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Thursday, August 28, 2008


"If you want more happy than your heart can hold, if you wanna stand taller if the truth were told, take whatever you have, and give it away."  This song we're singing at church next Sunday, Give It Away (and I'm not sure who it's by, so you may wanna check that out with our church, for more info), says it all.  This picture (above) is one piece of a 2-part painting that my husband and my puppy did for me.  Isn't it so thoughtful?  He just dipped her little paws in little bowls of paint, and picked her up, dotting her all across the canvas as a present to me.  I love these paintings so much because of the thought behind them (besides the fact that they really are pretty cool lookin').  Every time I look at them, it makes me feel so wanted and loved.  Don't we all wanna feel like that, constantly, all day long?  To have that assurance that there are folks on this earth that aren't too absorbed in themselves to give you a little piece of their time and energy?  Hearing that song makes me wanna give it away.  Not the paintings, of course.  You know what I mean.  But hey, if the Lord leads...  ;)  He provides us with so much.  He really is there for us.  And Jesus gave all of His time and energy to other people; we should do the same.  Take time out of your day, not just today, but every day this week, to make someone feel appreciated.  See how it affects your week.  Yeah, you may feel run over or not appreciated enough even at the time, but God will bless you for it.  He really does want us to be happy.  So this week (in the least!), let's make someone's day.  Every day.

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