BTW, it's been a while. I know... :D
Once upon a time, you were considered a Man of God if you told people you were religious. Over time, and through much hypocrisy, people now tell others that they are spiritual instead, because that is what their faith is about. And now, I am starting to see the disgust in non-believers faces when we throw out such religious jargon such as this. I'm sure they don't even enjoy the label, non-believers.
What I want to say to you today is this: We are not to judge anyone. If you must judge, judge yourself only. You can't even judge your own spouse, sibling, cousin, mother, or father. You have no idea what their spiritual life is like.
Let us not become content in what we do. For example, when you finally find the perfect skin care line, after much hard work and a lot of searching, you become content with your beauty secret. And it becomes just that. Your little secret. Another example: The church has searched and searched for music to relate to people, and Contemporary Christian Music has come about. It took a lot of effort to get there. And it is reaching so so so many people. But now what? Do we become content in our search, and make it our little secret? Or do we begin a new search, and a new search, and a new one? Why do we become so sure of ourselves in the way we relate to the public?
I ask you this not to judge our Sunday morning worship sets. I absolutely love worshipping with my fellow believers on Sunday mornings, and I always enjoy it. I am a music fan. You give me just about any song, and as long as it has a good beat, and is not offensive, chances are, I am gonna relax and enjoy it.
If you are a fan of that country music song that talks about how special life is, and how you think your wife is just the sweetest, but you are afraid to let your pastor in on your secret favorite song, please. Come on. Our so-called spiritual life, and our regular, everyday life, are the same. How you treat people that know you're a Christian and those who don't... It's all the same. Jesus did not die on the cross just for us to rejoice only in the fact that He died on the cross. Get me? He died so that we might have life! Life!!! Not just enjoyment in that one event. He wants us to enjoy our spouse, and tell everyone just how much they mean to us. Hey, why not even sing a song about it? He wants us to enjoy our children, our jobs, our friendships. And if we so feel led to rejoice in those things, then rejoice in those things! If you are rejoicing in these things because they are personal accomplishments, then no. If you are rejoicing in these things because God has given them to you to enjoy? Then, by all means, yes! Tell the world about your loving family. Tell the world that Jesus lives. If you make them two separate parts of your life, you're not going to impact many. So many people miss out on church because they despise the hypocrisy in it all, and how none of it relates to real life.
Judge your own spiritual intentions constantly. Stay on the ball. Your ball. Not on anyone else's. How dangerous a place to be, judging others' spiritual lives.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I almost did not write this blog because by doing so, I criticize those criticizing. So what does that make me? So I say these things to you in conviction of my own judgement. May I live what I teach.
2911ThePlan.comiTunes.comfacebook group: 29:11 The Plantwitter:
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
The Cleaning Process: Dance, The Example

Sorry it's been so long, my peeps. I haven't been able to login to my blogger in quite some time...
So. What up? With me? Well, my dance classes are coming to a close as Recital 2010 is drawing near. A couple of my classes have been finished with their dance for two weeks now, which is one week ahead of goal. They have worked their buns off on memorization, and now it is time to make 'em look, sound and move like the gems and team they are. My other classes are notsumuch there, but if they pick it up and work hard the next 3 weeks, they'll rock it out in recital too. They have the potential, let's see if they have the drive.
I love this process, especially this part of the process... THE CLEANING PROCESS. I love it. The cleaning process is where we take the dancers as individuals, and make them look and sound like the whole. Get it? Working together to be one! Hmmm... Sounds like something we were assigned to do, as Christians, am I right?
So today I encourage you to work with one another, rather than against or close to. Let's not judge, diminish or put down one another for our lack of religious disagreements and misinterpretations of God's law. Let's live out in love and as imperfect people ourselves.
Here's to you and that goal!
Much love, Tara K
facebook group: 29:11 Ministries
Monday, March 29, 2010
Spring Break

Aaah. Spring Break. When you get back from your busy vaca schedule, do you ever feel like you need a vacation... again? Whew. I need myself a day off to regather myself and rest from my week of so-called resting. Don't get me wrong. I love and need that time of getaway, especially when it involves visiting family you only see a few times a year. Some of them, only once, depending on who can come visit you. But a day of vaca after vaca is just what ya need sometimes.
That got me to thinking about God's vacation days. Let's see. He's been around since, like, forever... so. How many days has He taken to rest? As far as I know, just the one, right? Surely He doesn't sit back and watch us squirm so He can zone and tune us out for a week or two per year... Right?
Vacation isn't the only thing that can wear us out. If you are not a church-goer, then you might just be tired of all the "say" that Christians have with no "do." And if you're a Christian, you may be burnt out on all the trivial things that you can get caught up in inside the church doors. No matter who you are, or what you're worn out from, here's a passage for you:
Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly.
-Matthew 11:28, The Message
Walk and talk with Him. Learn HIS way of doing things. Not the church's or the world's.
Rest up! Much love, Tara K
facebook group: 29:11 The Plan
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Seasoned with Salt

Sometimes you may not have the right words to say. Sometimes you don't know just what to pray either. And sometimes it's hard just trying to figure out what to say to those whom we want to encourage, but don't know.
We have been given instructions. (How convenient.) ;)
Devote yourselves to prayer being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, [Paul and his messengers, which now you can insert your pastor and teachers here], too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly as I should. Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.
Colossians 4:2-6
Just as a sports player follows his coach's playbook, we have been given our own.
In Him, Tara K
facebook group: 29:11 The Plan
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
The Giggles

Now I'm not sure I totally believe this statement, because you might be in a place where no laughter has come in your day, but there sure is, at least, a smile of hope.
I had a fabulous lunch today. Not because of a fancy place. Or because of a high-class, artsy dinner, which I do enjoy. Not because of the designer clothes I put on. No. None of that happened. It was in a cafeteria. It smelled just like an elementary school, as a matter of fact. Took me back.
But it was because of the company. Ever laughed so hard that you had a case of "The Giggles" that wouldn't go away once you got started with them? Yeah. The kind you get sitting in a room where you should be acting like a lady (or a fine young gentleman, perhaps in your case), and then someone farts really loud? For some reason, a fart is just funnier in those situations, isn't it?
I pray you're having a good day, and even that you get a case of "The Giggles." Although it is hard to see sometimes, there is light at the end of the tunnel, and the reason for that is the bright, shining Son.
Much love, Tara K
facebook group: 29:11 The Plan
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Words Out of Their Mouth
Sometimes taking the words right out of someone's mouth (or album, for that matter) can be just like God saying them right to your face. Someone did that for me yesterday... and I don't even know if they knew it. Nah. I don't even think they did.
Now I'm gonna take the words right out of someone different's words, and relay them to you.
Hope it blesses you.
Tell me I’m forgiven and loved
‘Cause I hear it from the street corner preached, yes
On how God is love and how man can be clean
But my joy has been on holiday
And my peace has almost passed away
Tell me I’m forgiven and free
O I tried and tried to rectify my hopeless situation
But I bought the lie I still have work to do
Now I’m working nine to five like I can earn my own salvation
But there is no condemnation in You
O whisper to me now that it’s for real
‘Cause in the silence of these walls righteousness lost its appeal
Dirty deeds have done me in
O but that can’t stop the faithful friend
Giving mercy once again as You heal
Here it is I’m feeling it
O He died, He died to rectify my hopeless situation
And His blood commands my guilt to leave
Now on Calvary I stand
Empty pockets, open hands
O there is no condemnation for me
Child, you’re forgiven and loved
Child, you’re forgiven and loved
Child, you’re forgiven
And child, you are loved
Child, you’re forgiven and loved
-Jimmy Needham, Forgiven and Loved
Much love, Tara K
facebook group: 29:11 The Plan
Now I'm gonna take the words right out of someone different's words, and relay them to you.
Hope it blesses you.
Tell me I’m forgiven and loved
‘Cause I hear it from the street corner preached, yes
On how God is love and how man can be clean
But my joy has been on holiday
And my peace has almost passed away
Tell me I’m forgiven and free
O I tried and tried to rectify my hopeless situation
But I bought the lie I still have work to do
Now I’m working nine to five like I can earn my own salvation
But there is no condemnation in You
O whisper to me now that it’s for real
‘Cause in the silence of these walls righteousness lost its appeal
Dirty deeds have done me in
O but that can’t stop the faithful friend
Giving mercy once again as You heal
Here it is I’m feeling it
O He died, He died to rectify my hopeless situation
And His blood commands my guilt to leave
Now on Calvary I stand
Empty pockets, open hands
O there is no condemnation for me
Child, you’re forgiven and loved
Child, you’re forgiven and loved
Child, you’re forgiven
And child, you are loved
Child, you’re forgiven and loved
-Jimmy Needham, Forgiven and Loved
Much love, Tara K
facebook group: 29:11 The Plan
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
The 1st Commandment with a Promise

Interested in the first commandment with a promise? Here it is:
Honor your father and mother. The promise? That it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth. Ephesians 6:1-3
How about that? Sounds easy enough. There's a little more to it...
Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. vs. 4
Be the godly example. Follow that godly example. You will not only be obeying an earthly father, but the heavenly one as well. And He will be pleased.
Much love, Tara K
facebook group: 29:11 The Plan
Monday, February 8, 2010
Christians, The Hypocrites

Christians are often called hypocrites. Why? Because the world expects so much more out of our behaviors and actions than just any ordinary person. And for good reason:
...I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
Ephesians 4:1-3
There IS more expected out of us. And it first comes from God. Be the example you want to see.
Much love and in Him, Tara K
facebook group: 29:11 The Plan
Monday, February 1, 2010
Be Like Paul.

Not too long ago, I read through Galatians. I was reminded how I want to be as bold, fierce and committed as Paul. He never held back. I get so motivated any time I read anything he has written.
Our youth pastor preached this Sunday as our senior pastor was away. He motivated me as well as he spoke about being the HANDS, FEET and SPLEEN of Jesus. Pretty great, right?
So it got me to thinking- What can I do DAILY to be these things, and to be as fierce with them as Paul was? By using the fearlessness of Paul, and serving people above ourselves on a daily... even hourly basis... What kind of difference can we make? Seems like it would make ALL the difference, eh? What about going wherever we can, committed as Paul?
It's a thought to think on... I think.
Much love, Tara K
facebook group: 29:11 The Plan
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Freedom. Freedom! Freedom!!! FREEDOM!!!!

It is for FREEDOM that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again...
You who are trying to be justified by law...have fallen away from grace. But by faith we eagerly await...righteousness...
The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.
The one who is throwing you into confusion will pay the penalty, whoever he may be.
You...were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature, rather, serve one another in love... Love your neighbor as yourself.
So I say, LIVE BY THE SPIRIT, and you will not gratify the desires of sinful nature... ...if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. AGAINST SUCH THINGS THERE IS NO LAW... Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep IN STEP with the Spirit.
Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should RESTORE HIM GENTLY... Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else, for each one should carry HIS OWN LOAD.
Do not be deceived. God cannot be mocked. A MAN REAPS WHAT HE SOWS. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction, the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. LET US NOT BECOME WEARY IN DOING FOOD, FOR AT THE PROPER TIME WE WILL REAP A HARVEST IF WE DO NOT GIVE UP.
May I never boast EXCEPT IN THE CROSS of our Lord Jesus Christ... What counts is A NEW CREATION.
Verses taken from Galatians 5 & 6
Freedom in Christ. Live by the Spirit. Love your neighbor as yourself.
Pretty good advice, Paul.
Much love, Tara K
facebook group: 29:11 The Plan
Monday, January 4, 2010
Fall In Love

Happy Near Year and Snow Day, everyone! So many of our new year's resolutions involve our career goals or weight loss... which are really important! It's always so great and essential to keep our health at a priority. And as far as career goals, it's also a great thing to keep following big dreams and aspirations, especially those that will make a potentially stable life for your family.
One resolution I think we often look over as an option could be to read our bibles through (again, if we have before). And not just read it, but fall in so much love with it that we can't get enough of it- when it becomes our source of life and every breath. And what about the resolution option to fall in love with everyone around you? We often find comfort in our groups of favorite people, and those of positive, godly influence should be that group. Do not be mislead: "Bad company corrupts good character." 1 Corinthians 15:33. And this is essential. But we also need to fall in love with EVERYONE around us. Those who need God and don't have Him. How else will they know Him if we are not in love with God? Surely the Holy Spirit will do it's part, but so should we. And not even out of duty. But love.
I pray you find so much love in your heart that you can't contain the beats. Metaphorically, of course. :)
Happy New Year!
Tara K
facebook group: 29:11 The Plan
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