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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bump in the Road

You may be wondering why my husband is acting so silly and making this face... Well well well.  Let me just start by saying this:  All of my work, everything I ever do, I store it on my computer.  Today, I am borrowing my husbands computer.  Why, you ask?  Hmm.  Well, it's because my computer is not responding... to anything.  My hard drive may very well not even exist anymore.  Um, can we just say scary?  Every every everything that I do, work, pics... it's all on there, and pretty much no where else.

So, what to do?  Well, God will make a way, won't He?  Even if I don't get my work back, it's most definitely not the end of the world.  A fresh start.  That actually sounds kind of perfect.

One of my best gal friend's favorites verses is  Ephesians 6:12.  For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness.

Remember that next time it feels like the world is fighting against you.  It always seems to come when you're most excited about your work or whatever it may be, doesn't it?  By reading this verse, I think we can understand why it seems to happen at times like these.  Times when we are really seeking God, really psyched to do something special, to do what you know you were created to do.  So just take it in stride, and be happy that you're a force that the enemy sees as a threat!  And in the words of my dear beloved Ruan, Be encouraged!  May he rest in peace, as I know he's with our faithful Lord as we speak!


Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Esther I Know

Hiyah!  Ok.  So this pic is of me playing "Paquita" in The Three Amigos at Old Tucson Studios in Tucson, Arizona in 2004 where the old John Wayne movies, The Three Amigos movie, Bonanza, etc. were filmed years ago.  I worked there for about 9 months singing/dancing/stunts, you name it.  Good times for me.

I had the best time there.  The sun, the dry air, the people, the shows... everything was so much fun.  I played so many different characters all day long, from Paquita the bandit, to Mrs. Perry the stickler-of-a-lawyer, you name it.  Good times.  We blew up banks, arrested the bad guys, sometimes I even played the bad guys... 

The reason why I'm giving you this little insight is because of how this job was so great in it's time.  This story connects to one of my dear friend's sister, and how she lives out her life.  Her name is Esther.  She is such a down-to-earth, natural, intelligent beautiful young woman.  She sets this comfortable atmosphere everywhere she goes, more than likely unknowingly because of how effortless it seems.  Anyway, from what I get from her, she doesn't do anything that makes her unhappy.  She always has a new adventure ahead of her.  She even considered being a river rafting instructor/guide just for a summer.  I wonder sometimes if we just lived our lives out day-to-day, as opposed to looking at the long-term so often.  Of course, we have to plan for our futures, look at the best possible decisions for our families.  I'm also not saying we should give up our good jobs to be a raft instructor.  ;0  All I'm saying is, live out your dreams.  Don't worry about the future, whether or not you're pleasing pleasing pleasing those around you.  Please God by loving others first, and you will create that atmosphere that Esther has.  You will make others comfortable in your presence.  They will let their guard down so that relationships can be built, not manipulated.  Those are the best kinds of relationships.  So often, we put on a front, but God wants us to let down judgement and insecurity and start with His presence filling all around us, bringing us closer to one another and to Him.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.  Hebrews 12:1-2

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Underneath It All

Everyday we get up, we go to work, we do "our thing."  Whatever it is that we do, we do it because we have to, because things have to get done, because we love it.  Whatever your reason, we all get up to do something.  Once we get there, whomever we see that day, do you let people see who you really are, or do you put on a show?

There a lot of "shows," by the way.  The I don't have any problems of my own, so I'll fix yours and put mine on the back burner, or the I'm a devoted Christian in church, but then out in the church parking lot, discuss what so and so had on that day (and not in a flattering manner)... Whatever the case may be, we all feel it deep down, or way back, inside of us.  Something telling us to deal with our own problems first, or not to say that thing that might hurt someone if we said it to their face.  That's the Holy Spirit telling us to hold back.  Believe it or not, there are times when we are to hold back things we wanna do or say, even if we justify them by putting others in the wrong.  It's so hard sometimes to just let go and let God.  But that's something God gave to us:  Free Will.  He created us to make our own choices; choices that could lead us running either towards, or away from, Him.

I mean, think about it.  He created our physical bodies so that we could make a choice in what we're going to eat that day;  a choice as to what is going to give us the fuel for living!  That's a big responsibility on our part!  But we sure do go through the motions on that one, don't we?  I've eaten so much bad-for-me food this past week just because I haven't had much of a kitchen to cook it in.  But that doesn't mean I couldn't have gone somewhere to grab some fresh veggies instead of eating all that, well, junk.  Buh.

Our life is full of choices.  Mostly really small choices that make up the big ones, in the end.  Let's choose our words (and even our food) wisely.  Because, underneath it all, who are we... really?

And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell.  But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.  Joshua 24:15

-Tara K

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dude. Don't move. Ever.

Seriously, kids.  Don't try this at home!  Or at a place you might think you wanna call home.  You don't every wanna move.  I promise.  Especially if it's your 9th one in 7 years.  Yeah...

No really, though.  Besides all of the crazy tornado mess that my house is in right now, I am lovin' it.  Even in the midst of this wreck of a cardboard-filled house, I am super excited.  Elated, even.  God is so in love with us.  No one could think up schemes like His;)  At the time, it seems like such incredibly hard work, but boy does he have the most beautiful needle you've ever seen in the middle of a haystack the size of the state of Tennessee (or whichever state you prefer, for you Americans)!

I don't know about you, but I don't think I've ever been this busy in my entire life!  Does this sound familiar to you?  I tell ya.  But the busyness is so great.  The weddings coming up, and all the showers and yada that comes with that... the church activities, and the ones you wish you could be a part of even though you're already doing more than your schedule would allow... those of you who have kids in school needing help with homework, or driving them to dance class... or those of you working two or three jobs just to help with the times in which we live... or those who even work at home and still feel like you don't get enough rest...

None of these are easy, are they?  No matter who you are, there is just not enough time in the day.  Especially for things like holding the door open for a stranger, or helping someone fix their sink when they have no idea what they're doing, or just simply giving your fave person in the whole world a phone call in the middle of the day just to say you needed to hear their voice.  But that's where we need to be.  We need to be thinking of others at all times.  I don't know about you, but I sure do feel like I've got enough to tend to.  But I'm pretty sure that Jesus didn't live like that, aren't you?  ;)  We never hear of masterpieces he created out of his carpentry.  I don't recall any famous Jesus-created sculptures, do you?  Nope.  That's because all of His time was spent on others.  Yeah, the times were different then.  But I'm willing to bet that Mary and Martha probably felt just like we do today.  As I recall, Martha had to learn a little lesson from Mary because she was too busy to just sit and be.  Just be with Jesus.  That's all.  Sounds pretty easy, doesn't it?  But then you're like, "well, I gotta go do this really quick, and then I will..."  Mmm-hmm.  We're all guilty.  You ain't gots ta lie, Craig.  ;)  Make a goal this week to take one thing out of your schedule and replace it with this:  A Time-Out.  Yup.  A time-out with God is all we need.  My day goes so so so so so much smoother when I just take a breather with Him.  So much.  You're not losing or wasting any of your tight schedule when you do this, I promise.  You get that time back a million times over.

So I'm gonna go now.  I'll be with My Lord.  Bless you all!

-Tara K

Saturday, September 20, 2008

48 Days!

Well, I bet many of you feel as if you don't even know me. I mean, I haven't blogged much. I must admit, that I've never been much of a blogger...however, I do want you to know me and since we aren't on the road, yet, I guess I need to find my way to this blog a little more often! Tara does such a great job at getting here so often. I am glad that you have her words to keep in touch with what's going on with us! I am not sure if she told you, but we are soooo close to being done with our studio time for this project. It has been fun and in a lot of ways fast (our studio time)...although it seems we have been working a long time on the project. Meanwhile, I have been COUNTING DOWN THE DAYS to my wedding! It is hard to believe that I will be married in just about 48 days! It's way harder to wait for than Christmas :-) The pic at the top of this blog is my fiance' and I at a shower my friend Brooke threw for us in North Carolina. You will know Jenny soon enough as she will be at some of our concerts (and will hopefully sing a song or two as well!)

It is amazing how God can use the smallest decisions....or decisions that you don't even know are huge decisions to mold and shape your future. Jenny and I started dating when we worked in a show called The Miracle together. However, I had sooo much trouble making up my mind to even come do that show. I mean I had two great offers (it being one of them) and prayed and prayed for God to reveal the right place for me to go. I felt like I wasn't getting a definitive answer and therefore assumed either must be ok. Then, right at the last minute, I felt this little tiny tug....really go to Tennessee. That little tiny tug led to one of the greatest life decisions I will ever make.

God doesn't always answer with a booming voice. Sometimes, I guess, He wants us to pay more attention and really listen. It could be at the time that we give that extra listen that God surprises us with His greatest gifts!

Well, I feel like I might be rambling in my excitement to marry my Jenny Ney. I am sooo excited to be out there meeting you all soon.

Keep the faith! (Hebrews 11:1)
-Aaron Daniel

Friday, September 19, 2008

Living Comic Book

Have you ever moved before?  It may sound like a silly question to you, but until I was 18, I'd never really moved, so this validates reasoning for my question.  It is a tough thing to do, I tell ya.  This will be my 9th move in 7 years.  I know, a lot, right?  It's pretty rough.  I'm sure you've been there.  And every time we move, there is more and more, just, stuff, than there was before.  It doesn't even seem real.  I feel like I'm living in a comic book sometimes;)  God is my hero, and He's soaring with me in His arms across the skyscrapers, taking me from adventure to adventure.  And they seriously get better and better.  I've really love where I live now, so it's kinda sad to see it go.

But isn't that how it always is with good things?  They usually don't last forever, because God is just growing us through this journey, preparing us for what's to come.  It's kinda scary, isn't it?  Or maybe scary isn't the right word.  Perhaps it's just more exciting than anything, because God is taking us to our next level, our next place.  You know, it's like that with any change in life.  It really is saddening to leave something that you love so much, just like my little place here on a hilltop in The Smokies.  But God has brand new plans for me, and they are plans for my good.  So that means that He's got something even better for me out there than I even have now.  And I'm really happy here!  God sure is a mysterious God, isn't He?

"Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love to those who love Him and keep His commandments, to a thousand generations, and repays to their face those who hate him... you shall therefore be careful to do the commandments and the statues and the rules that I command you today."  Duet. 7:9-11

-Tara K

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Let Your Little Light Shine

There is so much beauty in this world.  In the rush of our everyday life, I know for me, I forget to look for it.  Last summer we went to a beautiful place here in the Smokies called Abram's Falls.  We took the 2-hour hike to find this beautiful waterfall/swimming area.  Once we got in the water, we discovered you could get behind the waterfall, into a little hole, and just sit and enjoy the cool swirling air underneath.  Glorious, perfect.  The waterfall was so heavy that no one could even see you behind it once you were back there.  Isn't that how we see people, in a way?  I remember when I met my husband 7 years ago.  We were cast mates at an entertainment park.  I remember that, at this time, he didn't take my breath away every time I looked at him, as he does now.  However he did make me laugh... constantly.  And I, of course, found him attractive.  But I didn't look hard enough at him at that time to notice that he is the greatest, most special person that I've ever met.  I was too caught up in my own world, to look close enough to see just how beautiful he really is, inside and out.  Just think if we did that in our every day lives; what if we looked intently for the beauty all around us, just like these pictures of Abram's Falls.  Man, I truly believe this world would be a better place if we looked for the beauty in every situation.  If we went the extra mile, or hike, to see how we were all created in God's image.  We should look for that in our own selves every day.

I am working with a group of kids at church, Kid's On A Mission.  And they are singing a jazzed-up version of "This Little Light of Mine."  It says, "every day, every way, I'm gonna let my little light shine."  As hard as we try, we cannot change others.  But we can let OUR little light shine, can't we?  That's the best place to start for a beautiful well-hidden waterfall underneath.

-Tara K

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Decisions, Decisions

Hey everyone!  So sorry it has been a few days since we've been in touch.  Your pardons are greatly appreciated!  My grandparents had their 50th Year Wedding Anniversary in our hometown... so that's where we've been!  The internet wasn't really an option while we were there;)

Who loves them some Jesus?  Boy, I sure do.  He's a funny guy, right?  Sometimes He lets us make our own decisions, and sometimes He makes them for us.  I like it either way for many reasons.  When He makes the decisions for you by shutting doors or leaving you with no other options, it sure does make your choice pretty easy, doesn't it?  It can sometimes hurt your pride or your feelings because things can get shut down in your face, leaving you feeling that you're not good enough, or there's no other choice for you.  But it's nevertheless a choice you didn't have to worry about making, and that's a relief;)  On the other hand, when He gives you the choice, when YOU get to make the decision, it's time to seek His Guidance.  It's liberating to know that God trusts you enough to make the right decision, the decision He knows you will seek from Him.  But at the same time, it's kind of stressful, isn't it?  "Is this what God wants me to do, is this the right place for me," etc.  But as long as we're looking for God in the midst of it, if it is truly in His Will, then it's ok.  No need to stress.  He will not give us any more than we can handle, and He tells us that!  Yay for The Word!  Yay for God and his super genius idea to send us the bible, isn't it?!  When I look around at all the resources He has created for us, it blows my mind.  Billions of years ago, He sent us resources that we will still be able to use today!  God is good, is He not?

I'm so excited to be back in action with you!  We're getting ready to go on the road with 29:11's music, ministering to churches on (mainly) Sunday nights.  So if you want us to come your way, let us know.  Shout out to us at and let us know if you want us to stop by.  We travel quite the mile, so don't worry about the distance.  We sure can plan a route! ;) We'll send promo posters for your church members to get more info, to get better acquainted with us.  Bless ya!  Love ya lots!

-Tara K

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Morning Routine

Laugh often.  Smile a lot.  Enjoy today.  Enjoy this morning...

What do you wake up thinking about everyday?  Do you think about what you've gotta get done, hurry hurry hurry?  Or do you thank God for the day and start floating around, whistling, smiling?  Or how about those of us who get up and wonder where the night went, barely able to open our eyes and think, "just 5 more minutes?"  Or is it just mechanical, la di da, doin' the same ole same ole?

I just wonder what our days would be like if we made an effort to have a certain frame of mind when we wake up each day.  Would it make a difference in how we address our loved ones, or our co-workers and friends we see throughout the day?  Would it make a difference in our prayer lives?  In our relationship with the One who is most important to us, our God?  He wants us to start off our day relying on Him.  He wants us to rely on Him 24/7, not just in our personal devotional time or in our time of need. He wants our relationship with Him to be closer than any other relationship we have ever had with anyone else.  His love is so warm and merciful and generous.

Your life may be way too busy, or way to chill.  But either way, there's always an excuse to put God off until later on in the day.  And then the day has passed, and you end up forgetting all about making time to sit alone with God.  Always always always an excuse.  We need to know much more of Him everyday; we need His help.  It's amazing how much better your day is just because of this divine communication.

What will you think about tomorrow morning?

-Tara K

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It's Fall: So Many Choices

Hey everyone!  It's fall, and you know what that means... NEW TV SHOWS!  Yay!  I get excited when this time comes because finding a new show is one of the little hobbies my hubby and I like to do together.  It's almost like NYC; there are so many things to watch, look at, absorb, etc.  However, in this day and age, we've REALLY gotta be careful which shows we decide to put our tv time into.  We need to make sure that the stuff we're putting in will be good coming out, get me?  It's just fine, I believe, to enjoy some tv, but let's not put our values, things that we wouldn't do with our lives, our morals, down the crapper.  There are some crazy shows out there.  Drama drama drama.  And I'm not talking the TNT kind.  I'm talking the sleeping with the neighbor while the husband is away kind, or the husband belittling his wife and checkin' out other women, or the kind where Jesus' name is taken in vein, or the game shows with the women way too scantily dressed.  Would you want your daughter wearing those outfits?  What kind of message is that portraying to her?  What are we saying about ourselves when we give those stations our ratings?  We're supporting that!  What you put in, is what you'll get out, however strong you think you may be.  It's gonna come out, maybe not even out loud, but you'll be thinking about it.  Just make good choices this fall.  For your influence as a best friend, a spouse, a mother or father, as a daughter or son, a sibling, as a follower of Christ.  Because it's gonna come up in the conversations you have with these people.  No doubt.  It will.

What will you have to say?

Tara K

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Strange Faces

Why the strange faces, you ask?  Well there are a lot of emotions today, I tell ya.  Ok.  So first, we found a new house that might save us a lot of moolah, but the bedroom is smaller than the one we have now.  Hence, dazed and confused face.  And I feel like I'm getting a cold and my throat is very itchy... not so great for a singer, you might've heard that... ;)

Hence the pout face.  Thirdly, we are going to my hometown (yes, again) this weekend for my grandparents 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration, and I get to sing at my home church!  But my throat is itchy...  Hence the happy, but not so sure what's gonna happen face.  Anyway.  I know that God will provide, and His Will will happen.  And I wanna be in the midst of it, so I've just gotta give it up to Him.  He's so cool, I gotta tell ya.  I tell you these stories not out of small talk, but to testify to you that I don't have it easy breezy, and I rely on God's Promises just as much as you do. I have to rely on Him day-to-day to bring me what I need to make it.  Because you know just as much as I do that I CANNOT make the paths for me that God has chosen.  I had a completely different one planned out.  COMPLETELY.  And I liked, no, I NEEDED His way so much more, and I've grown so much more through and in Him because of the road He's chosen for me.  Even though I don't deserve a single thing that He's given to me, He still gives because He's a God of mercy and love and hope and forgiveness and passion.  A God of Greatness!  In my own personal weakness, I'm made even stronger than I was when I was strong through His strength. 

"I can do all things through him who strengthens me."  Phillipians 4:13

Love you all, and please say a little prayer for me that I don't get this cold, and that it goes away.  Thank you, Tara K

Monday, September 8, 2008

Here's to Not Being Anxious

Cheers, all.  Just like you can count on your daily coffee to keep you awake, keep the headaches away, to warm up your body, and to tingle your taste buds, you can also count on God to take care of you.  Wahoo!  Get this:  "Be strong; fear not!  Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God. He will come and save you."  So no worries, right?  Here's a little challenge for ya today.  Go get your bible, that's right.  Go get it.  Read the rest of this passage- Isaiah 35:4-10.  Your challenge is to read this and find a way to be discouraged.  I want you to try to challenge your self and your situations and see if you can really sit and be hopeless after reading that.  Now God also tells us that we need to believe these things.  I don't believe that He can truly bless us the way He wants to (and believe me, He REALLY wants to bless us abundantly), if we don't believe with our entire heart and being that He wants to take care of us and make us happy.

Put your TRUST and FAITH in Him.  "If you are not firm in faith, you will not be firm at all."  Isaiah 7:9  Remember that song you used to sing in Sunday School, the one about building your house on a rock or sand? Building on sand may work for a while.  That is, until the rain comes...

P.S.  Be bold in your faith, guys.  My blog from Saturday may actually even upset some people, but I did not write it to upset anyone.  I wrote it to prove that even the best of churches, the best of people, make mistakes.  Most of the time, they don't even realize that they're doing it;  they don't believe what they're doing is wrong.  But spending even more time with God in situations like that is where you'll find your answer, what HE wants you to do.  Wrong decisions were obviously made in these churches, but seeking God will let us know what is His Will, what is the right choice.

-Tara K

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Do You Regret?

Going back to your hometown can bring back old memories. Ah, the can't-belive-we-made-it-out times, the critical-decision-making times, but best of all, just thinking back on the good times we had there.  My husband and I got our 1st apartment together there, we bought our 1st house there, courted there, got married there... and not in that specific order, mind you;) I don't regret one little decision we made there, even our decisions to leave our home and make "the road" our home.   And it really was great to go back.  We got to see family and catch up with them.  We also caught up in on some other stuff that is just a part of life, and I hate to see it happen.  Different churches in the area have split apart, dimmed down, or just simply have run their members away.  That just really stinks, doesn't it?  Buh.  No matter what happend, and no one may never REALLY know what when on, but it upsets me nevertheless.  I hope in situations like this, the realization of what truly happened is there from all parties, whether who thinks they're right or wrong.  This way, we can help things like this from happenning again.  Whatever the case may be, when pride and arrogance is given up to prayer, we usually do find the answer.  So don't regret the things in your life that have made you truly happy in the Lord, but do mend all things, no matter if you've regretted them or not.

"...Let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit; perfecting holiness in the fear of God.  Make your hearts.  I do not speak to condemn you...Great is my confidence in you...For the sorrow that is according to the will of God produces a repentance without regret, leading to salvation." 2 Corinthians 7

-Tara K

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Who's Right?

So who is right anyway?  When you watch shows that show many sides of politics and situations that get the media' attention, who is to say who is right and who is wrong?  For that matter, IS any one person right or wrong?  With my faith, I tend to agree with Republicans on a lot of situations.  But I am not gonna put myself in a situation saying that I'm either a Rep or a Democrat.  Why do that?  Because I don't know for sure if I can put myself in a group that I'm not sure if I agree with EVERY SINGLE thing that they say or do.  I just can't do that.  What I CAN say, is that I believe in EVERY SINGLE thing the Holy Bible says, however.  So that is what I will stick to:  Being a Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ, a representative of the real God.  If you're undecided about your vote, or even perhaps decided just because of the party and not their experience, allure, or intelligence, its ok.  Really, it is.  Just pray about who God wants in the driver's seat of this country.  Because we all know that no matter which party is elected, that person is gonna do whatever they feel necessary and not what "their party" says to do.  Pray for someone who you think will truly seek God's guidance, because that's who I want in my driver's seat: GOD!  Either way, God is gonna take care of us, no matter who is in office.  He will provide for our needs.  Let's be proactive and listen to him BEFORE the election.

Bless you guys, and have a good one!  Leaving to see my family tonight, so I'd appreciate your prayers!  Love ya, Tara K

Monday, September 1, 2008

Papa Leo

My husband's grampa, Papa Leo, has taken the road to heaven today.  If you could please pray for this family and for the travels as we go to gather in his memory.  Please pray that we will be good witnesses of our Lord's love, life and mercy while we are there.  Thank you so very much. We really appreciate it.  Talk to you as soon as I can.

"Truly, truly I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life.  He does not come into judgement, but has passed from death to life."  -Jesus

Love you, Tara K