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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I'm a Lover

Today I write as a lover. Sometimes we need to put ourselves in the view of what the Christians call, "the world." Christians take a "stand" by picketing for "sacred marriage." But how sacred do these same Christians consider marriage, while the Christian divorce rate is at 32%, and the non-Christian's rate is at 30% (according to Barna).

Notice how yelling at someone does nothing but either make them mad, turn them away, or both. Do we really want to turn those away from the church who we would like to see come to Christ most? When Jesus said in conclusion of one statement, the greatest of these is love, I think he was talking to us today. We live in a world, where, you either tolerate or hate. There is never any trace of give grace and love.

So today, instead of picket (tolerate or hate), choose the greatest commandment-- LOVE.

HINT: It comes by giving grace (and seeing that very large log in your own eye...)

All in love, TK 2911
iTunes: Won By One, Tara Kirk, 29:11 The Plan

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