So today is the day. The day of capturing. 'Capturing what,' you may say. Well. I can tell you this. It's not the day of capturing an evil mouse in your house, or capturing criminals in the darkness of the night. Nope. Not that at all. Today is the day of capturing video. Yes. I did say video. I've spend my entire day in this room you see behind me capturing video. I've been doing a lot of filming for friends and family lately, and now they're coming up all at the same time. It's great though, really. It's getting me the extra cash we need to 'get by,' and I get to help out some buddies in the process. I've allowed myself a little time for a delicious lunch and also a little NYC Ballet workout in front of the tele just to help out with all that pasta that I scarfed down;) But on a serious note, WHAT'S UP? I love the feedback we've been getting on the blogs, guys! So sweet of you to take time to let us know what you think! I would actually like to hear even more of you daily! Well, on an update, we've finished completely with the tracks, we're just waiting to get the glossed product back from the musicians, and then guess what? We'll have music available on our site and on itunes for you to pick up! Yay! We'll start out with the first releases, so be lookin' for 'em. Churches, let us know by emailing to let us know when you'd like to schedule a special event at your church. We'll make it happen! Well guys, lookin' forward to talking to ya soon. Keep us in your prayers, and let us know how we can pray for you too, ok? You're very important to us! -Tara KOh, yeah. And about my last post... The one that said that "you learn something new everyday?" Well, I've learned waaaay moooore than I ever wanna know about editing video today. Wow. My husband and all you other computer geeks, deserve a big hand! God has definitely blessed you folks with something really amazing. You just don't realize how hard what you do is to the "normal" folk. ;) Blessings! And remember Jeremiah 29:11. No matter what you're going through today. He has an amaaaaaazing plan for you! He wants to bless us beyond our wildest dreams. Let's get right with Him, and realize that He wants us to! He loves us! He loves us so very much!
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