Hey everyone! It's fall, and you know what that means... NEW TV SHOWS! Yay! I get excited when this time comes because finding a new show is one of the little hobbies my hubby and I like to do together. It's almost like NYC; there are so many things to watch, look at, absorb, etc. However, in this day and age, we've REALLY gotta be careful which shows we decide to put our tv time into. We need to make sure that the stuff we're putting in will be good coming out, get me? It's just fine, I believe, to enjoy some tv, but let's not put our values, things that we wouldn't do with our lives, our morals, down the crapper. There are some crazy shows out there. Drama drama drama. And I'm not talking the TNT kind. I'm talking the sleeping with the neighbor while the husband is away kind, or the husband belittling his wife and checkin' out other women, or the kind where Jesus' name is taken in vein, or the game shows with the women way too scantily dressed. Would you want your daughter wearing those outfits? What kind of message is that portraying to her? What are we saying about ourselves when we give those stations our ratings? We're supporting that! What you put in, is what you'll get out, however strong you think you may be. It's gonna come out, maybe not even out loud, but you'll be thinking about it. Just make good choices this fall. For your influence as a best friend, a spouse, a mother or father, as a daughter or son, a sibling, as a follower of Christ. Because it's gonna come up in the conversations you have with these people. No doubt. It will.
What will you have to say?
Tara K
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