  What was he doing for 22 years?  Was he passin' the time until "his time?"  Nope.  Listen here.  Shirer says, "David served in full submission as a mere armor bearer to the king.  The first step after being anointed was to SERVE.  Often servanthood and submission mark the TRUEST TEST of the anointed person.  David was no less anointed by God when serving than later when he sat on the throne."  David ran around getting food for folks, doing whatever they asked him to, just serving.

What you are doing now, whether it be a waiting period, the peak of your career, or the busiest, most hectic time of your life... Serve.  Listen.  Be available.  Even if someone is shutting you out when all you wanna do is help, just be available and serve when they say, "yes."  No matter how many times they say, "no," keep on being available to serve in Jesus' name for a time when they finally offer.  You can't control it all.  Just do what is asked of you.  

Love y'all.  TK, out.

For more on 29:11's ministry, go to
To listen to their music, head to, and search out:
29:11 The Plan!