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Monday, October 26, 2009

How Big of a Dork?...

How big of a dork am I? I've discovered (and rediscovered) some new music lately... So of course I'm inspired...

"And the worst part is
Before it gets any better we're
Headed for a cliff
And in the free fall, I
Will realize I'm better off
When I hit the bottom."

-Paramore, "Turn it Off"

Don't you feel that way? Seems like when we need God the most is when we're at rock bottom, so we're almost just better off to stay there. When we're on Cloud 9, all is good, we're like, "oh yeah, God. You rock. Thanks." But there's no more depth to it than that?

She goes on to say, in this song, that she's disappointed in the people she looked up to because they're trying to please people, just to come out "the hero."

That's all around, and most people will never see it. But in the end, do you wanna be the person who overcame because of your schemes and people-pleasing, or because of your God-pleasing boldness?

Do you find yourself in your spiritual peak when things are tough? Then change it! You can! :)

In thought, Tara K

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